PCNL News Room

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Fair enough, maybe report it so at least I can see what you're referring to. :yes
You know,the practice games and stuff.

Coming back to the 'Doosras' (holy fcuk,really,that's as gay as a team name can get) they need to understand that their fetish for these old,idiotic,has-been hypocrites particularly from places like Honk Kong will get them nowhere.
You know,the practice games and stuff.

Lol, so having practice games is plagiarizing your ideas?
It seemed like quite a sensible thing to do considering I'm on holiday atm and have a bit of spare time, I don't even think I saw you guys having them when I thought about it.
Jager Bombs are to be banned
United Nations had a meeting yesterday on a controversy of Jager bombs and since because of the meeting , Ban Ki-Moon declares jager bombs are to banned internationally and any country refuses it will be taken a severe action. The PCNL team " Jager Bombers " are in a confusion now .
What does the United Nations have to do with anything...?

Oh, I get it now. I thought you mean they were banning our team.

I'm not sure why they would ban jager bombs though, when there's plenty of other stuff that's legal in certain parts of the world that's a lot worse for you.

The PCNL team " Jager Bombers " are in a confusion now .

No weren't not.
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You'd hate to be in a confusion. I wonder what army the UN will enforce a severe action?
Ok, I'm in confusion on what you're trying to say as that article makes barely any sense but really, I think this thread is getting stupid. Not really much that's decent here.
Some of the worst talk comes from the members of The Alliance members. Ironically.
Well,everyone has their own banter style.
If you think it's annoying and disturbing,I'd like to think that our boys are doing their job well.
Lol what is happening? Someone hacked Sartaj's account? He doesn't quite seem like himself.
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