Interaction with Transmission

For me it's the AI field settings. I thought I read that we would be suprised at how intelligently and how quickly AI would respond to us hitting a ball somewhere. Well it's like watching a frigging dinosaur thinking as the fielding team make up there mind;

(slow, dumb voice)

"Oh they 'ave hit the ball over there! A message is going to my brain! I fink I 'ave to do summink! Not yet though, my 'ead 'urts! Oh they 'ave 'it the ball over there! A message is goin' to my brain! I fink I..........!"

Ad Infinitum

Why oh why if you set a strong off-side field would you bowl at somebody's legs?? It just doesn't make sense.

What are they thinking:

"Ha ha, he's falling for it. He's scoring an incredibily quick century into the legside but little does he know that we are just buttering him up because when he approaches his double century off 63 balls we are going to put a fielder there and stop the ball. The fool, the fool! Victory is ours! Today long on, tomorrow the world!! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

(Scooby Doo villian type laugh!)

I have rung Transmission Games. Unfortunately no-one was there. I got the answering machine:

"Thank you for calling. Unfortunately no one is able to take your call. We are all in the wrong room and haven't figured out a way yet of getting back into the right room. We hope to patch this soon and are at this moment monitoring bugs. Once we have finished counting insects we will get back to you."

In an e mail they defended themselves saying that they thought Jamie was going to make sure everyone was in the right room but he had been so busy and wasn't able to tell them on time thinking that Heath had already done so.

They also wanted to correct a misunderstanding: AI doesn't mean Artifical Intelligence but in fact means Absoulte Bollocks. They are hoping to patch AI into AB as soon as Jamie gets back from asking Heath why someone put James Anderson into the game as a bowler when everyone knows he is an opening batsman.

Anyway I shall get back to everyone when I have had more information from these wonderful guys who are absolutely sincere about the future of this game. Jamie told me that himself and promised me lots of Panini's if I gave him a good report. As soon as he is back from his "trip to the Bahama's to sort out the Bobby Anderson thingy" he will get in touch.

Thanks to Codemasters and Transmission. Keep the faith!:)
Now thats funny :rtfl. I hope Heath and Jamie read this. Can some one email this post to them
Hopefully EA will notice AC09 sales and then bring out there own version in the future because just like BLC 05 & 07 , 09 has dissapointed.

There's more chance of getting a comprehensive patch for AC 09 than EA Cricket coming out with anything worthwhile.
There's more chance of getting a comprehensive patch for AC 09 than EA Cricket coming out with anything worthwhile.

Well we need competition to bring improvements so lets hope they do. Having said that, and I know I blow this trumpet a tad too much but Flight Simulator never had much competiton and they improved their efforts to bring a core game that is very, very well done. Having said that there is a massive add-on market that enables people to really add bells and whistles to the experience. I couldn't imagine the same kind of add-on market for a cricket game. And why has FS been successful? Because they get a percentage of the add-on markets products. So people editing stuff should make us pay for it is the conclusion of my little speech.....mmm, maybe not:)
Along with the financial support of M$.

The thing I try to remember is that the bottom line for any profit-driven company is the almighty dollar.

Non-profit-driven companies don't/won't last long. Like it or lump it all companies have to make a profit first and foremost.

dutchad said:
Thanks for that. Confirms once again what I have said here a number of times that I believe these are sincere guys. Yes they have got a business to run but I think they are genuinely interested in this game and want to see it work. I think we will get a patch and we can look forward to an improved game next year as we go towards the Ashes in Australia. In the meantime I shall continue to enjoy this one.

:) Here. Here.

(mind you, you do support Kent!)
Along with the financial support of M$.

Non-profit-driven companies don't/won't last long. Like it or lump it all companies have to make a profit first and foremost.

:) Here. Here.

(mind you, you do support Kent!)

Oops my bad, spelling mistake. That should be a "u"!:);):D
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Along with the financial support of M$.

Non-profit-driven companies don't/won't last long. Like it or lump it all companies have to make a profit first and foremost.

:) Here. Here.

(mind you, you do support Kent!)

So what you've done here is:

A) Criticise my quote by stating the obvious,
B) Confirm your ongoing support for Codemasters, almost like you're afraid to hurt their feelings.

The quote from dutchad is weeks old. He's made many justifiable negative comments about the game since that time. The horse has already bolted and you're coming in now?

Even Masterblaster - the most staunch supporter of AC09 you will ever find - doesn't sugarcoat his comments.
Well we need competition to bring improvements so lets hope they do. Having said that, and I know I blow this trumpet a tad too much but Flight Simulator never had much competiton and they improved their efforts to bring a core game that is very, very well done. Having said that there is a massive add-on market that enables people to really add bells and whistles to the experience. I couldn't imagine the same kind of add-on market for a cricket game. And why has FS been successful? Because they get a percentage of the add-on markets products. So people editing stuff should make us pay for it is the conclusion of my little speech.....mmm, maybe not:)

You know what annoys me the most? The next FS game, FS 11, was actually due to have a proper career mode! So, what do MS go and do? They axe it just as it is going to have a mode that'll make it more than a load of disconnected flights (outside of buying expansion packs, of course).

MasterBlaster76 added 0 Minutes and 48 Seconds later...

So what you've done here is:

A) Criticise my quote by stating the obvious,
B) Confirm your ongoing support for Codemasters, almost like you're afraid to hurt their feelings.

The quote from dutchad is weeks old. He's made many justifiable negative comments about the game since that time. The horse has already bolted and you're coming in now?

Even Masterblaster - the most staunch supporter of AC09 you will ever find - doesn't sugarcoat his comments.

No point. If I think something's garbage, I'll say so. If I think it's great, I'll also say so. :)
So what you've done here is:

A) Criticise my quote by stating the obvious,
B) Confirm your ongoing support for Codemasters, almost like you're afraid to hurt their feelings.

The quote from dutchad is weeks old. He's made many justifiable negative comments about the game since that time. The horse has already bolted and you're coming in now?

Even Masterblaster - the most staunch supporter of AC09 you will ever find - doesn't sugarcoat his comments.

1) Don't make such a daft phrase as "profit-driven company" then.
2) My ongoing support for Codies? Have you read my review? I think, and have maintained in several places on PC, that I think AC09 in it's current state is a poor game, with potential. I am of the belief that the potential will be unlocked.
1) Don't make such a daft phrase as "profit-driven company" then.
2) My ongoing support for Codies? Have you read my review? I think, and have maintained in several places on PC, that I think AC09 in it's current state is a poor game, with potential. I am of the belief that the potential will be unlocked.

I'm not sure where you think you got the right to tell me to "don't" do something - that won't get you anywhere. And insinuating other people are "daft" is not your call either, nor is it appropriate.

I'll play by the rules of the forum but I'm not going to take any crap either.
I'm not giving you any crap. But if you make daft comments then don't get all uppity when someone points them out!
cool it guys, relax!!! no point in fighting really for ashes, its over and england won it hehehhehe :p

diaskasun added 2 Minutes and 53 Seconds later...

Maybe !! just maybe, codies might be also thinking why should they patch the game because surely for our pc boys its just a matter of time

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