Discussion Online Play General Discussion

@BigAntStudios, just so you know, @Ishaan k and I were just playing and I got the "Black Screen of...Coma?". My TV screen is black, but I can hear faint crowd noises and can access the PS menu, which is different from what happened pre-patch. I'm still on wireless, nothing downloading, playing in London. @Ishaan k is in Canada.
So, would a brief summary be that online is fun, but only if you:

1) Have a wired connection, because wireless is tweaked
2) Have a 360, because the PS3 has a black screen of death problem
3) Play with people you know and not randoms

Is that about right? And of course, don't have dial-up...
So, would a brief summary be that online is fun, but only if you:

1) Have a wired connection, because wireless is fished
2) Have a 360, because the PS3 has a black screen of death problem
3) Play with people you know and not randoms

Is that about right? And of course, don't have dial-up...

Regarding 2, we believe it's on Xbox and Playstation3 if one or both are on wireless (point 1).

Regarding 3, you can have fun with random people, like all online games though you tend to remember the ones that annoy/grief/dropout/quit....
Regarding 2, we believe it's on Xbox and Playstation3 if one or both are on wireless (point 1).

Regarding 3, you can have fun with random people, like all online games though you tend to remember the ones that annoy/grief/dropout....

Yes unfortunately. AFL Live, pre-patch had the annoying man on the mark set shot blocking griefing but was generally a fun experience ~75% of the time. Against mates or regular opponents it was superb though, and the patch fixed a lot, except for overpowered custom teams, but we're already discussed this :)

I imagine cricket against mates will be fantastic. Particularly with a microphone. Also 10 over games don't excite me too much. I'd love to play a 50 over game against a mate, over a couple of sessions.

Also, regarding your first point, if playing against someone you know (at least online) you could make sure you both have a wired connection :)

I'm VERY excited to receive the game HOPEFULLY tomorrow.

If I don't, there will be many an angry email sent.
When you're talking about people quitting; are you talking about people forfeiting the game? I've done that a few times: usually for what I see as good reasons. Quit one of my games after being out four balls in a row "bowled" with the balls either being wides or hitting the pads; because it tweaked up my game...
When you're talking about people quitting; are you talking about people forfeiting the game? I've done that a few times: usually for what I see as good reasons. Quit one of my games after being out four balls in a row "bowled" with the balls either being wides or hitting the pads; because it fished up my game...

Quitting in the context I have given is generally because someone is losing (often hard to figure in cricket until both side have a bat).

Unfortunately because of the wireless online issues we have to take the blame for some of the quits, if the connection is not behaving well enough to have fun I can understand quitting.
Quitting in the context I have given is generally because someone is losing (often hard to figure in cricket until both side have a bat).

Unfortunately because of the wireless online issues we have to take the blame for some of the quits, if the connection is not behaving well enough to have fun I can understand quitting.

Would it be possible to have a connection meter or something like that in the pause menu? That ways we can check the quality of the connection whenever we wish to.

I say this because even with a wired connection, with both having good net connections....the game shows a lot of signs of lag. Some of the examples are:

1) Fielders strolling towards the ball and then suddenly within a second teleporting to it
2) The Run button stops working and needs to be pressed multiple times to respond
3) The ball trail after it is thrown from the fielder zig-zags around like crazy
4) The batsman's screen shows the ball has passed the fielder but suddenly teleports back into his hands
5) Timing of Stick controls is all over the place
Had an online game last night, I declared on 47/7 in a T20, because 6 out of those 7 wickets were due to glitches such as playing the ball down the leg side along the ground and being caught, or being clean bowled by an invisible ball.

I won by 1 run, guess who got the most wickets?..

Mr Glitch got 6!

@BigAntStudios is anything being done to try and resolve the wireless issue? Or is this a problem that we just have to deal with? I find it strange that any other game I play online is as good as flawless but a game that has just released less than a month ago has such major issues. Ashes 09 could achieve it am sure you guys could? (Apologies for the harsh tone, but this is really starting to frustrate me as Online play is main game mode, not only that but I have been looking forward to this for a long time considering the let down with Ashes 13,we have no other option but this game, so we need it to be playable.)
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If everything was premeditated then it'd be easy, you can't compare it with 09.

We stuffed up the wireless connection as we just didn't think it would make a difference, we now know it does.
Even with all the glitches and lag (which dont happen in all the games), playing online is still a lot of fun! Its only when glitches like the game accounting a ground stroke as a catch, batsman getting bowled but the game not registering it etc happen that you need to get out of the game and maybe restart it. Else....its quite playable and enjoyable online (I enjoy online more than offline now!!)!


If everything was premeditated then it'd be easy, you can't compare it with 09.

We stuffed up the wireless connection as we just didn't think it would make a difference, we now know it does.

You need a fresh (off-shore) addition to your testing team :p
Sounds like good bowling to me... Also online has normalised stats I think. You can't make super players.

Problem is , it needs to be ticked once the guy sets up the match. So if he wanna rape you with his overpowered players , he just allways creates games and lets the unknowing succers join. Voilla !

I would think that the Normalise Option , should not even be an option in online games. This leaves it too easy to exploit for our nefarious brothers....

As mentioned a couple of times in here , the online play is a quite wonky on wireless (Wifi) connection , but some of it plays smoothly and that normally continues for the whole match. I believe this will be fixed in Patch No. 2.

I`m sending HBK some Internet Connection settings for him to analyse if they can get to the bottom of this.
There should be the option to play without normalising the teams though. Perhaps I want to play my mate and I'm a lot better than him, it'd be fun to play with me as Bangladesh and him as South Africa.

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