Last Movie You Watched

Watched 3 Idiots for the fourth or fifth time. Still love it.

other movies I got around to watching-

Bruce Almighty- Loved the message and the acting. Jim Carrey at his best.
Taken- Liam Neeson is just the ultimate badass. Storyline isn't this movie's forte, but Neeson more than makes up for it.
A Bug's Life- I love animated movies and this is no exception.
Bad Teacher- meh, Cameron Diaz is hot, but that's about it. I didn't have to watch an entire movie to find that out.
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Watched 3 Idiots for the fourth or fifth time. Still love it.

other movies I got around to watching-

Bruce Almighty- Loved the message and the acting. Jim Carrey at his best.
Taken- Liam Neeson is just the ultimate badass. Storyline isn't this movie's forte, but Leeson more than makes up for it.
A Bug's Life- I love animated movies and this is no exception.
Bad Teacher- meh, Cameron Diaz is hot, but that's about it. I didn't have to watch an entire movie to find that out.

Taken 2? Or the first one?
Planning to see it Friday actually, loved the first one, hoping for the same this time around.

Anyone seen Looper? Heard some good things about it from friends.
Planning to see it Friday actually, loved the first one, hoping for the same this time around.

Anyone seen Looper? Heard some good things about it from friends.

Hearing awesome things about Looper. This week might catch both Looper and Taken 2, back-to-back.:D


The first one. I hadn't seen it before. Now I want to see Taken 2!

Yep.. 'Taken' was so awesome!
Hearing awesome things about Looper. This week might catch both Looper and Taken 2, back-to-back.:D

I'm thinking Taken 2 this week and Looper the one after, just so I have something to look forward to next week. :p
Saw Contraband, it was pretty good but nothing special. Loving Mark Wahlberg films recently.
Really want to go watch Taken 2 because all the hype but have to watch the first one first, and all tickets are booked out
Saw Scream 4 and 127 Hours.

I enjoyed Scream 4, did NOT see that ending coming.

127 Hours was OK, pretty much I Shouldn't Be Alive in a film. I often watch I Shouldn't Be Alive, so this one was nothing special really.
Is anyone else going to see Paranormal Activity? I want to know reviews from normal people and not critics.
'Maattrraan' (Tamil; Surya). Thought I liked it, though the climax was drawn out and nerve stretching.

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