New Q&A With Producer Jamie Firth

Most games release patches to fix bugs and gameplays after they get the input from the community. Atleast they are releasing a patch. There have been so many cricket games that have released and the publishers have dissappeared after that. So the games remained broken. I have pile of them if you want. Be thankful to these guys. They already have our money from the game but they still care

In a way I agree, but in a way I also feel that it is their duty to fix the game and not some great favor they are doing us.

If I ordered a steak at a restaurant and the it arrived at the table undercooked, I would expect the waiter to take it back to the kitchen and finish cooking it, probably would not thank him for that either. (Horrible analogy I know, but I just woke up)
As a chef I'd tell you to become a man and eat your steak blue. ;)

Patching has many implications. Financial is a biggie, as is creating more problems by changing parts of the game. Time is also a factor.

In an ideal world, all games would either be released perfectly, or patched very quickly. Unfortunately the difference between the ideal world and the real world is a chasm, particularly in an industry which doesn't have a good record of being an accountants dream.
wow you took it the wrong way slaphead im gratefull that they are doing this but we shouldnt be in this position read properly first idiot.
I am thankfull.:D
Hello planet cricket, this is my first post on your site. I dont no much about other games so i will only talk about ashes 2009 and future cricket games. I have been playing ashes for 5 weeks now and im good at the game. But i understand that ashes needs a good patch and i dont care if it takes till the end of the year. PS i have ashes on Ps3 and will go online in the near future.
wow you took it the wrong way slaphead im gratefull that they are doing this but we shouldnt be in this position read properly first idiot.
I am thankfull.:D

Whats up with you lately man!? All I come across from you is insulting comments towards some people?

Surely you can attempt to be more polite?

People seem pretty polite to you. And of course I can probably now expect the same treatment but I don't care.

It has to be said.

If you spent as much time improving your attitude as you have done to your punctuation that would be great.:)
Whats up with you lately man!? All I come across from you is insulting comments towards some people?

Surely you can attempt to be more polite?

People seem pretty polite to you. And of course I can probably now expect the same treatment but I don't care.

It has to be said.

If you spent as much time improving your attitude as you have done to your punctuation that would be great.:)

I wanted to reply to him too, but my comments wouldn't have been as positive and well-structured.

Jamershepp, if you continue to go about PlanetCricket in this vein, you'll not be here long. I've been here long enough to know what members like you come to, either become good members, or get banned and kicked out, either way, its fine with i'm sure all of us.
Whats up with you lately man!? All I come across from you is insulting comments towards some people?

Surely you can attempt to be more polite?

People seem pretty polite to you. And of course I can probably now expect the same treatment but I don't care.

It has to be said.

If you spent as much time improving your attitude as you have done to your punctuation that would be great.:)

Lol:laugh:laugh:laugh:laugh I remember when I did that. It gets you nowhere. Talking trash on the internet does nothing. Face to face in real life is a different story.
Whats up with you lately man!? All I come across from you is insulting comments towards some people?

Surely you can attempt to be more polite?

People seem pretty polite to you. And of course I can probably now expect the same treatment but I don't care.

It has to be said.

If you spent as much time improving your attitude as you have done to your punctuation that would be great.:)

Im really sorry if i have insulted peope its just the way i see it is as joking and people see it in adifferent manner i never insult people in my opinon i just joke around sorrry but thats the way i am and dutchad in future i woud like you to keep out of my business with other member you doing this would possibly make the argument bigger so keep out in future if you dont mind as it was nufin to do with you dont mean to be rude mate as i like chatting to you on here and i have respect for:D
Cant do that for licensing issues. That sounds like a lawsuit from the BCCI waiting to happen

What grounds would BCCI have to stand on? The devs didn't provide the real names, the players did! Just like they've enabled custom names offline. Besides I don't think BCCI would try to sue a videogame company, they're too busy doing other stuff to worry about that. Also it'll make them look bad so I don't think they'll do it.
Im really sorry if i have insulted peope its just the way i see it is as joking and people see it in adifferent manner i never insult people in my opinon i just joke around sorrry but thats the way i am and dutchad in future i woud like you to keep out of my business with other member you doing this would possibly make the argument bigger so keep out in future if you dont mind as it was nufin to do with you dont mean to be rude mate as i like chatting to you on here and i have respect for

Keep it friendly though, eh? We're all on the same side here. :)
Keep it friendly though, eh? We're all on the same side here. :)

ye i but honestly i promise you al im not really angry and un happy and i understand how people see the comments i write as insulting but i never mean it in the way people take it slaphead is my favourite word i call al my mates that several times a day lol but does annoy me when people but in and make the situation worse when its not there business im not on about you master blaster by the way i have evermore respect for you even know we went through a rough patch :D but dutchad annoyed me by making it his business but i aso have respect for him i will tone it down and eargerly waiting for this patch now seriously im really exited to play an ashes series on hard with out bugs but waiting and have put ashes on hold untill patch is released.:banana2

jamershepp added 1 Minutes and 33 Seconds later...

sorry not much punctuation really tired and were only chatting jibber jabber at the moment anywayz
I will also be making it my business if you're not careful. You can't expect people to take in a lighthearted way comments like slaphead whatever usage it may have amongst your friends and having a go at someone who is trying to help you isn't too smart either.
Please take the time to read back over your posts before submitting them and if you think it may come across badly then change it.
I'm not as nice as masterblaster76 or sureshot and I will be watching closely.
I will also be making it my business if you're not careful. You can't expect people to take in a lighthearted way comments like slaphead whatever usage it may have amongst your friends and having a go at someone who is trying to help you isn't too smart either.
Please take the time to read back over your posts before submitting them and if you think it may come across badly then change it.
I'm not as nice as masterblaster76 or sureshot and I will be watching closely.

i find the way you are talking to me very disrespectfull as i have said sorry and explained mysef and we were beginning to move on as i said to masterbaster but it seems you wanted to start an argument of and make some trouble i find this very very disrespectful and im offended

jamershepp added 3 Minutes and 24 Seconds later...

i am sorry and i have said this to veryone who i have offended even know it was not intended and meant to me as a joke but i understand completey why this was taken this way but i believe you have shown me a lack of respect as i have just explained myself and began to move on i think no your the one looking to cause arguments and troube i dropped the subject and we were al going to but you have brought it back up i honestly am offended by you sorry but true
Oh. Dear. .

Classic example of context being lost across the internet.

could you explain??:D

jamershepp added 3 Minutes and 4 Seconds later...

well i kind of understand and no its not atall thats how i feel not you soo plz dont get invoved exactly what i have just been talking bout and you have gone and done it stay out of it.
What grounds would BCCI have to stand on? The devs didn't provide the real names, the players did! Just like they've enabled custom names offline. Besides I don't think BCCI would try to sue a videogame company, they're too busy doing other stuff to worry about that. Also it'll make them look bad so I don't think they'll do it.

You might be right, however if I was a player and I had not given permission for my name to be used in a game (regardless of the game company putting it in , or allowing people to edit it and use online) I think that is cause for legal action.

Codemasters has a lot of money, so I would absolutly love to sue their pants off :D

You are probably right though, one question about your suggestion, whose name files would be used? the hosts? is it even possible to use both the host and the guests name files.

Either way, dont think it would ever happen, just holding thumbs for a cricket game with all licenses. (About time we got one)

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