New Q&A With Producer Jamie Firth

In a way I agree, but in a way I also feel that it is their duty to fix the game and not some great favor they are doing us.

If I ordered a steak at a restaurant and the it arrived at the table undercooked, I would expect the waiter to take it back to the kitchen and finish cooking it, probably would not thank him for that either. (Horrible analogy I know, but I just woke up)

This is the way I lean on the issue. And it's not whining, it's just deciding not to be so optimistic, especially as we are not part of the inner circle who know what's going on with the patch.

When we buy the game, we kind of expect to get what we paid for - that's the whole point. I suspect that a lot of decision-making that goes into game purchasing by members here are made because of what is written in these forums by those closer to the developers. Furthermore, at the time of purchase, we don't really know if the game would ever be patched or would ever need to - so the chasm between game release and patch is irrelevant here.

It's not that you expect it to be released perfectly either. Just that you wouldn't think it would have so many bugs.

I think the issue here is just how "broken" people feel the game was in it's original release. For example, I think it was really broken, whereas some others might feel it's a bit broken.
I think the issue here is just how "broken" people feel the game was in it's original release. For example, I think it was really broken, whereas some others might feel it's a bit broken.

That's well put. I personally feel that although the game is very much enjoyable (atleast for a short while offline and huge replayability online) in its current state, it is very buggy and one has the right to expect those bugs not be there in the first place. I'm not saying the game should have been released without a bug but the current level in my opinion is unacceptable. However since the game is playable and enjoyable for me in the current state, I am thankful their patching it...but not too grateful since some of the things shouldn't have been there in the first place.
This is the way I lean on the issue. And it's not whining, it's just deciding not to be so optimistic, especially as we are not part of the inner circle who know what's going on with the patch.

When we buy the game, we kind of expect to get what we paid for - that's the whole point. I suspect that a lot of decision-making that goes into game purchasing by members here are made because of what is written in these forums by those closer to the developers. Furthermore, at the time of purchase, we don't really know if the game would ever be patched or would ever need to - so the chasm between game release and patch is irrelevant here.

It's not that you expect it to be released perfectly either. Just that you wouldn't think it would have so many bugs.

I think the issue here is just how "broken" people feel the game was in it's original release. For example, I think it was really broken, whereas some others might feel it's a bit broken.

It would be nice if somewhere along the line someone in the know from one of the companies involved would be able to give an idea as to why the game was released in the way it was when it was clearly not finished; whether it was really not finished or a bit not finished is besides the point.

Or at least be able to put their hands up and say; For reasons that cannot be disclosed we have to say that the game wasn't quite where it ought to have been when it was released.

I suppose they would say it is none of my business and I have a choice to buy it or not. True. But it would show some real commitment and openness to core gamers if they could do that.

However I do feel that they are monitoring things well and doing something about it and asking gamesr with insight (PC members here) to help evolve the game for the greater good. And hopefully that relationship will be able to continue for future projects.

I am not privvy to this kind of thing but as far as I can tell it seems like one of the first times that the actual players and knowledgeable people of a cricket game have coluded in this way and the fact that Cricket Revolution is going down the same track is very hopeful indeed.

Then "we" will be truely able to start shaping the games we wish so desperately to play!:)
Then "we" will be truely able to start shaping the games we wish so desperately to play!:)

Judging by what these guys are doing, hopefully that day will be soon!
Sometimes i just wonder what would have been the reaction of the Aussie players regarding the gameplay , crowds, commentary etc. on playing the preview game on Ps3 .

When Transmission & Codemasters had Aussie players try out the game on a PS3 , didnt they complain that the game is slightly broken. I wonder what did Ponting have to say on realizing that he had a bowling speed of 5mph ( though im sure he would've been happy knowing that his bowling was pretty much unplayable for n00bs like Mitchel Jhonson & Siddle ;) ) .

Ah, thank God that professional Cricketers are n00bs at playing Video Games :sarcasm
Im really sorry if i have insulted peope its just the way i see it is as joking and people see it in adifferent manner i never insult people in my opinon i just joke around sorrry but thats the way i am and dutchad in future i woud like you to keep out of my business with other member you doing this would possibly make the argument bigger so keep out in future if you dont mind as it was nufin to do with you dont mean to be rude mate as i like chatting to you on here and i have respect for:D

Hello my friend! How are you?

Now I would just like to say that I have read your post carefully and with consideration and I feel you have gone someway to explain yourself. However I must disagree with you about it being none of my business.

If you wish to keep your comments "private" you should PM somebody to make your opinions known. By posting your comments on a public forum you are subjecting yourself to the scrutiny and opinion of everybody who reads those comments.

Thats what forums are for and I shall express my opinion as you have every right to do so. I appreciate your sentiment of respect and I can assure you that they are potentially mutual.

Whether it is in jest or meant is something for you to decide but calling someone an idiot implies a certain attitude which can only be regarded as insulting. Fullstop.

I wish you, myself and everyone a pleasurable, respectful times on these forums which can be mixed with lively and even heated debate.

Respect however must be the core ingredient otherwise things end up like the Codies forum.

I love coming on here because people have respect for each other. When I perceive that not be happening I say something about it just like I would accept others doing that to me.

And I dont have to be a moderator or a moderators friend to express that opinion. I am myself.

Be a man about it and move on.:)
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more of dutchad's words of wisdom can be found in fortune cookies at a Chinese restaurant near you :)

Seriously though, that post summed up why PC is so great. We can have civil conversations and when need be, civil discourse.
i hoped i would see a fix list from transmission by now.. wonder what taking so long.. hopefully patch is almost ready
Or at least be able to put their hands up and say; For reasons that cannot be disclosed we have to say that the game wasn't quite where it ought to have been when it was released.

That small gesture at the right time would have made a big difference.
I think something that's been overlooked here is that while the out the box version wasn't a greatly realistic simulation of cricket (as my review made clear) it was still fun to have a bash with your mates on and sales have been more than healthy.
Plenty of companies have released games in the past that are below par and then done nothing about it. In fact this site is probably the reason that the last few EA games have eventually been playable.
I know we probably don't want to accept the fact but people who are seriously concerned about the state the game was in were probably in a significant minority and it's testament to both Codies and TMG that something is being done about it.
That small gesture at the right time would have made a big difference.

I think the upcoming patch is confirmation of that, no?

Lots of people bought the game and are happy with it, so, as has been mentioned before, TG and CM don't have any obligation to make a patch, and the fact that they have is a credit to them surely.

Having dealt with some of the guys from TG during the testing process, I would take exception to anyone suggesting that they're lazy, pathetic, non-caring, money-grabbing, and all the other crap that's been levelled at them on these boards.

Some of the drivel posted on here speculating over their integrity and honesty is just astounding and it's probably not nice for them to read either.

Remember that we want to keep them on these boards in the future! You can call a spade a spade, but you don't have to call it a god damned useless pile of worthless crap.

Just to clarify, the above isn't directly @CaptainOz.
I think the upcoming patch is confirmation of that, no?

Lots of people bought the game and are happy with it, so, as has been mentioned before, TG and CM don't have any obligation to make a patch, and the fact that they have is a credit to them surely.

Having dealt with some of the guys from TG during the testing process, I would take exception to anyone suggesting that they're lazy, pathetic, non-caring, money-grabbing, and all the other crap that's been levelled at them on these boards.

Some of the drivel posted on here speculating over their integrity and honesty is just astounding and it's probably not nice for them to read either.

Remember that we want to keep them on these boards in the future! You can call a spade a spade, but you don't have to call it a god damned useless pile of worthless crap.

Just to clarify, the above isn't directly @CaptainOz.

mate, is beta testing over by now. ???

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