International Cricket 2010 news later today

Just know one thing as per game quick glance no pitch-point, is that means to ball-marker off or what?
Just a question, but do other sports games track stats 'as you play' rather than just in certain game modes, like season modes, etc.? I didn't think they did.

Also, CaptainOz, how would you see the stats tracking working? Would it be that every friendly you play gets added to the overall stats in the game, or just the updated stats are tracked in game modes, like Test series/World Cups?

I'm just interested to see how you think it might work, because if stats accumulated from every friendly Test you start playing, and only play for 10 overs before giving up because you started badly or whatever, that might be a little confusing.

Obviously I understand that series/tournament averages can be stored for each save-game, but for it to be worthwhile you need like 5-season campaigns don't you? Then you have the problem of what happens to the other teams you don't play as/against, so if you don't play as/against Bangladesh in-game, then their stats remain static. I guess you could keep them active by getting them from Cricinfo or something, but then should Cricinfo update England's stats if you play as England? Should they update stats of teams you're playing against?

Although the maths/programming behind tracking stats is fairly straightforward, how it might be applied in-game is a bit more difficult, perhaps.

hMarka is one step ahead of me. Yes, an international Test series would be a start. What would be nice is having a place in the game menu where you could save the statistics after completed matches, for the two teams that just played. Then, you could load those statistics from that saved file upon the commencement of a new Test series (if it involves one or both of these same teams).

That way, you've got a statistics file for every country, e.g.

Australia stat file CaptainOZ
West Indies stat file CaptainOZ
India stat file CaptainOZ


Simulated Test matches count, too (hence the CPU can be used to generate the Test matches in the tournament which you don't want to play, and updates the stats accordingly).

I'm not sure how this could be done, but we need to be able to save Test matches mid-game, and have the stats saved too. But the stat file can only be updated at the end of the Test match, to avoid quitters. Therefore, quitting a Test match won't affect the stats at all - it's as though the Test never happened.

Then, the players' career statistics just need to appear at the bottom of the screen when they start their first bowling spell, or when a new batsman gets to the crease.

I hope we have the option to simulate 5 10 or 20 overs than that single over we need to keep simulating becomes a headache
That's a touch melodramatic.

Well I am already 31 and average life span here in Pak is 56 I guess. Keeping in view that and developers' horrific record with regards to listening to fans, I think I have a right to be a little pessimistic. Don't I :sarcasm
Just a question, but do other sports games track stats 'as you play' rather than just in certain game modes, like season modes, etc.? I didn't think they did.

Although the maths/programming behind tracking stats is fairly straightforward, how it might be applied in-game is a bit more difficult, perhaps.

Good point, but they don't have to do anything other than copy+paste tracking designs from EA games. EA LOVES stats for their games. Its their idea of giving the player incentives to keep playing their games because it feels like a career as everything is recorded.

Not even just for sports games, but Bad Company 2, they gave out their player profile codes to 3rd party web sites which can track down your every little detail in your online career of Bad Company 2, here's MY profile that I can check at several places :

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Stats Verse

Params7 - BFBC2 Stats

Bad Company 2 Stats - Battlefield Badass

That's how they can handle the online aspect of PLAYER stats tracking.

Now as for Teams, players in the teams we play with online, they can have it grabbed from cricinfo or publish updates every month or so, this is obviously considering that first they get licenses for Test nations at least. If not just leave it like they did in A09 though it sucks.

As for offline tracking, exhibition modes are just that - exhibition. This is where you train, play for fun, play with friends and play as Kenya vs Australiav on easy and defeat Australia just for the LULZ. There should be a season mode but since there is not, treat their "Create A Tournament/Tour" mode as their season mode and track stats for those in a little corner somewhere. Stats tracking done.

Damn I wish I could work as the head of Trickstar games lol, I thought all of this in 15 mins.
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Well I am already 31 and average life span here in Pak is 56 I guess. Keeping in view that and developers' horrific record with regards to listening to fans, I think I have a right to be a little pessimistic. Don't I :sarcasm

Well I am already 31 and average life span here in Pak is 56 I guess. Keeping in view that and developers' horrific record with regards to listening to fans, I think I have a right to be a little pessimistic. Don't I :sarcasm

Find that man some rope!
Thats not bad, its still higher than the life expectancy of certain ethnic groups in the US. If I make it to 75 Ill be happy.
What I personally like about Codemasters is that they give same attention to all their titles whereas EA hardly cares about their Cricket title. Once they release, they forget about the game and the bugs which people report to them.

I don't think so EA will ever bounce back when companies like Codemasters and Mindstorm are already one step ahead.;)
What I personally like about Codemasters is that they give same attention to all their titles whereas EA hardly cares about their Cricket title. Once they release, they forget about the game and the bugs which people report to them.

I don't think so EA will ever bounce back when companies like Codemasters and Mindstorm are already one step ahead.;)

Yes, but that's when we had Rob. He was great. Who knows who'll we'll get this time.

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