PC demo released

Yeah as we speak im killing my internet cap even though i know it wont run it....I wonder why this game is so hardware intensive? Or why you MUST have are really good pc to run this thing let alone play properly?

That'll be the shaders and hi-res textures etc. Graphically it is very nice, definately requires a grunty system. Mine struggled a bit i have to say....
i am excited but my download speed is 30kbps so it would take around 5 1/2 hours to download that demo!!
will be keeping an eye on this thread until then!
Well on then lowest setting at 800*600 with all enhancements turned off it's unplayable. Bugger.

not surprising there colin.
these game companies want us to upgrade our system every fortnight !!! :mad:

Do they expect everyone to have awesome computers or something? Majority of people won't be able to run this game.
why would they the give the GOLD members an old build in the first place ?
Because they grab the code out at a certain point and work on making a demo, while work continues on the original game. I certainly found the (360) demo easier than I did at the playtest.

AI is going to be mucked up due to the 3 over test match thing, that doesn't excuse all faults, but look at it in context.

As usual I'll suggest to hold off until full version reviews come through before making purchase decisions.

Which is something you do at the end of development.
Well If this doesnt work then I will just have to wait...and not for pc version. Getting Xbox in October so might even pick the game up at a decent price then as well..
not surprising there colin.
these game companies want us to upgrade our system every fortnight !!! :mad:


I did. I spent lots of money upgrading it to meet the specs.

which OS are you using? Is there any other CPU Intensive application running in the background?

Nah, I have way too many processes though so will do a HDD format and windows reinstall. Just need to back stuff up first.
WOAH! no way man whos your ISP? Im at polka, pretty good actually (considering how crap slow everything is here) I only get 2gb but pay about R200pm. How much cap do you get for R700? And why is you connection so slow?

I'm with this firm called Aerosat, they are PE based company who are also called Aeroscum.. I'm downloading about 7kb/s so it should be finished by this time tomorrow! I don't think there are any decent ADSL lines in Port Elizabeth so we have to get a feed from a satellite dish.. The good news is that its uncapped, but I'm getting royally ripped off and need to change no doubt
Which is something you do at the end of development.

true but in this case..its pretty convoluted.....
why would you want to piss off your buyers by giving them a non-optimized version with a lot of gameplay and AI stuff still to be completed ??

theres a difference between a BETA and a DEMO !
I did. I spent lots of money upgrading it to meet the specs.

Nah, I have way too many processes though so will do a HDD format and windows reinstall. Just need to back stuff up first.

there are some problems,with your Ram the EPIC SD 133 Mhz :doh
I'm running

AMD Athlon 4400+ dual core
ATI Radeon 1900 GT 512MB
4GB Ram

Will come back with a report tomorrow

29 hours and 9 minutes to go :)

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