Newbie Ocean's Mafia - Endgame (Town Win)


Chairman of Selectors
Aug 31, 2009
Newbie Game 4 - Ocean's Mafia

Rules (Copied and modified from Spoobir's Wild West Mafia, READ THEM)

1) Don't quote any communication you have received via PM from myself.
2) Roles and alignments will be revealed upon death.
3) If anything in your PM overrides these rules then your PM is to be followed.
4) No communication about the game outside of this thread, unless your PM says so. If someone contacts you, report it to me. This is a strict rule, follow it or you will likely be banned from future games.
5) You are allowed one post as a ghost once you are dead. After that please do not comment in the thread.
6) Don't edit your posts. Once you post, it's there to stay. Also, don't post in white-text.
7) Once you're dead, you can't win. Survival is the key.
8) Write-ups may contain clues.
9) Roleclaiming is allowed, as is character claiming. Mafia have been given fake character claims.
10) There will be NO discussion allowed in the thread at night, you're supposed to be sleeping! If you don't honour this the thread will be locked.
11) Be active or you will be replaced!
12) Since this's a newbie game, everyone's expected to make mistakes, so avoid personal attacks.
13) Enjoy the game.

Signups now open, 10 players are needed - ideally a mixture of experience and newcomers. If I get more than 10, then I reserve the right to choose who gets to play, but signups who are not chosen will be placed on the reserves list.


Day 0
Night 0
Day 1
Night 1
Day 2
Night 2
Day 3

Winners (6)

Themer aka Linus Caldwell, Cop, Town Aligned
RPHKR aka Basher Tarr, Miller, Town Aligned
Bevab aka Robert Charles "Rusty" Ryan, Doctor, Town Aligned
AngryPixel aka Reuben Tishkoff, Vigilante, Town Aligned
barmyarmy aka Frank Catton, Tracker, Town Aligned
hedger_14 aka Tess Ocean, Vanilla, Town Aligned

Dead (4)

User2010 aka Daniel "Danny" Ocean, Cult Leader, Cult Aligned (Killed Night 1)
swacker aka Fran?ois Toulour, Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Aligned (Lynched Day 2)
Aditya aka The Malloy Brothers, Double Voter, Town Aligned (Killed Night 2)
BKB1991 aka Terry Benedict, Mafia Godfather, Mafia Aligned (Lynched Day 3)

Game summary
Role PMs
Night roles chart
Player analysis
Mafia discussion space
Spectator quick topic
Last edited:
Did I say out? No,

Then IN!!!!!!!!!!

Need a mafia break.
I don't see the point of these newbie mafias when no newbies ever sign up...
I don't see the point of these newbie mafias when no newbies ever sign up...

Newbies = Players to have played 5 games or less. ;)
Also, this won't be starting for atleast a week, by which time, the dead people from Conspiracy 365 Mafia can sign up if they want to. :)
Newbies = Players to have played 5 games or less. ;)

Are you serious? It's really not a complicated game at all and most people have it down by the end of their second time playing (allowing for an early death in their first game due to noobness).

If you're into your 5th game and still need help you should probably get your brain checked out.
Okay, given there are hardly any new members visiting this part of the forum like you said, the cut-off for 'newbies' was set to 5 games or less. :p
What about some of the newbies who signed up for bevab's game like Great India and Swirler? Why don't you contact them?
I think that newbie games should have 8 or 9 max really too.
I'll contact GI, but Swirler happens to be really busy in his ongoing C07 project, so I quite don't think he'll be playing this.

As for the no:of players, weren't you the first guy to say '14's fine for a newbie game'! :p

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