Kentucky Fried Cricket


School Cricketer
Dec 12, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
Does anyone else think the Aussie team appearing in all these KFC ads is a problem given that we have an obesity problem with kids in this country? How much harder is it for a parent to keep their 10-year-old out of a bucket of fried fat when their cricket heroes are endorsing the product in every ad break?
GO KFC! I dont think its a problem. Go for lunch at KFC, then go play some Beach Cricket to work it off:)

Seriously, its a choice, if your fat - don't eat it.
Ah, this is the rubbish that all the politicians go on about in video games, ads, movies, ect.. it's just silly. If someone is so stupid that they have a weight problem and they see the Aussies endorsing KFC and think "well I do have diabetics and I am morbidly obese, but the Aussies are endorsing it, I'll eat it!". Really, I doubt there are many people out there like that, and if they are they aren't a great loss to society.
i agree with both of you in some ways. Well im sure the australian cricket team dont eat all that. It is sending a wrong message to kids, but if you eat it you should work it off with sport. If your fat dont eat it.
I'm thinking more about parents trying to steer their kids in the right direction. It's pretty hard when Punter and Mr Cricket are promoting kfc.
Lol, it's really entertaining. But there's an overload on the amount of commercials. All these fillers, backyard buckets etc... But KFC are one of their major sponsors so there is a responsibility to it. It really makes me want to eat KFC. And not to mention how much KFC costs now as well, the prices are devastating for a teen like me influenced by these commercials.
well if i was a little kid and i saw my cricketing hereos in the ad i would want KFC and by the way when i was little i always wanted red bull because i believed it would make me fly :)
It's common knowledge that fat people look for excuses. It's their own fault if their fat and that their parents are thick.
Maybe they should sign Ishant Sharma as brand ambassdor. Many obese people will wanna look like him.
It's kinda funny though, at the same time they're endorsing fast food, they are endorsing sport.
Its like McDonalds sponsoring the 2012 Olympics. They are actually doing it
Does anyone else think the Aussie team appearing in all these KFC ads is a problem given that we have an obesity problem with kids in this country? How much harder is it for a parent to keep their 10-year-old out of a bucket of fried fat when their cricket heroes are endorsing the product in every ad break?

KFC eaten in moderation is fine. 'm sure if you had KFC every once in a while, able once per week/2 week and played cricket you'd be fine. I don't think it's a problem. If anything, I reckon it encourages kids who like KFC to be cricketers.

Kids don't get fat from eating KFC every now and then, they get fat from not exercising and/or eating it 5 times a week.

Parents need to take responsibility and so do other people. No offense to anyone, but there isn't any excuse in being a fatty. Stop being lazy and eating badly. (some people have biological problems and can understand they have an excuse however)
its not KFCs fault that kids get fat, it goes back on the parents. Parents should know whats good for their kids and should tell them what to eat and give hem healthy food untill the kids are old enough to make decisons on their own.

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