Indian Domestic Cricket

I Am excited ot see abid nabi bowl in the ICL,I hope his performances in england really fire him up-

I Loved his comments on being fast ,i like his attitude he made amistake by joining ICL but i think ICLIs doomed and he would get in some good ranji team soon.

I Think For the first round of matches my predictions are

1-Mumbai versus karnataka-Karnataka to win
2-orissa versus uttar pradesh -we win in two days ha..ha..ha
3-Tamilnadu versus maharastra -draw unless munaf wakes up on right side of the bed
4-Punjab v Andhra-Punjab
5-Bengal v Hyderababad-draw
6-Delhi v Rajasthan-Delhi
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Huh... those are interesting predictions. I guess Mumbai will be affected by a couple of their stronger players getting into the national team, but I still think they would prevail against Karnataka.

1. Mumbai beats Karnataka
2. Uttar Pradesh beats Orissa... though I'm from Orissa, we just made it back to the Super League this year and it's a whole different level of competition.
3. Tamil Nadu draw Maharashtra
4. Punjab draw AP
5. Bengal beats Hyderabad... just a hunch.
6. Delhi beats Rajasthan.

Should be interesting, though.
I only know the teams and know nothing of past records. here are my guesses though.

1. Mumbai beats Karnataka
2. Uttar Pradesh beats Orissa
3. Tamil Nadu Beat Maharashtra
4. Punjab beat AP
5. Bengal beats Hyderabad... just a hunch.
6. Delhi beats Rajasthan.
I'm gonna back Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. :happy
S. Raina got a classy Double ton in first class guys...against Orissa 216...his average n everything looks good....I believe India didn't use him well...they used him as a sloger down at 6...well hes a classy touch player than a hard hitter nor he can do with the body structure of his... They should bring him back and make him bat at 3 or 4 and see what he does...
Let's see how my predictions are going:

1. Mumbai beats Karnataka
Karnataka bowled out for under 200 and Mumbai have racked up over 300 with 3 wickets still in hand. Looking good.
2. Uttar Pradesh beats Orissa... though I'm from Orissa, we just made it back to the Super League this year and it's a whole different level of competition.
Orissa bowled out for 216 and UP are 410/7 led by Raina's first ever double century. Raina is unbeaten with 203 off 217. Looking good.
3. Tamil Nadu draw Maharashtra
Maharashtra have 272/4 after 2 days of play. Looks like play was held up. Looking like a draw...
4. Punjab draw AP
Andhra put up 334 and Punjab have made 173/3. Looking like a draw!
5. Bengal beats Hyderabad... just a hunch.
Bengal have 289/5 after one day of play and Manoj Tiwary is unbeaten with 147. Too early to call.
6. Delhi beats Rajasthan.
Wowza! Delhi bowled out for 119, Rajasthan bowled out for 85. Delhi now 6/0. This one looks like it'll be tight unless Delhi puts up a large second innings total.
Tiwary went on to make a double-century.

Edit - Sohum, looks like you were wrong with the Mumbai one! Dravid got a double-century! Thank god, to say the least.
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Yup, was a good innings from Dravid. Delhi-Rajasthan prediction looks to be pretty accurate with Rajasthan requiring 200+ runs with 3 wickets left. Bengal-Hyderabad is looking tight, though. A good second innings would force the match into a draw.
Hehe, you won't believe that I'm 14 too.

Anyway, Kerala actually won a game for a change, I hardly know the team (except Yohannan) but a win is win) :D.
The rosters for the ICL have been fixed, I'm gonna support Chennai, I like Stuey Law the best out of all the captains and I think they have a good batting lineup and as well as an awesome coach (Michael Bevan).

Creepy. Following Chennai here as well.
Chris Read, the best wicketkeeper in England.
Russel Arnold - Sri Lankas handy allrounder who has saved them many a game
Stuart Law - Supposedly good in County cricket
Sriram - Was an exciting prospect for India. Sad that he was not selected more.
Badani - Same as above. Batted wonderfully against Australia in the TVS Cup.

I'll join in and support Delhi as they have Paul Nixon and he's Leicestershires captain. The king of the reverse sweep will destroy Chennai ;)

There is already a thread for the ICL in the general section of Cricket Chat, please use that thread.

The posts have been moved there.
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But this is a thread about Indian Domestic Cricket and I would think it would be more applicable to have ICL Discussion in the "Current Tours and Events" section...?
But this is a thread about Indian Domestic Cricket and I would think it would be more applicable to have ICL Discussion in the "Current Tours and Events" section...?

Yes, it would. I am going to move the ICL thread to the Current Tours and Events subforum.

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