New Q&A With Producer Jamie Firth

I think the upcoming patch is confirmation of that, no?

Lots of people bought the game and are happy with it, so, as has been mentioned before, TG and CM don't have any obligation to make a patch, and the fact that they have is a credit to them surely.

Having dealt with some of the guys from TG during the testing process, I would take exception to anyone suggesting that they're lazy, pathetic, non-caring, money-grabbing, and all the other crap that's been levelled at them on these boards.

Some of the drivel posted on here speculating over their integrity and honesty is just astounding and it's probably not nice for them to read either.

Remember that we want to keep them on these boards in the future! You can call a spade a spade, but you don't have to call it a god damned useless pile of worthless crap.

Just to clarify, the above isn't directly @CaptainOz.

I utterly agree with you about the offensiveness at some of the comments that have been made and have to be totally and utterly judged as being something that one might want to call a god damned useless pile of worthless crap itsself.

On the other hand constructive discussion and criticism is surely valid and worthwhile? Plus the fact that many members are not privvy to the contacts or process that you are privvy to. Don't get me wrong I do not begrudge you or myself anything because of that but people are entitled to form a "sensible" judgement based on the informaton that they have, aren't they?

I think everyone can agree that insulting people is not only offensive but counter-productive and I would hate to think that I might have overstepped the mark there in some my "humourous" postings. I don't think I did and I was never insulting in the manner you have described so I don't take that as being directed towards me for example.

Anyway what does it matter what I think and I don't think I disagree with you. Just ensuring open debate and all that!:)
On the other hand constructive discussion and criticism is surely valid and worthwhile? Plus the fact that many members are not privvy to the contacts or process that you are privvy to. Don't get me wrong I do not begrudge you or myself anything because of that but people are entitled to form a "sensible" judgement based on the informaton that they have, aren't they?

I don't think that really matters. Everyone, whether they are helping test or not, knows there is a patch being made to address the major issues and that, in my book, is more than enoigh information to form a sensible judgement or, at the very least, withhold judgement for the time being.
I don't think that really matters. Everyone, whether they are helping test or not, knows there is a patch being made to address the major issues and that, in my book, is more than enoigh information to form a sensible judgement or, at the very least, withhold judgement for the time being.

True, too true. But what I am alluding to is the forming of judgements before we knew there was going to be a patch etcetera.:)
I utterly agree with you about the offensiveness at some of the comments that have been made and have to be totally and utterly judged as being something that one might want to call a god damned useless pile of worthless crap itsself.

On the other hand constructive discussion and criticism is surely valid and worthwhile? Plus the fact that many members are not privvy to the contacts or process that you are privvy to. Don't get me wrong I do not begrudge you or myself anything because of that but people are entitled to form a "sensible" judgement based on the informaton that they have, aren't they?

I think everyone can agree that insulting people is not only offensive but counter-productive and I would hate to think that I might have overstepped the mark there in some my "humourous" postings. I don't think I did and I was never insulting in the manner you have described so I don't take that as being directed towards me for example.

Anyway what does it matter what I think and I don't think I disagree with you. Just ensuring open debate and all that!:)

Good post.

The point you made about "constructive discussion and criticism" is exactly it. There's not really anything to be gained from simply slating the game and its developers, except perhaps making you (anyone in general, not you, dutch!) feel a bit better.

Everyone's heard the "don't criticise it, you couldn't do any better" line on these boards before, and I totally disagree with that sentiment in the way it is usually meant, because not everyone can program, etc. However, everyone can have ideas about what might work in a game for a particular aspect of cricket, and if you're going to slate one idea/implementation, it would be nice to hear an alternative suggestion.

And dutch, I don't recall you overstepping the mark, but there are some who clearly have.
Good post.

The point you made about "constructive discussion and criticism" is exactly it. There's not really anything to be gained from simply slating the game and its developers, except perhaps making you (anyone in general, not you, dutch!) feel a bit better.

Everyone's heard the "don't criticise it, you couldn't do any better" line on these boards before, and I totally disagree with that sentiment in the way it is usually meant, because not everyone can program, etc. However, everyone can have ideas about what might work in a game for a particular aspect of cricket, and if you're going to slate one idea/implementation, it would be nice to hear an alternative suggestion.

And dutch, I don't recall you overstepping the mark, but there are some who clearly have.

Thanks for that!:)

What I am really excited about is the fact that this group of developers has decided to work hand in hand with you guys at looking at ways to improve this game.

That is something that has to be genuinely and excitedly commended and hopefully it is a relationship that can develop further into the future because we will all benefit from that.

So hats off to the developers and hats off to you guys...ah what the heck...hats off to all and sundry!!!:)

I would just like to state my utter gratefulness, absolutely genuinely, that people on these forums are willing to put in the time and effort to test this patch and help to get it as right as possible.

Every member on the boards should be grateful for that whatever they think of the game!:)
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Good post.

The point you made about "constructive discussion and criticism" is exactly it. There's not really anything to be gained from simply slating the game and its developers, except perhaps making you (anyone in general, not you, dutch!) feel a bit better.

Everyone's heard the "don't criticise it, you couldn't do any better" line on these boards before, and I totally disagree with that sentiment in the way it is usually meant, because not everyone can program, etc. However, everyone can have ideas about what might work in a game for a particular aspect of cricket, and if you're going to slate one idea/implementation, it would be nice to hear an alternative suggestion.

And dutch, I don't recall you overstepping the mark, but there are some who clearly have.

Ok, so while your finger-pointing is well underway accusing others of "clearly" overstepping some mark you've designed, perhaps the same formula should be used on yourself to reveal an opposing perception - shall we say, a conflict of interest? That's overstepping the line too, yeah?

Recap: Codemasters have our money. They didn't want to be accused of leaving us out to dry. They're fixing the game. Yes that's great - but we (the "clearly overstepping the mark" public) had every right to say what we did after handing over 70 dollars. Surely we can't be criticised for responding that way to a product they sold. If you think my criticism was premature or excessive, then what can I say? Ya got me there.

Let's keep it fair. Let's keep the companies accountable and in a fair light. If the game was free or inexpensive, then we wouldn't have a leg to stand on, but while we're paying good money for something let's give them kudos and criticism when it's rightly due.
Ok, so while your finger-pointing is well underway accusing others of "clearly" overstepping some mark you've designed, perhaps the same formula should be used on yourself to reveal an opposing perception - shall we say, a conflict of interest? That's overstepping the line too, yeah?

There was no finger pointing, or name naming.

What mark have I designed? It's a turn of phrase popular with English-speakers. Dutch used it in the post I quoted.

In what way do I have a conflict of interest? I want a good game out of this as much as you do.

Recap: Codemasters have our money. They didn't want to be accused of leaving us out to dry. They're fixing the game. Yes that's great - but we (the "clearly overstepping the mark" public) had every right to say what we did after handing over 70 dollars. Surely we can't be criticised for responding that way to a product they sold. If you think my criticism was premature or excessive, then what can I say? Ya got me there.

You do have every right to say what you want, but my point is that it's probably not a good idea to keep going on (not you, in particular) when the developers are on these boards, taking an interest in our views on their product, which, if it wasn't for us lot, would be marked down as an outright success. I don't know what you do for a living, but if you were continually told (in some particular place) you were rubbish, worthless, etc., etc., then you would probably stop going there.

Let's keep it fair. Let's keep the companies accountable and in a fair light. If the game was free or inexpensive, then we wouldn't have a leg to stand on, but while we're paying good money for something let's give them kudos and criticism when it's rightly due.

I still don't see what the problem is. If the patch was being charged for, or was insultingly pointless (like EA's 2002 patch), then you would have a reasonable beef. As it is, they are fixing the problems. It can't be done instantaneously, so we have to wait.
Hi everyone
Im sick of the no balls in this game and how the ai bowl when they are tired. To many short balls. Please please fix them and the runouts, edges transmission and most people will be happy with the game.:D
Hi everyone
Im sick of the no balls in this game and how the ai bowl when they are tired. To many short balls. Please please fix them and the runouts, edges transmission and most people will be happy with the game.:D

you'll be happy ones the patch comes out!! but i would love to know have they done anything about AI feild placements
^ Ai field Placements could improve, though im happy with it as of now.
This is the way I lean on the issue. And it's not whining, it's just deciding not to be so optimistic, especially as we are not part of the inner circle who know what's going on with the patch.

When we buy the game, we kind of expect to get what we paid for - that's the whole point. I suspect that a lot of decision-making that goes into game purchasing by members here are made because of what is written in these forums by those closer to the developers. Furthermore, at the time of purchase, we don't really know if the game would ever be patched or would ever need to - so the chasm between game release and patch is irrelevant here.

It's not that you expect it to be released perfectly either. Just that you wouldn't think it would have so many bugs.

I think the issue here is just how "broken" people feel the game was in it's original release. For example, I think it was really broken, whereas some others might feel it's a bit broken.

Good post. For me, it was a bit broken and only in certain areas, such as the bowling lengths, spinners and edges.

more of dutchad's words of wisdom can be found in fortune cookies at a Chinese restaurant near you :)

Seriously though, that post summed up why PC is so great. We can have civil conversations and when need be, civil discourse.

So true.

Hi everyone
Im sick of the no balls in this game and how the ai bowl when they are tired. To many short balls. Please please fix them and the runouts, edges transmission and most people will be happy with the game.:D

Agreed. Something needs to be done about the bowler's confidence, because once they get to 'timid', they're useless for the rest of the innings, I've found.

Also, if I set my field back with three or four on the boundary, I want the AI to bat accordingly and go for the singles/twos/threes, not try to hit the ball out of the ground because they keep getting out. They should just keep the ball on the round and do lots of running - that way you're encouraged to bring the field in again.
more of dutchad's words of wisdom can be found in fortune cookies at a Chinese restaurant near you :)

Seriously though, that post summed up why PC is so great. We can have civil conversations and when need be, civil discourse.

"Me give you fortune: Me see many money go down drain! Mighty Sarnie he clobber! Me see many riches for Ad of Dutch! Oh yeah, last tip; don't eat spinach!"
Thanks to your sig, my lunch has been decided: Cheese and ham toasted sandwich!!

I can't wait to get this patch, so I can get my damned Ashes series completed already! I kept starting again for various reasons, such as discovering the new names patch and then the ability to speed up the England bowlers. And then along came the patch, so I decided to wait before playing the game again.

For me, the real Ashes starts late Sept/early October...
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Thanks to your sig, my lunch has been decided: Cheese and ham toasted sandwich!!

I can't wait to get this patch, so I can get my damned Ashes series completed already! I kept starting again for various reasons, such as discovering the new names patch and then the ability to speed up the England bowlers. And then along came the patch, so I decided to wait before playing the game again.

For me, the real Ashes starts late Sept/early October...

so i bat you think england is going to win the thing agian ha :D

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