PC Games

Some kid at IGN (on a completely unrelated article) ruined the ending of Arkham City for me. Spoils all the fun of playing it since I was just about to buy it.

However I hope there are much more twists in story than this ending.
Joker dies in the end
Some kid at IGN (on a completely unrelated article) ruined the ending of Arkham City for me. Spoils all the fun of playing it since I was just about to buy it.

However I hope there are much more twists in story than this ending.
Joker dies in the end

Ah geez, what a twat! Did you make the mistake of reading the reader reviews? There's always a chance of some moron ruining the ending in those.

So you know what happens in the end - and it's a pretty big moment in Batman history as you now know. Is it still worth playing? Definitely. Even if you didn't know the ending, once you'd finished it once, I am sure you'd play it again at least once. :) Besides that, there are tons of other stories in the game, each with their own questline.


Can i know if there is any game like Sims? :p
I need better graphics :thumbs
Any idea?

Not really - Sims 3 is the best - and the graphics are quite good I thought.
Ah geez, what a twat! Did you make the mistake of reading the reader reviews? There's always a chance of some moron ruining the ending in those.

So you know what happens in the end - and it's a pretty big moment in Batman history as you now know. Is it still worth playing? Definitely. Even if you didn't know the ending, once you'd finished it once, I am sure you'd play it again at least once. Besides that, there are tons of other stories in the game, each with their own questline.
As said, on a completely unrelated article. It doesn't even have anything to do with ANY game.

Iron Man 3's Not So Serious Departure - IGN
As said, on a completely unrelated article. It doesn't even have anything to do with ANY game.

Iron Man 3's Not So Serious Departure - IGN

Oh - sorry, I didn't read your post properly. Damn, that's annoying - just one of those random things that can happen, eh? Still, I make a point of not posting major game spoilers - without spoiler tags - like that online, for this very reason.

As I said though, it's still an amazing game. :) When you do finally complete it, be sure to listen to the credits music - there's a creepy little 'easter egg' in there - I'll say no more, apart from this (also includes a spoiler for when you complete the game in Story+ mode - I think that's what it's called. :) )

Joker sings 'Only You' via a voice mail. Creepy - he's haunting Bman after death!! Complete it a second time and you get Harley singing to Joker.

Speaking of Batman, has anyone played the Harley DLC? Is it worth getting?
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Great, so I will view your spoilers tag after completing the game.

Anyways, It's shame that you can't hide in internet. You never know where you can get those most annoying spoilers in totally unexpected places. Not the first time, I have get those. I have been cautious about it since the beginning. I have been ignoring all the news, video related to it. Yet, some moron always decides to spoil it to others where you don't even expect it.
Harley DLC is still ?7.99 - for two hours. I don't think so - might grab that if it drops to a few quid.
I know what awaits me at the end of the Inca trail, but I still want to walk it. Or something.
thanks for the help guys. Got the Batman games and Bastion (looks really intriguing).
Anyone playing Planetscape? Quite tempted to give it a go, looks interesting.
I would download it if I had enough internet in my plan lol


Oops I thought you wrote planetside
Anyone thinking of buying Hitman Absolute. Looks good, but need some actual reviews before I buy games
Anyone thinking of buying Hitman Absolute. Looks good, but need some actual reviews before I buy games

PC Gamer ripped it a new one. Basically, they said it goes in the opposite direction to Blood Money. The game is much more linear apparently and that's not a good thing in a Hitman game. Personally, I am disappointed, I was expecting a similar game to Blood Money; I was worried when I saw the first previews and the word 'linear' kept cropping up. Unfortunately, it appears those concerns were not unfounded. :(

The new Alien game sounds as though it could flop as well, going by previews I've read. If there's one game I don't want them to mess up though, it's Elite Dangerous (if it reaches it's Kickstarter target of course).
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