Mar 4 - Bangladesh vs West Indies

I highly doubt that anyone other then a person who has moved from one country to another has any understanding of the feeling towards the old country and the affection for it.
Its easy to make comments about it.
There's nothing wrong with taking pride in your heritage. Anyone who questions that is just being a dbag.

(Unless you're badmouthing the place you currently live in, of course.)
There's nothing wrong with taking pride in your heritage. Anyone who questions that is just being a dbag.

(Unless you're badmouthing the place you currently live in, of course.)

being the key part.

I have no problem with immigration, I encourage it. I'm only a 2nd generation American myself.

My problem is with people who alienate themselves. When you emigrate and choose to become part of a Diaspora, you have to assimilate not alienate. Otherwise you might as well stay at home.


There is also a huge difference in having pride for ones heritage and fierce nationalism for a different sovereign state.
Exactly, take all the benefits of the adopted country but go on and on about how great their "home" is :rolleyes


First of all, the host countries get just as much out of the immigrants as the immigrants get out of the country. Most of the time, immigrants do the jobs that the nationals don't want to do or can't do. These host countries aren't running a charity.

Secondly, as long as you're not badmouthing your host country, what's wrong with loving where you're from? Most immigrants I've met here in America appreciate what the country has done for them, but asking them to forget where they're from is ignorant.
A Little something I learnt from the IPL,

Immigrant or not , Love & Respect the place where you live & earn your bread and butter from. Im in India & I shall cheer for India, but if tomorrow i'm earning my living in England, then that place is my home & I shall cheer for them. No need to have double standards. Similarly, today I support DD but if at sometime in my life im living in Mumbai then MI is the team that shall get my full support.

To me loyalty is very important .


Failure means nothing, and winning means nothing, it's all meaningless in the end, a good roast dinner is far more enjoyable than winning a stupid cricket game.

Wise Words :)
Well looks like lot of Indians are jumping up and down, because of the way Bangladesh fans acts of violence, I don’t think Indians or Pakistanis can do that because most of the time you do the same.. only country in Asia to have the best behaved fans is Sri Lanka. They have never reported to be violent even when the team use to do badly. Only reported incident happened way back on 1994, then team lost to Pakistan in a kandy test match and fans booed lankan team off the field. Other then that Sri Lankan cricketers or any other cricketers have never being abused or never interrupted a game… so before saying this is bad just think about what your people did in 1996, 2007 etc
Did the crowd get there money back?? I would sure be pissed off if I turned up for an hour to watch that..

No money back, they gave them each a stone instead...................... ;)
Public Anger is a sign of the nation's vitality. But when it goes overboard like people stoning houses, the culprits need to be arrested.

And I CARE if my GLORIOUS country loses and Cricket IS an IMPORTANT GAME.

Lol, read an Indian newspaper. Glorious? Being one's birthplace doesn't make that place glorious for him.
And what an irony you live in New York.
Barmyarmy:This thread has been hijacked, ahem, aussie1st we need backup.:spy

Backup sent.

Roger that

Here we are sir.:spy:spy:spy:spy

Close this thread to avoid a mass revolt like its happening in the Middle East.

Yes sir.

Hope to see this soon. And I certainly did not expect this thread to become this thread so bad. Well if they're illiterate let them be, it is not solely their mistake for their poor educational level.

Its sad to see so many poor comments. And Asian fans cool down. This is just a forum. Don't get carried away.
West Indies cricket forums and West Indies facebook pages are full of Bangladeshi people saying the are sorry and apologize for the behavior of a few fans. Its obvious that it was a few fools that tried to ruin it for everybody.
West Indies cricket forums and West Indies facebook pages are full of Bangladeshi people saying the are sorry and apologize for the behavior of a few fans. Its obvious that it was a few fools that tried to ruin it for everybody.

Sadly violence at sporting venues is often the few and it is the rest of the fans who bear the brunt unfairly from there on in.

But then it does beg questions of security, I know they were "only" stoning the West Indies bus, and I'm sure a few West Indians on it were already stoned, but how did security arrangements allow ANY kind of threat to the bus?!? How could they know it was only going to be stones thrown and not petrol bombs or indeed just bombs? Or did they stop them and say "can I just check that missile you are about to launch to make sure it doesn't pose a serious life threat?" ....................... :rolleyes

Shouldn't have happened for so many reasons.

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