PC demo released

could someone post the main keyboard controls,

What do you press to catch?

edit: how do you change from over to round the wicket? on keyboard
what about to change from over to round the wicket? couldnt find that
cheers, i got it to run semi smoothly now on a laptop so im off for a few hours!
Hahah, me and MB having a bit of duel here :p

You got Streetfighter IV on PC? I've just ordered it: we could have a proper duel (which you'll most likely win, since I'm not that good :D )

MasterBlaster76 added 2 Minutes and 9 Seconds later...

I had Katich try to pull Flintoff and he got a loopy top edge through to the keeper, I promptly dropped it.

Of course you did, anything else would've been high treason!! :laugh
guys i was just wondering how "Nvidia Graphics Card - Geforce 7900 GTX" important it is because that is what is required. My "Geforce is 6150". Could this be the reason its so laggy and im not able to play on fullest settings. If this is the case please let me know so i don't waste my money on the PC version.

Yeah your 6150 is no way good enough for max settings, to be honest I'm surprised that your able to play at all
Im using my xbox 360 gamepad to play it on my pc but the key mappings are getting me confused. Could some1 who knows how to do it, take a screenshot of the xbox controller layout from the 360 demo and post it here? i would really appreciate if some1 could do that...

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