Kshitiz's Downloads Centre, 4Gb bats Requests - on!!!

How do you rate my bats ?

  • < 7/10

    Votes: 11 50.0%
  • 8/10

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • 9/10

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • 10/10

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
treva said:
the edges on this one lookes a bit wierd from front on.
but nice bats otherwise

Thank you treva, but i cant do anything , i know thw edges look a bit wierd in this screenshot, but while playing normally it doesnt come to notice, it only does when seen from a slnted angle, well thanks anyway for your advice
Help Needed

well its good news for you all. now you will get not 1, but to batpacks. I and karan have decided to produce seperate batpacks, and with 2gb resolutions. For his batpack, he will shortly start a new thread, as it would be very uncomfortable for us. Dont think that i and karan had a row, we are still best friends , we only thought it would be better to offer more variety to you. Now the help i need from you is that i dont know correctly and accurately what player uses what bats. So if there is anyone who would like to help me by creating a roster for my batpack, he would be a great help. Anyone Please , Help would be greatly appreciated.

Thasnk you
i have a idea of which players use which bats i have a spreadsheet with it. i could email it to u.
robertporter said:
i have a idea of which players use which bats i have a spreadsheet with it. i could email it to u.

Thanks, Robertporter, Please do it and mail me at [email protected]. It would be a great help. but please remember i have a bat limit of 50-60 bats.

Burma's Finest said:
Erm... I didn't create THIS THREAD just for fun you know. :rolleyes:

Thanks, Burma , your thread was a great help. But i have a problem, Your thread has 255 bat limit, whereas i have a limit of 50-60 bats. That is why this thread seems uncomfortable with me, But still It is a great help and i appreciate the staff members coming up to help the newbies known as "School Boy Cricketers". But still thanks a lot. And anyway sorry for that mistake earlier, Believe it , it was a mistake.
i have forgotten how to do attachments when emailing could u please explain. also do u need help with the roster. also do u do faces.
robertporter said:
i have forgotten how to do attachments when emailing could u please explain. also do u need help with the roster. also do u do faces.

If you are using yahoo mail, at the top of the compose mail button you will see a button named " ATTACHMENTS" Attach your file there. Or if you are using gmail, then after the subject box you will see a button named again attachments. Attach your file here and send it. No, if you can send the spreadsheet to me , i can create the roster myself by using pe3. I do not do faces, only bats.
Thank you.
For more help , please tell me quick, i am eager to release a batpack fast.
robertporter said:
i have sent it is a excel file with player roster and bat used.

Will write your name in the acknoledgemets of my batspack
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robertporter said:
when will this pack be ready and do u do faces

This pack will be ready within a day or two, because you know i am having two problems.

1. I have already made the bats, only the roster is taking time.
2. My birthday is approaching on 23rd may, so i'm busy with the arrangements for my birthday party. But still , i will find time and release it by tommorrow, no i do not do faces, I ONLY DO BATS.
Good luck with the batpack Kshitiz, you've done a good job so far but may I suggest one thing.

On some of your pictures the two sides of the grip don't meet and match. Try using the default grip and put a Color layer over it. Good luck with it though, take my advice as constructive.
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hondeyho said:
Good luck with the batpack Kshitiz, you've done a good job so far but may I suggest one thing.

On some of your pictures the two sides of the grip don't meet and match. Try using the default grip and put a Color layer over it. Good luck with it though, take my advice as constructive.

Thanks, i'll take your advice seriously.
i could do the roster if u like if u send me the batpack i could do it over the next week if u are to busy.

can u do player faces i would like some australian players if u do
hi guys, i'm back after so long.
Due to my harddisk crash, i was unable to use my computer from the last 6 days. I am starting my 2gb bats from no.1 again, but this time i'll make it faster.
thanks for your patience

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