New Update Discussion

Perhaps we should have a poll of how many people care about having a depth and variety in the teams they play for and against. You asked "who needs them" - well that's the answer - people after an in depth career mode. And plenty of people put thousands of hours into theirs in the previous game.

You might not be interested, but those teams are not 'placeholders' - they are core to the game's most played mode, and one of the most requested features.

You dismiss the time and effort put in the game, and you dismiss the thousands of pieces of feedback that were addressed, the features that were added from extensively listening to the community. But no wonder you're not seeing it if you're playing with three teams at the same ground over and over.

Feedback was heard when deciding what features to include in the game, and listening to feedback will continue to be how the games keep improving. If you bothered to be constructive rather than saying how everything's shit, then perhaps I and others at Big Ant might be inclined to listen to your feedback, and not write you off as having nothing of substance to say because all you've got is hurling insults.

If you make it hard for me to read your feedback because it's layered in hyperbole and hate - then you may as well never bothered typing the words in the first place.

Cos its your job. We paid money, lots of money, for your product. To keep you employed.

Bugant - fix the game and stop getting all emotional. We want what we paid for. Not a broken product. Of course there is going to be angst when the product is broken and people wasted money on it. Stop looking for excuses and just fix the f***ing thing. Don't like the angst, well grow a pair of balls.

You want appreciation for your time and effort! How about you give the public some appreciation for handing over their hard earned to you and give us something that is worth the money we paid?
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Has anyone at BigAnt had a perusal around the issues with batting yet?

We have. The issues are far more complex than are generally being thought through on here and have a lot to do with the Academy and the players downloaded, and whether there are fielders of ability or not, and where they are placed. The avoidance of fielders is one of the biggest issues causing what would appear to be minimised shot selection.
Can we all please just ignore chueybacca and his minions; he really is just tweaked up and lives on the attention he gets thinking he is some sort of Jean d Arc saving the masses whilst he is fact an utter nerd sitting in his bedroom too long
Says the nerd who has spent more than 20 hours a day on this forum for the past 10 years. Do you have a family, personal life, and how do you make a living if you are always mired here?
To be honest I've never read, or even heard of Wisdon. To be fair I don't think I'd much care to either as I read Wisden.

Yep, that's what did it; if you want to get all rude and preachy you'd at least want to get that right.
He thinks his a big man here, in his big boy pants. I get a strong feeling reality doesn't match up.
stop getting all emotional.
BA pays me to grind trolls down

What a life. Between being Royce and getting payed to do that I can't imagine how you found the time to convince Big Ant to waste such precious resources on stupid additions like multiple first class tournaments in career. When do you sleep?
We have. The issues are far more complex than are generally being thought through on here and have a lot to do with the Academy and the players downloaded, and whether there are fielders of ability or not, and where they are placed. The avoidance of fielders is one of the biggest issues causing what would appear to be minimised shot selection.
So the animations and shots are there but they have become unavailable due to academy and created players. Am I reading this right?
We have. The issues are far more complex than are generally being thought through on here and have a lot to do with the Academy and the players downloaded, and whether there are fielders of ability or not, and where they are placed. The avoidance of fielders is one of the biggest issues causing what would appear to be minimised shot selection.

The batting remains the same even on an empty field against the bowling machine (so logic dictates that it has nothing to do with fielder ability, created players etc). No Cover Drive, No Fine glance Limited Stroke Variation, Lack of animations and everything that has been expressed before.
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We have. The issues are far more complex than are generally being thought through on here and have a lot to do with the Academy and the players downloaded, and whether there are fielders of ability or not, and where they are placed. The avoidance of fielders is one of the biggest issues causing what would appear to be minimised shot selection.

Ah, that's fascinating.

Hopefully you guys can figure it out, I'd imagine it's an immense challenge if community created players are contributing to the problem.

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