Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

The decade of the Big Ant :thumbs

I am sure no one is surprised. HG Wells in the 70s, and then the Simpsons in the 90s had prophesised that Big Ants would rule the world


More info on the prophecy: I, For One, Welcome Our New Insect Overlords
What's happened IMO is that PCs have became much easier to play games on; especially to play online; than they were 10 years ago. You have Steam which makes it much easier to buy games which aren't chained to one PC; which gets rid of lots of the cruft that PC gaming had a few years ago and makes it easier to play games. You also have much better ports than you once did plus a bunch of really interesting games from independent or small developers. I know that's existed for years, but a few years ago they could only sell their games on small dodgy websites; while now they are on Steam alongside Assassins Creed. A few years ago PCs looked like they would die because most of the big games had, to be frank, shitty from-console ports that weren't very good and good PC-only games were generally a lot harder to find especially if they were from smaller developers.

Some would argue that PCs have become more console-like: I personally think that they've taken the advantages of elements of consoles and combined them with the hardware-flexibility that the PC gives you. It also helps that PCs generally are a little cheaper compared to consoles - you can get an Xbox One equivalent PC for much less than the console. That probably says more about the Xbone though!
What's happened IMO is that PCs have became much easier to play games on; especially to play online; than they were 10 years ago. You have Steam which makes it much easier to buy games which aren't chained to one PC; ...

Some would argue that PCs have become more console-like: ...

Steam Box anyone? :D
Steam has also encouraged more Mac/Linux development and as primarily a Mac user; that's something that I appreciate!
What's happened IMO is that PCs have became much easier to play games on; especially to play online; than they were 10 years ago. You have Steam which makes it much easier to buy games which aren't chained to one PC; which gets rid of lots of the cruft that PC gaming had a few years ago and makes it easier to play games. You also have much better ports than you once did plus a bunch of really interesting games from independent or small developers. I know that's existed for years, but a few years ago they could only sell their games on small dodgy websites; while now they are on Steam alongside Assassins Creed. A few years ago PCs looked like they would die because most of the big games had, to be frank, shitty from-console ports that weren't very good and good PC-only games were generally a lot harder to find especially if they were from smaller developers.

Some would argue that PCs have become more console-like: I personally think that they've taken the advantages of elements of consoles and combined them with the hardware-flexibility that the PC gives you. It also helps that PCs generally are a little cheaper compared to consoles - you can get an Xbox One equivalent PC for much less than the console. That probably says more about the Xbone though!

Exactly this. Valve have led somewhat of a revolution to what was at one point an industry on the decline. Whilst it was true that PC gaming was looking on the out at one point, it most certainly isn't at this point, and now it seems to be the consoles turn for a bit of pressure.

Nintendo were the first to feel the crunch of this console generation, and boy what a crunch, but much like with the 3DS, their Wii U seems to be rounding the corner and may well still survive. If nothing else they have their exclusives to fall back on, and as Mario Kart 8 showed there's a lot of life in the market for them.

The Xbone is the worry of the 3 really, at this point it's got the smallest install base of the lot, and isn't looking likely to make up much ground. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this is the last Xbox we see, but you never know what might happen.

To be honest I think Big Ant should stick well away from all next gen consoles at this time, only the PS4 seems to be really worth it, and the install base is still nothing on that of the PS3 and Xbox 360 combined, and is probably, along with the PC, the best market to target for the foreseeable future. I mean, if even EA are a bit iffy on the PS4 and Xbone, you can't blame Big Ant for it.
I always wait for a year or so to avoid the units that self-destruct; but I'm considering going for the PC route rather than the console one. It'd be the PS4 when you look at what is there now: although I would pick up a Wii U if I had spare cash as well since Nintendo always make really good exclusives. Microsoft got big headed from the apparent success of the Xbox 360 (despite the fact that it didn't outsell the PS3 by that much) and seemed to do what Sony did last time and got far too arrogant. To be frank: I see more reasons to buy a decent PC and then perhaps picking up a Wii U in the future than I do going for the PS4; although that might change if it gets any decent exclusives.
I always wait for a year or so to avoid the units that self-destruct; but I'm considering going for the PC route rather than the console one. It'd be the PS4 when you look at what is there now: although I would pick up a Wii U if I had spare cash as well since Nintendo always make really good exclusives. Microsoft got big headed from the apparent success of the Xbox 360 (despite the fact that it didn't outsell the PS3 by that much) and seemed to do what Sony did last time and got far too arrogant. To be frank: I see more reasons to buy a decent PC and then perhaps picking up a Wii U in the future than I do going for the PS4; although that might change if it gets any decent exclusives.

Not buying an Xbone, putting money into a PC and Wii U instead...

I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave.

i don't know what's funnier; that post or the idea that everyone wants an overpriced webcam with their video game console...
I like Ross and the Big Ant team as much as anyone else does, and have nothing but good things to say about DBC 14. But to call "rolling ball being given out caught" not being game-breaking is stretching it. I have no doubt patch 2 will fix most of the online bugs but as it stands now, DBC 14 online is broken. Let's give credit where it's due and most of us agree Big Ant team has done a great job with DBC 14 but at the same time let's not say batsman given out off a grounded ball is not gamebreaking. It's akin to saying FIFA is not broken if corner kicks are inexplicably given as a goal, or Madden would be perfect if it stops recognizing rushing TDs.

I agree what you say, Rolling Ball Out is so so so frustrating, but in my humble opinion its not game breaking. Of-course this issue should not be there at all, but there is a way to overcome it, but its cumbersome, but those of us mostly play online only, we take this pain to play the only online cricket game that is available to us. How we do it, simple, save the game after every 05 Overs, and in case of Rolling Ball Out, start from last save (Its not mandatory, so if I have scored 60 Runs in 4.5 Overs, I may not opt to start from last save, even if I get a rolling ball out). Is it too difficult or game breaking experience for me, absolutely Not, is it cumbersome and frustrating, absolutely Yes. My post and comment was based on the options we cricket fan have with us, I am glad @BigAntStudios take the feedback in a positive way and doing the best they can do with the resources available with them. I always have the choice to play FIFA or GTAV if I find DBC14 Game Breaking, but thanks to our mature online community, we are trying our best to get the best possible experience with the only cricket game of any worth we have with us right now.

I have bought both the PS3 version and Steam version on Day-1 and I am happy with online matches I am playing, but definitely look forward to further improvement with forthcoming patches.
EA did not bring out the new world cup game on xb1 and ps4 because this game went into dev before fifa 14. They were simply unable to bring it out for these consoles because they machines did not exist at the time development started. The non appearance of the game on next gen consoles has nothing to do with poor sales
Consoles vs pc great like theres no google...

IMO ps is superior for sports, racing and exclusive games. you have to wait 30+ years to play god of war 3 on pc :p

For fps PC is best.
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Console vs PC war is always going to be around, just look at Youtube. I say play what you want to play and just 2 days till the PC version. For Patch 2 hoping for the same day.:cheers
Wouldn't say its a "war" here; I thought that was quite a nice and interesting discussion. It was less Console/PC and more about Steam and how awful the Xbone is...

Console warriors or PC "master race" people ought to be mocked, though!

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