Mar 17 : England vs West Indies

What a Match!!!!! West-Indies could have won this but I guess the way they were slogging, looked like that they wanna go home early. Some train was missing I guess for them.
TBF, Windies bottled it, just like the Proteas earlier in this tournament.

England have been really riding their luck but have been great fun to watch.

They're due a drubbing from a "top" side but it wouldn't surprise me if they did a Pakistan '92.
I think you are wrong. Cotswold Olimpick Games - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


That's just 2 nerds trying to kick each other in the nads. Its a Universal sport not just for the English.
I fail to see where it is designated as our official national sport in anything other than newspaper anecdotes and sourceless webpages.

You're luckier than us, India's National sport is hockey & sadly not even .5% of the population follows it.

But all in all the worst National sport is Buzkashi of Afghanistan. Its like Footie+Rugby expect the fact that you use the carcass of a goat instead of a ball & instead of kicking it with your feet you're supposed to carry it on horseback. To make matters spicy the game has MMA like elements added to it wherein tackles , dropkicks (from a horse), clothesline , pile-drivers , punches, kicks , slams etc. are all legal. :cheers
But all in all the worst National sport is Buzkashi of Afghanistan. Its like Footie+Rugby expect the fact that you use the carcass of a goat instead of a ball & instead of kicking it with your feet you're supposed to carry it on horseback. To make matters spicy the game has MMA like elements added to it wherein tackles , dropkicks (from a horse), clothesline , pile-drivers , punches, kicks , slams etc. are all legal. :cheers
But that sounds like the greatest game ever invented
adil rashid
monty panesar
danny briggs
scott borthwick
vikram banerjee
ian blackwell
samit patel

don't worry about us we've got plenty of useful players

Useful is about the size of it. Three of those have played, the others have "potential". Of the three who've played, I think Blackwell struggled with batting, Panesar can't bat and Patel could have been a solution to the number seven problem, but for some reason England didn't turn to him (no pun intended)


Panesar (26) : 26 runs @ 5.20 & 24 wkts @ 40.83 (ER 4.50)
Patel (11) : 116 runs @ 23.20 & 11 wkts @ 29.00 (ER 5.63)

Blackwell (34) : 403 runs @ 14.93 & 24 wkts @ 36.58 (ER 4.28)
Yardy (28) : 326 runs @ 20.38 & 21 wkts @ 51.19 (ER 4.84)

Tredwell* (4) : 27 runs @ 13.50 & 4 wkts @ 40.50 (ER 5.23)
Rashid (5) : 60 runs @ 20.00 & 3 wkts @ 63.67 (ER 5.62)

* I know Tredwell is an offie, but for comparison I guess Rashid was an alternative could/should have been considered. Both Tredwell and Blackwell have played one Test, so while selection is largely more consistent, there are still plenty of daft selections like Blackwell, Tredwell, Pattinson, Udal, Khan etc

England could quite easily have used Patel in the series against the aussies, or before. How can Yardy get nearly three times as many ODIs and do next to nothing, while Patel has decent figures and is dumped?


I fail to see where it is designated as our official national sport in anything other than newspaper anecdotes and sourceless webpages.

It's a rather futile argument, how can you prove something is the "national sport"?!?!? Being on TV is not proof, Test cricket was a protected sport until recently and they were reconsidering the decision to declassify it. What the media says ain't worth spit.

The truth is the national sport is the one most people play, and that has comfortably got to be football. In India I would have thought that would be cricket, but I may be wrong. Be interesting if someone could find some tangibly reliable stats for the sports played most in India, England, West Indies, New Zealand, South Africa and Pakistan. But I would guess accuracy of figures would be unlikely, any stats produced are hardly likely to be reliable since I'm pretty sure our census doesn't ask any such questions!
It's a rather futile argument, how can you prove something is the "national sport"?!?!? Being on TV is not proof, Test cricket was a protected sport until recently and they were reconsidering the decision to declassify it. What the media says ain't worth spit.

The truth is the national sport is the one most people play, and that has comfortably got to be football.

That's what I was attempting to portray. People for no real tangible reason, say Cricket is our national sport when there are to sports with the same amount of tradition which are, and have been for a significant time, alot more popular. Unless its de jure I fail to see how anyone can say a certain sport is a national sport.
Patel although talented(which is why he was in that list) has had some serious problems with reaching the required level of fitness of international cricket that the ecb want him to reach.
Tredwell vs Rashid is not a comparison worth making for so many reasons.

:facepalm I wasn't comparing them as types, just that it could have been one or the other (as spinners) having played about the same number. Bound to be some smartarse make your comment. Comparing Patel and Panesar also wasn't meant to be a direct comparison, they were just grouped together for convenience more than "like for like" comparisons
I was at this game. Atmosphere was electric, match was gripping. Kept oscillating between the WI and England every 5 overs or so. Trott was batting beautifully, Gayle was ferocious, SWANNY was amazing. I thought he deserved the MOM for his end heroics.

Feel bad for Russel though. He was bowling pretty badly tbh but did end up with 4 wickets, and his 49 was crucial. Had he stayed on for a bit, WI would have won.

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