Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

Just to note - when a post of yours is deleted, in its place there is a message telling you who deleted it. Contact them directly if you want to complain about a deleted post.

In case you think that it was undeleted on account of you posting about it - no, it was there the whole time.
Just to note - when a post of yours is deleted, in its place there is a message telling you who deleted it. Contact them directly if you want to complain about a deleted post.

In case you think that it was undeleted on account of you posting about it - no, it was there the whole time.

Haha cool bro! Sorry thought I was deleted. It was nowhere 6 be seen! Just thought someone was being a chop for no reason.

Apologies Matt!
Does the patch#2 reduce the screen tearing ,Ross??
r we fools asking again n again cant anyone tell that when will patch 2 come!

Cool down dude. most of us have asked the same question several times. But the answer is not with @BAStudios. It is with Microsoft now. Only they can tell when it will be released.
so you're saying Fegan was right to blame the engine?

come back Mike, all is forgiven.


Whilst it is definitely possible to make retail-quality console games on Unity, it was still in beta for PS3 (and maybe still is) when Ashes 2013 was being made, and hence it was a very poor choice I'd have said.

And, to think that he even said that, by working with the Unity team they were actually improving the engine to the benefit of others!
The Unity engine is quite powerful for Indie game developers, but I think it has a way to go before you get a really 'top' title made with it.

I've fiddled with it a few times and managed to put together easy falling fruit games and stuff that works well on iPhones and Android, but I wouldn't embarass myself by thinking I could release that stuff on a console :D

Hearthstone is pretty slick, so I suppose that might count as a reasonably 'big budget' production, considering who made it, but it's not exactly cutting edge 3D, is it? :p

Of course, one must never forget the beauty that is "Drunken Robot Pornography" ... I mean, just the name must sell that one :lol

Looks like it's time to give up and buy the PS3 version. Hope that doesn't mean I have to fork out another 40 quid in a month for the PS4 version too, Ross! :facepalm

Whilst it is definitely possible to make retail-quality console games on Unity, it was still in beta for PS3 (and maybe still is) when Ashes 2013 was being made, and hence it was a very poor choice I'd have said.

And, to think that he even said that, by working with the Unity team they were actually improving the engine to the benefit of others!

I do not believe it is possible to make a retail-quality game with Unity on a console, it would never get through TRC's.

Given it has never occurred to date it's also very unlikely to ever occur on PS3/Xbox360.
Where's the patch? I demand the patch! Give me the patch! Now!!! :mad

Edit: #BlameRoss
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