Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

And for my 2 cents, Papers Please has been the greatest dissapointment purchase I have made, game wise, in a VERY long time.. even worse than my decision to buy BF3 (money spent/time played).

Hmm, you don't seem to have the required documents to post here anymore...
EA did not bring out the new world cup game on xb1 and ps4 because this game went into dev before fifa 14. They were simply unable to bring it out for these consoles because they machines did not exist at the time development started. The non appearance of the game on next gen consoles has nothing to do with poor sales

They started and finished FIFA 14 on the PS4 and Xbone before FIFA World Cup 2014 was released. Their stated reason was "prohibitively low next gen adoption rates". Thanks to developers kits, companies, particularly big ones, have been able to produce games for the next gen consoles for a lot longer than most realize.

So no, it was EA themselves who explained it as being the "prohibitively low next gen adoption rates", they were entirely able to have done so if they wanted.

Wouldn't say its a "war" here; I thought that was quite a nice and interesting discussion. It was less Console/PC and more about Steam and how awful the Xbone is...

Console warriors or PC "master race" people ought to be mocked, though!

If there were a "master race" in the gaming World, it would be those lucky enough to afford all platforms.

Titles we are working on now support 5 sku's (X360/one, Ps3/4, PC), I expect this will be the case for the next couple of years.

It's amazing to think that Big Ant have more confidence in the next gen than EA.

To take the fun out of it even more, he said 'support' the 5 SKU's.. no guarantee of releasing on all 5.. as he's said before, previous game(s) BAS have developed had a PC version developed but never released. Hell, there was even a suggestion that DBC might not have been scheduled to release on PC...

And for my 2 cents, Papers Please has been the greatest dissapointment purchase I have made, game wise, in a VERY long time.. even worse than my decision to buy BF3 (money spent/time played).

That's very disappointing, it's a fantastic game. At $4.99 it's a bargain too.

I guess whilst there's gunmen, you aren't one of them though. SOme games aren't to everyone's tastes.
To take the fun out of it even more, he said 'support' the 5 SKU's.. no guarantee of releasing on all 5.. as he's said before, previous game(s) BAS have developed had a PC version developed but never released. Hell, there was even a suggestion that DBC might not have been scheduled to release on PC...

And for my 2 cents, Papers Please has been the greatest dissapointment purchase I have made, game wise, in a VERY long time.. even worse than my decision to buy BF3 (money spent/time played).

DBC is our IP, I would only develop it for platforms I plan to release on.


It's amazing to think that Big Ant have more confidence in the next gen than EA.

It's a risk, and a bigger one than we originally thought - quite a few titles have been pushed back as the next-gen is not very friendly to develop on at the same time as the old, you essentially have a lot of duplication.
And for my 2 cents, Papers Please has been the greatest dissapointment purchase I have made, game wise, in a VERY long time.. even worse than my decision to buy BF3 (money spent/time played).

lol you mean you actually PAID for that?? :facepalm

BF3 ain't so bad, its BF4 (or BF3.5) thats :noway chuck in the useless DLCs designed to empty your wallets combined with the neverending issues (CTDs, etc) and you have a stinking pile of poo, with EA stamped all over it lets not talk about BF 3.6 or BF Cops & Robbers
It's a risk, and a bigger one than we originally thought - quite a few titles have been pushed back as the next-gen is not very friendly to develop on at the same time as the old, you essentially have a lot of duplication.

I hope it all goes according to plan and ultimately sells well. It seems that there's been a lot of hedging of bets this generation, with the companies not too keen to just leave the old consoles behind.

Here's a question though. In the case of a hypothetical DBC 15, would there be this 2 month delay lag again between the console and PC release, or would it be possible, sales being positive of course, for PC to be released at the same time, or potentially before (as a beta or such through steam) the consoles?
DBC is our IP, I would only develop it for platforms I plan to release on.


It's a risk, and a bigger one than we originally thought - quite a few titles have been pushed back as the next-gen is not very friendly to develop on at the same time as the old, you essentially have a lot of duplication.

So Ross, given the above comments, can we assume that DBC won't be appearing on PS4 any time soon, compared to the original comment of second half of this year? :noway
So Ross, given the above comments, can we assume that DBC won't be appearing on PS4 any time soon, compared to the original comment of second half of this year? :noway

I just can't say anything.
People here are dissing on Papers Please!? That game is awesome, nothing like it and it's a steal at even 5 bucks, get out of here.

On a related note, gutted that a pre purchase of DBC on steam won't go towards me getting steam sale cards, is it sad that I'm actually thinking of waiting till it releases so I can get the cards? What am I doing with my life! #Teampurple4lyf:p
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Who wants PS4, it's time to move to DBC15! :D If DBC14 has attempted a reality in a cricket game, DBC15 must attempt to implement a life out of it! Benchmark has now become a self established sky barrier to touch it, am personally very keen to see how Ross & co make it in next iteration. :)
Now on steam:

Faster than light: $3.99 <- Very good
Saints Row IV: $12.49
Dark Souls: $4.99
Spec Ops: The Line: $5.98

No games under $18 eh? The list marches on!
Lol at all the attempts to ask Ross in as many a different ways as possible to confirm release of DBC on next gen consoles :)
Looking forward to the MAC Release of DBC14 @Ross :yes
Lol at all the attempts to ask Ross in as many a different ways as possible to confirm release of DBC on next gen consoles :)

So something like this?

Person1 said:
Hey Ross, can you confirm that DBC is coming to the next gen consoles.

Ross said:
I can't say anything right now.

Person1 said:
Okay okay, but how about the PS4.

Ross said:
As I said, we can't say anything right now.

Person1 said:
Okay, but can you say anything about when it's coming out then.

Ross said:
Nothing can be said at this time.

Person1 said:
So you're saying it's coming out on the 4th of September. #Confirmed

Ross said:
What, we haven't said anything about release dates.

Person1 said:
So you're saying it is coming to the PS4?

Ross said:
*Cancels nextgen versions*

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