PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

My suggestion would be to start by uninstalling the game, moving all the "backups" and game data off the computer to an external harddrive or something, then get steam to do a clean install.

It it doesn't work from there you at least know that it's something about the clean install and we don't have to worry about all the backing up and such, which may have done something to the install.

ok i will try it
for re downloading i have to go to my college as i dont have high speed net at home
thanks for support
one more thing
does hardcopy user need steam account or can i use ma csn dvd to install game again ??
ok i will try it
for re downloading i have to go to my college as i dont have high speed net at home
thanks for support
one more thing
does hardcopy user need steam account or can i use ma csn dvd to install game again ??

What do you mean ?

How u launched the game. where u download from ?
Verified as....................Non Existent Profile SHOCK!! :rolleyes


ok i will try it
for re downloading i have to go to my college as i dont have high speed net at home
thanks for support
one more thing
does hardcopy user need steam account or can i use ma csn dvd to install game again ??

So you have a store bought copy which has been activated on steam? You should be able to reinstall from the disk through steam, then steam will do all the updates.


Verified as....................Non Existent Profile SHOCK!! :rolleyes


Leave the witchhunt for those who have all the information about the game sales. Give him a chance.
He has that set as his Steam Profile on this forum, yet asks if he needs Steam. Jog On :thumbs

Edit: also as a developer people that pirate software, be it games or applications etc need ousting and wiped from this earth.
ok i will try it
does hardcopy user need steam account or can i use ma csn dvd to install game again ??

Your DVD should be linked to your Steam account; so you shouldn't need to use that again, just redownload. Also; its not like your limited to one computer, you can redownload steam games on multiple computers...
ok i will try it
for re downloading i have to go to my college as i dont have high speed net at home
thanks for support
one more thing
does hardcopy user need steam account or can i use ma csn dvd to install game again ??

There is another update just made available for you.

In this version 1.07 if you go to the credits screen it will put your details in the clipboard and then all you need to do is paste here like this:

Version: v1.07
User: RossAtBigAnt
SteamId: 76561198066727742

What is a "csn dvd"?
There is another update just made available for you.

In this version 1.07 if you go to the credits screen it will put your details in the clipboard and then all you need to do is paste here like this:

Version: v1.07
User: RossAtBigAnt
SteamId: 76561198066727742

What is a "csn dvd"?

What does changeset #595258 contain Ross?
Every now and then my xbox controller doesnt respond when batting online and i end up getting bowled or lbw.:lol,anyone else had this problem?
Every now and then my xbox controller doesnt respond when batting online and i end up getting bowled or lbw.:lol,anyone else had this problem?

Yeah me only because the idiot at the end of the controller has the reactions of a sloth :lol
Thanks, is there a list of the bugs it fixes anywhere at all?

Nothing major.

Major things will be listed if they are found and fixed.
when i start to play it apperars that "lost connection to server"??????

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