New Update Discussion

Hope you are not a software engineer, because recycle bin doesn't exist in the consoles :)
LOL. I am not, but I hope you know that you can delete stuff from your console's storage. Try harder mate :)
Does this mean that if our ps4's aren't connected to the internet, we will continue to experience the censoring problem? And that you have no plans to fix it?
Unfortunately they can only fix it if your online I think
@kasabian21 There was nothing added in terms of shot-making in the patch according to the notes.

I didn't say there was, I am only basing it on my experience. In the first ten overs of my match I've hit way more shots into the cover region than I had done in probably 120+ overs of batting pre-patch. Even when I was trying to play the aforementioned shot pre-patch it rarely happened, yet post-patch it seems much easier.
You said recycle bin, and if it can be done then do it!
Google the word 'Metaphor' and while you are at it learn about 'Figures of Speech'. It could help you clear your TOEFL (Troll) exam as well.
Google the word 'Metaphor' and while you are at it learn about 'Figures of Speech'. It could help you clear your TOEFL (Troll) exam as well.
I am an English undergraduate by the way![DOUBLEPOST=1482337110][/DOUBLEPOST]Why don't you teach coding since you kmow so much about game development. Even EA should take lessons from you!
I am an English undergraduate by the way![DOUBLEPOST=1482337110][/DOUBLEPOST]Why don't you teach coding since you kmow so much about game development. Even EA should take lessons from you!
Undergraduate? LOL....become a graduate first. My child's nursery books are available if you need some help in this endeavor.

As far as my game development skills, I have none....just like some of the cricket game developers.
Undergraduate? LOL....become a graduate first. My child's nursery books are available if you need some help in this endeavor.

As far as my game development skills, I have none....just like some of the cricket game developers.
Ignore List say hello to your new friend.
How do I block people certain people on here ruining it all for me such sour grapes if you don't like the game nobody is forcing you to play it simple.
Simple solution. Go play the game and don't read the forums.
Click on their name above their avatar and ignore. Simple and necessary at the minute.
Many thanks ignoring ppl as of now[DOUBLEPOST=1482337992][/DOUBLEPOST]
Forget that mate, didn't see your full fledged review on the game yet! Are you gonna post it?
Yes I just need to play it more only had an hour or so I'm off tomorrow so I'll upload a review tomorrow for definite what I have seen I've enjoyed TBH

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