It is here - finally - alpha 0.1 released!!!!

my mistake ,the line are the spider of the shots played ah!cool!
still playing the game bowling is fun especially spin though pressing the buttons is difficult but when u pull it off really good turn and bounce,.
JK ,LM and TAOC Kalakunga!Valthukkal.:cheers
cool so ur from TN?

Thanks. Well, my native is chennai. ;)

All three???But how

BTW,How many shot types are included in this.I am able to play only 2 shots,cover drive and leg glance.

really ?? there are 10 strokes in all. 5 attacking and 5 defensive.
CTRL + Right Mouse Button - FF Attack
CTRL + Left Mouse Buttonn - FF Defense

so, if you want to play the straight drive, keep the batting cursor straightish and press Ctrl + right mouse button. also, would like to remind people here that how much you hold the mouse button determines the power of the shot. :yes

First of all guys, Superb work with the release.
Just Played the game the physics are amaing. Just one question. I thinki it might be a bug.. I had an instance where i tried bowling full length and moved the cursor forward but bowler still bowls short length...

i think this "Bowling Short" is more of an FPS related bug.
whats your Gfx settings and how much FPS do you get in-game ?
can u also post your system specs ?

First things first. Brilliant effort guys, I hope all the positive feedback shows you how much this is appreciated, you've taken the first steps towards proving to everyone what a success this can be :)

One small thing. My bowler disappeared and I don't know how it happened and he never came back. It kept resetting, the batsman would take guard against an invisible bowler running in and then he would play and miss at an invisible ball :( Attached a screenie of it, if that helps

WTF! Lol! it has NEVER happened to me. i think LM should be able to answer it better.

One more bug occured!!

I bowled a fullish length that is the red marker and the ball was bowled short pitched :thumbs

Refer to SRK121's Quote......

and thanks a lot for that review. :D

Really really promising stuff here, top work guys. Loving the animations, bowling is the strongest point of this release I'd say.
Batting wise, obviously the inability to play the short ball (no back foot), but the animations are really nice, and there is certainly lots of promise there too.
The only thing is that playing shots in different directions is pretty tricky. I can't seem to hit the straight ones to cover, only straight, and I'm really struggling to glance anything on the leg side, especially towards square leg. The leading edges are really nice, but I find the ball either going past me down the leg side or rapping me on the pads, no matter how I time the ball. Any tips?
All the best, I think this will turn out an excellent game.

yeah..the problem with the batting now is that you cant move the its gonna be difficult to connect if you dont have the bowling cursor nicely alligned for the shot. :p

so, if you want to play the leg glance....keep the cursor full and on middle and leg....that should do the trick...
just played with the stuff it came with, and have a look!

Excellent! :thumbs

Wow guys, absolutely outstanding effort. Also like the couple of Tendulkar shots that have been animated in.

Yeah, many of the shots are modeled off tendulkar. no better player IMHO.

Oh by the way, when I point the mouse towards fine leg (for a sweep for example), the batsmen doesnt move before a shot noise occurs and the ball flies through the covers. Im sure this wont be a problem when all the shots are added but I thought I would mention it.

damn!! thats because majority of the anims are heavily under-construction and werent implemented properly...but this bug shouldnt have happened...
anyways, wont be there in the next release.
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Are you guys planning on releasing another alpha?
Really loving this game BTW.:cheers
I'm a fan. :)

JK, are you allowing people to edit the files? I liked the India Kit, and found it in the files, but couldn't figure out how to use it. Probably the DB is locked?
I'm a fan. :)

JK, are you allowing people to edit the files? I liked the India Kit, and found it in the files, but couldn't figure out how to use it. Probably the DB is locked?

you can definitely edit the kits and other media files.

to change the kits....go to

For Bowler : Replace AUST_TEST_1a & AUST_TEST_1b

For Batsman : Replace INDT_TEST_1a & INDT_TEST_1b
How do you move the batsman?

You can't.

I wish there was an option to change the controls as I have a laptop. It could be Q&E and A&D.

Oh one more thing to correct might be the sound of the bat with the shot played. I inside edged the ball onto the bottom of my pads and it sounded as though I middled the ball. Very minor issue though.
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The timing of the shots is having little effect it seems. I played early, infact the moment the bowl was bowled, and the ball hit the bat after i had gone through with the shot, still it raced away towards the outfield. This was against the fast bowler.

Apart from this, another gameplay issue (if I may call it that) was that similar shots end up in very similar positions. I hit the middle of one adboard 4 times in a row, with bowls of different speeds, and varied lengths (a bit.. I don't think I would be able to place the cursor in the exact location 4 times in a row).

The physics are good, loved the cart-wheel :)
its really weird to find laptops without a keypad....
may be am just not connected with the IT world ??

i have a crappy Acer laptop with crappier specs and still have a keypad and in fact, develop the game!!! :facepalm
I can hardly hit a boundary! :noway

And I use an Acer laptop too and it has a keyboard with the num pad, but I guess the majority of the laptops are without it!
The timing of the shots is having little effect it seems. I played early, infact the moment the bowl was bowled, and the ball hit the bat after i had gone through with the shot, still it raced away towards the outfield. This was against the fast bowler.

Apart from this, another gameplay issue (if I may call it that) was that similar shots end up in very similar positions. I hit the middle of one adboard 4 times in a row, with bowls of different speeds, and varied lengths (a bit.. I don't think I would be able to place the cursor in the exact location 4 times in a row).

The physics are good, loved the cart-wheel :)

this definitely is an issue! will all be fixed in the future releases...
we just had to meet the deadline and so all these bugs are coming up! :(
No worries, you've done a more-than-decent job so far, and I just wanted to outline the problems I came across so that they could be worked upon, if you're not doing so already.

Another thing, if not hit correctly, the ball goes till the outfield, slows down, but keeps trickling towards the boundary as if it is rolling on glass, and cannot apply the brakes. If someone has the patience, the ball will eventually hit the boundary.

Unfortunately I don't have a keypad as well, so can't check out the full features of the game, but whatever I've seen, it's great. :thumbs
So, yesterday while waiting for the Alpha 0.1 my broadband connection strategically decided to give up on me 2 hours before release, and it is down even now. Somehow though, I managed to download the Alpha using my EDGE connection. :mad

Fired it up on my decent hardware (AMD Phenom 2 X4 3 GHZ, ATI 4850, 4 Gigs RAM) with 1920x1080 and graphic settings on 'Fantastic'. Got a steady 60 FPS. :D

Anyway, played it for an hour now and here's what I think.

1 - Amazing physics. The connection between bat and ball, the deflection off pads, the swing, the shattering of stumps, everything looking really well put together.

2 - Fluid animations. Loved the straight drive animation of Tendulkar. :cheers Brett Lee and Warnie's actions are absolutely real. All shots are looking very real and very satisfying.

3 - Realistic edges. Probably the first since BLC 99 days.

4 - I expected the Graphics to be a lot worse, maybe worse than CR, considering your disclaimer on Graphics. They're no way as bad, in fact as it stands on the Alpha stage, they're better than CR. As you mentioned, you're going to be overhauling the Graphics, so it's great news.

5 - Loved the Bowling and Batting mechanisms. Gives the player a lot of control.

6 - The freecam is highly appreciated. Love it.

Bugs I encountered

1 - As mentioned by some, the good length balls bounce a little too much sometimes and go over the stumps, when they should hit the stumps.

2 - Once the ball gets to the outfield, it becomes a little faster than it should be. I guess, a little more friction from the ground will do the trick.

3 - The bowler moving forward bug, as mentioned before.

4 - I used freecam and got to a wicket keeper view from behind the batsman and started playing. Once I hit a ball, the game crawled down to 1-2 FPS and eventually became unplayable. This can be reproduced everytime.

One suggestion I have is while you implement the batsman moving around in the crease, please limit it to a realistic scale. This is one of the biggest flaws of CR IMO.

Overall, hats off to you guys for making this happen. This is THE GAME we've all been waiting for. If you guys maintain the quality of work throughout, in fielding, AI etc. you have a winner in your hands. Great work guys, keep it up, your years of hard work has started to pay off. :D
4 - I used freecam and got to a wicket keeper view from behind the batsman and started playing. Once I hit a ball, the game crawled down to 1-2 FPS and eventually became unplayable. This can be reproduced everytime.
Even I have experienced this.

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