Lost Mafia - Mafia Win! Player Reviews up!

Do serial killers have a fake ID? Don't they just show up as what they are, brother?

We need a watcher or a tracker so see what they are doing at night, and who they are around.
I just read about SK's and it seems that they do not ALWAYS have to come up as Townie upon investigation, they are sometimes night immune too, hopefully our SK is neither, tbh, we're not even sure if there is a Serial Killer although I just looked up the Smoke Monster and I doubt it's anythin else
Smoke Monster is obviously night immune, otherwise he would have been killed last night by mafia.

Basically to find out who he is we need to try and guess who the mafia are after. My guess would be its somebody actively posting in the thread and someone who has FOS'd a mafia. Basically someone who has FOS'd a person who has not been lynched or killed.
How do you know the Mafia targeted the Smoke Monster?
The Mafia targeted someone who was being protected by a doctor because, the guy with the gun must be the Mafia and someone messed around with his gun, must've been the doc. The Smoke Monster aka Serial Killer targeted someone who was night immune and was looking to find a replacement, possibly the cult leader

On Night 2, the Serial Killer killed the Abhas and the Mafia killed the Spin

So going by your theory to find the Serial Killer, it must've been the person that FOS'ed or Lynched Abhas, nobody lynched or FOSed Abhas on Day 2 and therefore we can't guess the Serial Killer atm
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I confused myself, I thought the smoke monster was the person they could not kill. Honestly can't stand the show Lost :mad

Just ignore me, don't lynch me or my fetus though
Why is everyone avoiding User???
I think someone has to go today, and IMO it should be him.
It is getting quite confusing. My suspects atm are:

FOS: Hmarka, Funknath.

The police to inspect me and prove it to all that I am just a townie IMO

Funknath added 0 Minutes and 31 Seconds later...

Lynch: User2010
I don't really suspect hMarka, my main suspect ATM is skrillex, he hasn't been active at all

How can we tell the difference between someone who is inactive and waiting to be replaced and someone who is active but just not posting for strategy?

The police to inspect me and prove it to all that I am just a townie IMO

I thought you were the cop?
Or maybe the double killer who killed two the other night! Hazzza!
No no I am the double voter...a cop can investigate it and prove it to you guys!

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