Pietersen and Flintoff Part From Struggling Woodworm

Pictures of all the kit have finally been released, here's what we've got:

The Pellara:

The Libro:

The Incurza:

Pro Gloves:

Elite Gloves:

Pro Pads:

Elite Pads:

Club Thigh Guard:

Pro Thigh Guard:

Twenty2YDS Lite III's:

Twenty2YDS Mid III's:

What you think? I like the Pellara best out of the bats, and for the other stuff the Pro Stuff looks nicer. I don't need any of it though, apart from a new thigh guard, so I'll probably get the club one, as that looks better. I also need some new boots, but I'll find a pair of the old Adidas ones I think, or get some Asics, not a fan of the new Adidas ones tbh. Anyone actually going to buy any of this stuff?
Very sexy bats there. KP do you like the first bat because KP uses it? ;)

I like the third bat.
Incurza and Libro. Wow.

The lime green Pro stuff look cool too, and the shoes are nice. Adidas have the best sportswear in my opinion, especially shoes...
Very sexy bats there. KP do you like the first bat because KP uses it? ;)

I like the third bat.

Nah, it's not just because KP uses it, I just actually prefer the styling of the Pellara. Not a fan of the colours of the others. I'm not going to buy a Pellara though, they're ridiculously overpriced. My next bat will be a Warsop, but that shouldn't be until next season unless my Woodworm breaks, which is of good probability.
I like the look of The Libro. Wouldn't buy one though.
I think that's going to be something that Adidas face quite alot, purely because of the pricing. I like the Pellara, but if I had £300 to spend on a cricket bat it wouldn't be spent on something mass produced. Could almost pick up 2 Fusion Super-Bests for that, and I'm sure the Adidas stickers will be fairly easy to pick-up in a few months, so if that's all you care about then they should be easy to obtain. I'm not sure this equipment will be as successful as Adidas think it will be, the type of people that buy a cricket bat for the brand don't spend £330 on a bat. They might actually be fantastic to use though, don't know anyone who's used one.

I tell you what is supposed to be good though, the new Slazenger bat, the one that Colly uses. Apparently it picks up like a dream, and also has some new technology incorporated. It's got something in the back of the bat that stops the bat turning in your hands, meaning you get better placement of your shots and less chance of spooning edges, as the bat goes where you want it to, and stays in that position after connection with the ball. Sounds very promising.
Yes, I think he is, although it doesn't seem to have helped him thus far :p. Apparently he really loves it though, from what I've heard anyway. Just offers that little extra control with your strokes, which when you're a pro really counts. Certainly sounds promising, and if it really does work, then i'm sure more bat companies will be using the technology in the future.

It's the bat you can sort of see in this picture:

Or to have a proper read about it, Here. The key part is the PMI – Polar Moment of Inertia, sounds incredibly cool :p
Pro Pads are lovely. The bats are cool too - They kind of show some sort of resemblance to Puma IMO. Thigh Pads...Meh, Who cares if they're not so fashionable as they are covered. Elite gloves are also quite trendy. I shall be purchasing some of them Lite III's, As they look the bomb.

Overall Adidas has probably lived up to its expectations in terms of its equipment...
omg best product range ive seen in awhile. especially the gloves and the shoes. im so gonna get those bowlers shoes!!!!!! so simple yet so attractive??

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