PC demo released

the pc demo is larger than the xbox 360 demo, so that should mean that it is a little updated, shouldn't it.
Loving the demo, except that three overs is too short :(Can't wait for 7th Aug (though I might get it only on 8th or 9th since I am in Germany)

I've played it for a few games now and here are my first impressions.

As is my wont, I dived straight in on 'Hard'. Big mistake! I could hardly get the bowling away at all and the Aussies happily smacked me around the park - which means for me, at least, there is a good long learning curve to come; something I prefer, as it means that there is always a level to move onto. Not that I was amazing at 'Normal', but that is more forgiving, while still providing a challenge.

OK. From the Xbox demo, I heard a lot about 'darkness' and not being able to see the ball properly. Also, the outfields seemed far too slow. All are fixed in the PC demo, I am glad to say! (Revised): Actually, the outfield speeds seem a little consistent and I've never seen a backfoot defensive fly for four like that. Frontfoot push, but not a backfoot defensive.

Graphics: Very good! Some of the players' faces need work, but I'm sure any resident facemakers will see to that. The animations are nice; it runs like an absolute dream on my system. The seam on the ball as far as fast bowlers are concerned has been sorted out from the Xbox version - it now looks like a fast ball: the seam isn't all over the place. The crowd is fine - they clap and stand up/sit down at the right moments. Overall, I have no complaints with the graphics, other than the player's faces.

Sound: Not bad. The sound of leather on willow is ok, but you don't get that nice echoey one, you know, when you time a straight drive down the ground. BLIC '99 was the only game to get this spot on, so to any modders, just grab the batting sounds from that game! There are some crowd chants - but I can hear a very faint 'Pakistan Zindabad' chant. This should not be at the Ashes, Transmission! I hope this is a sign that chants are indeed in the full game, but have been somehow mixed up for the demo. I have noticed this sort of thing in Fifa demos, only to be fixed for the actual game, so I am hopeful. Also, a note to modders: When the bowler bowls, there is a 'whoosh' sound, instead of the sound of the bowler's delivery step - should be easily fixed. Also, lose the sound of the ball bouncing on the ground - you never hear it in real life.

Attention to detail: Magnificent job on this, Transmission! All the stuff that was in the Xbox demo, plus I now notice that when a batsman gets past 25, a graphic comes up showing where he's made his runs - good touch and I'd imagine the same thing happens at 50, 100, 150 and so on. As I mentioned before, the seam for fast bowling is good - haven't actually checked it with spinners. Third Umpire decisions will have a lot more tension now, because of the amount of replays. However, you don't need five or six replays when a one eyed pirate wearing glasses could see that the batsman was clearly in!!

Overall feel: Spot on. This game could easily be called 'This Is Cricket', because it is! The feel of the game is so authentic and could only be improved with some proper chants, even if they're generic or have muffled words - we await the full game.

Game mechanics: The bounce seems ok to me. The choice of front foot/backfoot works well and the backfoot defensive in particular has that meaty feel about it - solid, not wishy washy like in EA's games - you really see the 'maker's name'. You can choose around/over wicket and how wide you want to bowl from - well done on that, Transmission. Also, the much vaunted 'suicidal running' from the AI appears to be there from time to time, but the thing is, I have not yet seen it result in a run-out - they always seem to get back when they mess up, so that seems to have been partially fixed. Just had my first suicide-o-AI runout, but it happens even in real cricket. And - praise be to Transmissions - the consistent run rate of ten plus per over is gone!

Problems: The main thing that jumped out at me was the edges behind. Their physics seem all wrong - they don't seem to 'fly' like they should. This affects the feel of the game a little and it would be nice to see it worked on, but it doesn't spoil the game at all. Also, the top edges are worse than the inside/outside edges. They do need work.

Overall, I love this game and I am definitely getting it. If you love cricket and love playing it on your PC, don't hesitate in buying it. As I have mentioned before, Hard is - well - hard, normal is more forgiving, while still challenging and I haven't tried easy yet. Tried it now, it's very easy - for you sloggers out there.

More to come later. For now, it's time to go back and play some more!! :)
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I've played it for a few games now and here are my first impressions.

As is my wont, I dived straight in on 'Hard'. Big mistake! I could hardly get the bowling away at all and the Aussies happily smacked me around the park - which means for me, at least, there is a good long learning curve to come; something I prefer, as it means that there is always a level to move onto. Not that I was amazing at 'Normal', but that is more forgiving, while still providing a challenge.

OK. From the Xbox demo, I heard a lot about 'darkness' and not being able to see the ball properly. Also, the outfields seemed far too slow. All are fixed in the PC demo, I am glad to say!

Graphics: Very good! Some of the players' faces need work, but I'm sure any resident facemakers will see to that. The animations are nice; it runs like an absolute dream on my system. The seam on the ball as far as fast bowlers are concerned has been sorted out from the Xbox version - it now looks like a fast ball: the seam isn't all over the place. The crowd is fine - they clap and stand up/sit down at the right moments. Overall, I have no complaints with the graphics, other than the player's faces.

Sound: Not bad. The sound of leather on willow is ok, but you don't get that nice echoey one, you know, when you time a straight drive down the ground. BLIC '99 was the only game to get this spot on, so to any modders, just grab the batting sounds from that game! There are some crowd chants - but I can hear a very faint 'Pakistan Zindabad' chant. This should not be at the Ashes, Transmission! I hope this is a sign that chants are indeed in the full game, but have been somehow mixed up for the demo. I have noticed this sort of thing in Fifa demos, only to be fixed for the actual game, so I am hopeful. Also, a note to modders: When the bowler bowls, there is a 'whoosh' sound, instead of the sound of the bowler's delivery step - should be easily fixed. Also, lose the sound of the ball bouncing on the ground - you never hear it in real life.

Attention to detail: Magnificent job on this, Transmission! All the stuff that was in the Xbox demo, plus I now notice that when a batsman gets past 25, a graphic comes up showing where he's made his runs - good touch and I'd imagine the same thing happens at 50, 100, 150 and so on. As I mentioned before, the seam for fast bowling is good - haven't actually checked it with spinners.

Overall feel: Spot on. This game could easily be called 'This Is Cricket', because it is! The feel of the game is so authentic and could only be improved with some proper chants, even if they're generic or have muffled words - we await the full game.

Game mechanics: The bounce seems ok to me. The choice of front foot/backfoot works well and the backfoot defensive in particular has that meaty feel about it - solid, not wishy washy like in EA's games - you really see the 'maker's name'. You can choose around/over wicket and how wide you want to bowl from - well done on that, Transmission. Also, the much vaunted 'suicidal running' from the AI appears to be there from time to time, but the thing is, I have not yet seen it result in a run-out - they always seem to get back when they mess up, so that seems to have been partially fixed. And - praise be to Transmissions - the consistent run rate of ten plus per over is gone!

Problems: The main thing that jumped out at me was the edges behind. Their physics seem all wrong - they don't seem to 'fly' like they should. This affects the feel of the game a little and it would be nice to see it worked on, but it doesn't spoil the game at all.

Overall, I love this game and I am definitely getting it. If you love cricket and love playing it on your PC, don't hesitate in buying it. As I have mentioned before, Hard is - well - hard, normal is more forgiving, while still challenging and I haven't tried easy yet.

More to come later. For now, it's time to go back and play some more!! :)

Sounds good, this makes me want to play it more. :facepalm
like i said before the pc is a little updated version of the 360.:)
how is the ground fielding in the game??do the fielders dive around??

I've played it for a few games now and here are my first impressions.

As is my wont, I dived straight in on 'Hard'. Big mistake! I could hardly get the bowling away at all and the Aussies happily smacked me around the park - which means for me, at least, there is a good long learning curve to come; something I prefer, as it means that there is always a level to move onto. Not that I was amazing at 'Normal', but that is more forgiving, while still providing a challenge.


More to come later. For now, it's time to go back and play some more!! :)

Cool dude sounds great! whats you specs?
Sounds good, this makes me want to play it more. :facepalm

It's not recognising your pad at all, Gas? Did you try updating drivers?

MasterBlaster76 added 0 Minutes and 33 Seconds later...

Cool dude sounds great! whats you specs?

In my sig mate, as always! :)

MasterBlaster76 added 0 Minutes and 42 Seconds later...

how is the ground fielding in the game??do the fielders dive around??

I haven't seen it happen yet, but it did in the 360 version apparently, so it's bound to be in there somewhere.
It's not recognising your pad at all, Gas? Did you try updating drivers?

Yeah I'm using the official logitech software, but you don't really need it. I have tried with, and without the software.

Trying to decide if its worth me shelling out another ?20-?30 on a controller just to play this game.

If it will definitely be supported in the full version of the game, then i'll be happy.

An answer from codies would be nice either way.
Yeah I'm using the official logitech software, but you don't really need it. I have tried with, and without the software.

Trying to decide if its worth me shelling out another ?20-?30 on a controller just to play this game.

If it will definitely be supported in the full version of the game, then i'll be happy.

An answer from codies would be nice either way.

Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 is not supported, and does not work in game. It does however appear in the controls section.

So it appears in the section, but doesn't work? That's really strange. Have you confirmed that it's fine in the Control Panel in Windows? You never know, there might be something up there - maybe calibration? Could be worth a try.

As to whether it's worth shelling out for an Xbox 360 pad, I'd say it is at some point. It is basically the official PC controller now isn't it, it's a good controller and I have had no problems with it in any game I've tried. It's ?17.99 at play.com. :)
So it appears in the section, but doesn't work? That's really strange. Have you confirmed that it's fine in the Control Panel in Windows? You never know, there might be something up there - maybe calibration? Could be worth a try.

As to whether it's worth shelling out for an Xbox 360 pad, I'd say it is at some point. It is basically the official PC controller now isn't it, it's a good controller and I have had no problems with it in any game I've tried. It's ?17.99 at play.com. :)

Yes i have checked that, and also tested a few other games just to make sure it was not the controller.

I'm not a huge fan of the Xbox controller to be honest, so if i have to get something it will likely be a wired logitech pad. Just annoying that such a common control pad is not supported.
So it appears in the section, but doesn't work? That's really strange. Have you confirmed that it's fine in the Control Panel in Windows? You never know, there might be something up there - maybe calibration? Could be worth a try.

As to whether it's worth shelling out for an Xbox 360 pad, I'd say it is at some point. It is basically the official PC controller now isn't it, it's a good controller and I have had no problems with it in any game I've tried. It's ?17.99 at play.com. :)

Logitech gamepads are also on par. In fact I have the same gamepad except the wired version and the game responds to it correctly. I would suggest you to wait for the full release and then decide!!!
are u sure about that ? i guess u won't be able to run it at high with that card :sarcasm

it can run GTA IV in a good settings,with a reasonable FPS,and comparing with GTA IV this game is... :D
Btw 9500 can run VT 09 in high which has equivalent system req like AC 09,so hope it will happen in AC 09 also:spy

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