Nrl 2009

40-20 to the Bulldogs. When did you stop watching haha, the Warriors gave up the lead after 15mins I think.
oh great, my boss is going to be off his tree tomorrow at work... :p

had to go drive home from somewhere (1 hr trip), so missed it.

good ole, howsie.. cheers for telling me.

btw, vettori is god.
Kimmorely's cheek is fractured eh? That hurts a bit.

Yeah, I don't think he'll visit the thread anyways - we are safe. :p

Did Inglis return this weekend?
Dogs certainly lift when the lose Kimmorely during the match, how they go without him for a few weeks is another question. I can see Moore picking Holdsworth, would be very risky playing Barba with his defensive issues.
Dogs certainly lift when the lose Kimmorely during the match, how they go without him for a few weeks is another question. I can see Moore picking Holdsworth, would be very risky playing Barba with his defensive issues.

Yea Holdsworth would be the "safe" pick (Can't believe I'm saying that). Would like to Barba on the bench this week though.
Noddy gone for 4 weeks so Dogs will probably miss him for 2 games if they can win their 1st playoff match.

Raiders do it again at home, just a shame we took so long to get going at home, we lost 3-4 games at home which cost us a finals spot. And Vidot what a freak hes becoming, shame about the sin binning incident.
Vidot's a massive talent for sure, that first try was so freakish.

Good news for us too, hopefully we don't get the Eels in the first round though.
Last round now the dragons need to fire up tomorrow night! and let's hope the dogs lose to the Tigers :p also if anyone is going see you on the hill.
Gutted to lose Vidot :( Hopefully the u20s can make it to the second round of the finals and then I can watch his brilliance one last time this season. Our match with the Broncos could get ugly for us, they will want revenge after the smashing we gave them and we suck away from home. If we can bring our home form it should be a cracker but highly unlikely.
We're going to be Minor Premiers babayy!

From Wooden Spooners to next years Premiership contenders.

Nah, but to be fair it's going to be hard with with Farah and Marshall in top gear with Kimmorley out. I expect to see a big game from Ennis here.
Shocking first half. 16-0 to the Tigers and the Dragons are up 20-0 at halftime too. No minor premiership this year. We haven't looked like scoring all night but the Tigers have played really well.

I was watching the FS highlights today and Vossy said the Strom signed John Kite, can't believe we've let him go. I guess that's what happens when you don't see FG though, a player isn't going to want to stick around. He's going to be a beast when he gets the chance.
We're going to be Minor Premiers babayy!

Went a bit too early!

The Dragons got back to their early season ways and destroyed the form team. That could either be the loss the Eels needed or be the end of the dream run. Gould was saying this competition is even and only the Dragons performing like they did tonight could separate the pack. He could be right but always hard to say with finals footy.

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