PC demo released

IMO, People can spend money on buying a console rather than upgrading their system. because upgrading the system will be a never ending prospect i feel.

Wonder what will be Sys. Requirements for the next release. most of the current Graphics cards would have been vanished by that time.
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why would you want to piss off your buyers by giving them a non-optimized version with a lot of gameplay and AI stuff still to be completed ??
Because the other option is no demo or demo after release?
Thanks for the screenie mate.

I`ve got 2 minutes to go, fingers crossed it`ll work on my laptop.
I know but my motherboard can't take any more RAM.

In that case, assuming your using XP, then use this guide to cut out all the services that you aren't using, or aren't necessary, I remember when i used it, I freed up about 200-250mb worth of ram.

If your doing a format though, wait until after doing that.

It also may be worth trying different sets of ATI drivers to see which give you the best ingame performance.
The killer with Colin's machine is the speed the RAM runs at. 133mhz iirc. We're at an age, where anything other than even a low-spec Dual core with DDR2 is a minimum, and you can sort it out for ?100 or so. But that defeats the point, as he spent a lot of money upgrading the machine to meet the specs with Codies said it could run at. That's pretty poor customer service.
Installed it, got to the loading screens, then it went white. I'll try it on my other computer.

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