Online quitters

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Small list of morons , who ran away in the middle of the game with me to take a shower with their uncles together ( yep, gang bang time )


Or maybe they all went to take a shower with Ronald McDonald

added ashmeet123, sam91 and dynamite. The rest are already on the list.
I'm glad we can draw a line under it, and as said I do hope to play you again at some point. I genuinely did have a power cut though. Yes, I know it's very coincidental, but it did happen. :)

we know you didnt have a freaking powercut you might as well give up on that but some people may have forgiven you but i havent cause your a hippocrit when you come on here and talk about quitters when your the quitter deep down and i know you probz won tquit again now youve been caught cause of the stick your getting also your lucky to get a second chance even know you really dont deserve it i recommend people dont play with this guy!!

i m online quitter because i quit playing online:laugh and its just easier and tension free to play offline and u dont have to deal with quitters and agony of playing yorkers again and again
I faced this guy : Basit.

I started with spinners(not to give him advantage but to try out a few things) and he managed to score 110 odd runs in a T20 game.

Then even before I started batting, he quit. :mad:

I don't like posting someone's name as quitter but this guy really made me angry! I mean.. atleast he could have let me bat for a while. :(


  • Basit - The Quitter.jpg
    Basit - The Quitter.jpg
    72 KB · Views: 7
I had to leave midway thru a game and the guy msg me that his dad worked for sony and that my account is gonig to be closed, im like WTF say it isnt so.
I seriousley had to leave hopefully he was just being bitter.:hpraise
LOL, that way more than half of the accounts would be closed by now and we would be living in a quitter free world. :p
Few more quitters

greenb( idiot quit before the last ball even though i was bowling with spinners and gave some free runs)
leeboy (yes i know his name is in the list and i kicked him 10 times from mylobby still he wanted to play and i gave him another chance guess what he ran away with his tail within his legs and proved me right.) :sarcasm
StumpedYa another looser
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Another quitter LORD. Had him 8/64 and he quit after I got the 9th wicket, he was batting first. AND another sumon420.
PC by the way

b8hoven added 4 Minutes and 46 Seconds later...

Sorry ghostbuster1984 if you are from this forum. I quit in first 4 balls because it was lagging too much. I barely saw the ball you bowled. It stays stuck in the air for about 3 seconds and then all I see is the ball in keeper's hand. I quit in first 4 balls so you know I didn't quit because I was losing.

The same thing happened to me when I was playing this guy. The lag was terrible, but I gave it a go and I made 32 :(
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Add StumedYa to quitters list

I scored 177 in 10 overs and he was 55 for 7 in 5.5 and he left

Bloody looser
Another quitter LORD. Had him 8/64 and he quit after I got the 9th wicket, he was batting first. AND another sumon420.
PC by the way

his real name is Yadav.:D he is not exactly a quitter , he has a very bad connection (probably stolen :spy) and yes he plays very poorly so you have every right to feel cheated.:sarcasm
Yo this guy is got to be most dirty player in the game 5 overs of non stop loopy slow yorkers followed by slow loopy yorkers by spinners for the remining 15 unbeliveable then when I'm bowling line and length he starts to lose wickets surprise surprise he pulls the connection.

Other online quitter greg9424

Both ps3
Add syed ali....

I made 98 in 5 overs n he was 0 for 6 wickets down.

The most annoying thing is, I took 5 wickets in the first over. And that went all in vain. :doh

Now it is getting on my nerves. You only can play Unranked matches with your known friends. And anyone can join the Ranked match, as Public Slot is open. And what most of these unknown suckers do, they QUIT.

Codies/Transmission people seriously need to do something about this. As this ONLINE PLAY MODE is their U.S.P. for the game. However, now slowly n slowly its becoming one of the most annoying aspect of the game.

If the codies are listening, please for GOD Sake do some thing about it -

I have already added this suggestion in the Patch thread and here I am mentioning it again -

Save the stats for each n every game (Ranked), if the game has lasted for minimum two overs.
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