Its the "I cant take a loss syndrome"...
We won, so it's obviously not that.
And i'm not whinging about the 'Dilscoop', it's just confusing because as mentioned above McCullum's done it and Ashraful was perhaps the first to do it in internationals. Dilshan's only been doing it about the last year or two. I don't really care what they call it to be honest. It just sounds like something girls would stick in themselves :S Dunno what's wrong with calling it the scoop shot or paddle. I don't agree with shots being named after players, especially when they never invented the shot. Next thing the Doosra will be called the Murili, the switch hit will be called the Pietersen. :/
As for the commentators, they haven't been bad really. It's just that Zimbabwe? dude. He's kind of annoying. No real complaints. It's T20 and everything happens so fast, I'm not surprised. I didn't notice either until I looked at my computer.
And the luck thing, cricketers get luck, it happens. There will be a day where he plays a ball on the up and edges it first ball. It's just annoying that it's not happened yet. But it's coming due.
As for Dilshan's stupid beard, it just shows he's a showoff. Plus it cut to him in the changing room with a big golden chain thing around his neck. He's just a twat if you ask me. But whatever, just my opinion. I think Broad's a twat and the English fans don't cry at me.