Discussion Online Play General Discussion

Zero issues with Wifi and online gameplay, I've got a pretty decent connection, so yeah. Only issues were my laptop not really being up to scratch graphically but was able to work around that as best I could. Lot of fun, really. Much better than console online, IMO. If it's crossed over in patch 2 to the console version online will be a dramatic improvement.
Zero issues with Wifi and online gameplay, I've got a pretty decent connection, so yeah. Only issues were my laptop not really being up to scratch graphically but was able to work around that as best I could. Lot of fun, really. Much better than console online, IMO. If it's crossed over in patch 2 to the console version online will be a dramatic improvement.

Do you there will be a difference in WIFI used on console and on laptop??
TBH, I never had a problem with Wifi on my PS3 to begin with, I just don't play online all that much because its mostly unplayable... But the PC server and online gameplay with Matt tonight was just great.
TBH, I never had a problem with Wifi on my PS3 to begin with, I just don't play online all that much because its mostly unplayable... But the PC server and online gameplay with Matt tonight was just great.

I dont think Online is unplayable. I am a part of few Online Leagues here in PC, and can say that it is the most fun you can have playing DBC. If you are not playing online, you are missing out on loads of fun. Of-course there is always scope for improvement, but I didn't expected a sweeping statement like "Its mostly Unplayable" from at-least @Biggs It may discourage people to play online or take part in online leagues which are already in full swings and as I said its 100% fun. We have lots of matches won by just 01 Run or 01 Wicket..I would request everyone to give it a try..Its completely Playable.
and can say that it is the most fun you can have playing DBC. If you are not playing online, you are missing out on loads of fun. Of-course there is always scope for improvement, but I didn't expected a sweeping statement like "Its mostly Unplayable" from at-least @Biggs

I would suggest the part in bold is a sweeping statement - not everyone wants to play online or indeed enjoys playing online....
I would suggest the part in bold is a sweeping statement - not everyone wants to play online or indeed enjoys playing online....

Expected exactly this type of reply...Thanks again..
What, for giving a balanced view? It's my pleasure

Not with staff like you/others we will be ok ;)

Yes, its my mistake, I should have thought about it that not everyone like to play online. I will be very careful not to ask/post such silly posts in future..You guys are doing great job..Thanks for providing us this wonderful platform to get to know so many like cricket enthusiast...keep up the good work guys..:thumbs:thumbs
Yes, its my mistake, I should have thought about it that not everyone like to play online. I will be very careful not to ask/post such silly posts in future..You guys are doing great job..Thanks for providing us this wonderful platform to get to know so many like cricket enthusiast...keep up the good work guys..:thumbs:thumbs

You are entitled to your opinon and can express that. However the point being made was that you were taking issue of a sweeping statement by using a sweeping statement to try prove a point....unfortunately philosophically redundant.
You are entitled to your opinon and can express that. However the point being made was that you were taking issue of a sweeping statement by using a sweeping statement to try prove a point....unfortunately philosophically redundant.

I already said Sorry. My IQ is little low. I made the blunder of making an incorrect observation. Thanks for correcting me with your kind words.
I already said Sorry. My IQ is little low. I made the blunder of making an incorrect observation. Thanks for correcting me with your kind words.

Although you try hard to disguise the sarcasm I dont buy it. I think you might be taking it all a little too seriously me old mate.
I would say a couple of the Admins take it a little too seriously at times .

So yeah , please discredit/humiliate me now , as I`ve spoken my mind....

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