Planet Cricket FC in the Conference[FIFA manager 06]

Name: Lee Payne
Age: 14
Position: Left Back
Second Position: Right Midfield
Weight: 63KG (10 Stone)
Height: 1.67M (5 Feet 6 Inches)
Foot: Right
Nationality: England
Date of Birth: 25th August 1992
Appearance: Black boots, white, brown hair
Full Name: Chez Spin
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 1/9/86
Nationality: English
Position: GK
Secondary Position: DR
Weight: 10st
Height: 6'1"
Prefered Foot: Right
Appearance (eg. What you look like and Boot colour): Red hair, black and red boots, white skin
Well 7 minutes late but I'll let ya in! (We need another active goalie/defender :p)


Updates will come today...


Training Camp Announced

Planet Cricket Football Club chairman Zimrahil has announced that the team will be preparing for their first season in the conference with a training camp in Morocco. The training camp is on the nortrh coast in a town called Tanger. The overall price is set to be around £90,000 for a 2 week stay starting on the 6th July and ending on the 19th. Jack Teague, Planet Cricket manager, has told the press the following statement:

"I had a chat with the chairman and we both agreed that this tough training camp will definitely get our team in shape. The season will be a long, tough haul and we need our players in top shape if they are going to perform at their best. This camp will improve morale and atmosphere, some tactical knowledge and a bit of form, and most importantly, overall fitness. We feel that we have enough funds to pay for the camp and it will be worth it. We have already had 1 training session yesterday afternoon and I can say that the lads look up for it. There will be 2 or 3 friendlies prepared for when we get back hopefully to get us completely ready for the challenge of professional football. The captain and vice captain will be announced from who we think have tried their hardest and who has showed us that they really want to win for the club. Thanks"

A press conference is set for the announcement of captain on the 21st July...
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Ooh ooh! Me! Me! I wanna be skipper :)

I promise Ferraris and a great locker room for all! Spas, Massages, Saunas, PS3s/XBOX360s, Big screens, you name it! All it will take is a little co-operation on your behalf...
Zorax - a captain is supposed to keep us organised on the pitch, not spoil us and/or bribe us with expensive goodies. That is the manager's job! Add to that, you are a corrupt individual. :p

I, however, am a perfect example of a good captain - I am disciplined, I have the team at heart and I have a good knowledge of football.
TBH you are all talking nonsense, I will be captain and if you want to disagree then I will see you outside. You do have life insurace dont you?
TBH you are all talking nonsense, I will be captain and if you want to disagree then I will see you outside. You do have life insurace dont you?

Yep, I'm with Aviva. ;)

I disagree with you - see you outside then!
Local Press who followed Planet Cricket FC out to Morocco have asked for an interview with star midfielder Avroneel Biswas. The reason for the interview is unknown but it is likely to take place half-way through the training camp. The interview will be published live on To see the exclusive interview tune in to Planet Cricket...
World Champions is going to be our captain then. I will go for vice captaincy then, should he get a mystery injury. ;)
World Champions is going to be our captain then. I will go for vice captaincy then, should he get a mystery injury. ;)

Who said it was anything about captaincy? The training camp will yet to be finished and I stated that the captaincy would be decided by the end of training camp :)
The Interview - Avroneel Biswas

Live from Morocco on

How is the training camp going so far? Are the team bonding? Is the fitness level getting better? - Training camp is going quite good, we are practising very hard and trying to get along with the atmosphere and enviroment of Morocco. This camp is really important as we are newbies and really need a lot of experineces as well as few lessons from the camp.

Yes, the team is bonding in a unique style, even the best group of people don't always work well together, and that is why team bonding exercises are essential. It is important to understand that just by bringing individuals together will not magically turn a group into a well-functioning team. Often, people will need to learn about individual differences and team dynamics in order to get along, and reach their full potential.

Our fitness level is also improving according to our physio, he didnt expect that we will be improving so early, but its all happening.

What are your first impressions of the manager? Is he tough on the slackers and praise those who work hard? What is his approach to game tactics? - Hmmm...the manager, well you know what kind of human beings mangers are. He always keep buggering us, telling us move fast, move fast and always co-operate with us too. Well he is a good guy but a strict guy. One thing can say about, dont try to get cute with him ;)

He really encourages everybody in the field, but he encourage more the slacker as they really need those aspirations. Well I am also a slacker, so I love getting those praises.

I am not saying about our strategy. That's for us to know and you guys to find out come the end of the season.

Are you looking forward to the new season? What do you feel about your chances this season? - Definately, I am looking forward it, who is not look ing forward to it? Tell me? Every one is eager to prove their worth to the manager and to the team. There is so much competition, so everyone have to get along and should not leave a a single edge.

Well, I love when the pressure is heading, but I will not love to have it everytime. I am learning many things now and will try to implement my best output :)
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