PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

Oh no, I'm sorry... Oh my god, I posted for two hours on the computer.

Does this mean I don't have a life? Oh.. poor me, I don't have a life.

I probably have more of a life than most of you. Wonder how many PC people play in the Queensland championship for cricket, or in regional tennis, or district AFL either.

According to you we are really going to get this handed to us. Do you mean on a plate? I can't see you guys winning a trick, your banter is bloody soft, you cry as soon as somebody does anything and as soon as we all start posting you say we have no lives.

That is one of the worst comebacks ever considering you have 7000 posts.
lol! Mental lapse in writing skills there :p
More than that, Trev. You also screwed up a few they'res, too. You seems a bit confused but so do most. Still, easy on the heavy hand, Champ. Barmy already said his piece, probably no need for you to say any more and what did say added nothing to the thread, and going by your own moral standards, should probably be deleted.

That being said, are these guys posting a chance for a spot? Like the dude that likes the sun? These threads wouldn't get over a page with, can I say gimps :noway with him.
Haha, we're gunna be over to your site with so much activity that you're gunna beg us to stay boys.
Looks like this is shaping as the Upper Class Poms v The Aussie Cons. Let's get this set up. Barmy, who do I speak to in order to find some cheerleaders for the game? Jarman has chicks, I still have the HMAS Tokyo girls I could rent out I suppose. Man of the Match gets a virtual screw :D :happy ;)
This is pathetic from PC..

Bunch of Nazis this PC are.. Frosty would fit in perfectly

Amos. What's gone on for the last 6 pages? Last night it was at 12 pages. Whats Bushy up to?

mod edit - swearing
Looks like this is shaping as the Upper Class Poms v The Aussie Cons. Let's get this set up. Barmy, who do I speak to in order to find some cheerleaders for the game? Jarman has chicks, I still have the HMAS Tokyo girls I could rent out I suppose. Man of the Match gets a virtual screw :D :happy ;)

Will this one do?


The_gas is the one to talk to for all your cheerleading (and other) requirements. What he can't get hold of isn't worth getting...
What forum is this? Never heard of it till now

"crap" is actually allowed. I can give you a list of what is and isn't if you really want...
Seriously though it's a pretty sad state of affairs if the only way you can get your point across is through swearing. Doesn't say much about "Aussie Cons".
"Get a vocabulary" as someone once said.
What forum is this? Never heard of it till now
I'll only tell ya if you'll be getting a game, Griffo. Wanna know who'll be throwing me the pies to belt into the stands full of starving toffs and cons :D. There's a no food policy on all stadiums for this series. It's part of a pact and have agreed upon in conjuction with World Vision Australia. Kudoes to both sites for their generosity and support, particularly the PC bowlers ;)
So PC will actually be rewaded for chucking down pies, what a great thing.

I heard their bowling attack bowl more pies than they eat, and judging by the size of them this shouldn't be tough for our batsmen.
Boy boy, TF really have taken over.
Guys, There is something I feel I should share with you. It is an experience you shouldn't miss. I want you to get off your computers -yes, you heard me right- open the door, and go outside. Then, you start interacting with other humans, face-to-face and not through a chat room/forum/RPG. Great isn't it? It is called Having a Life. We here at PC enjoy Having a Life so much, we forget to sledge you guys on your poor cricketing abilities (Not that we need you, your performances on the pitch say enough). We sincerely apologize, but hope you soon learn how addictive Having a Life is.

Now that that is over, C'mon PC Panthers!!!
Nah I actually think it's called a different time zone :rolleyes:
Boy boy, TF really have taken over.
Guys, There is something I feel I should share with you. It is an experience you shouldn't miss. I want you to get off your computers -yes, you heard me right- open the door, and go outside. Then, you start interacting with other humans, face-to-face and not through a chat room/forum/RPG. Great isn't it? It is called Having a Life. We here at PC enjoy Having a Life so much, we forget to sledge you guys on your poor cricketing abilities (Not that we need you, your performances on the pitch say enough). We sincerely apologize, but hope you soon learn how addictive Having a Life is.

Now that that is over, C'mon PC Panthers!!!
Coming from the man who has 12,000 posts on an internet forum.

lol @ u Big shot.
God that forum is horrible, what entertains you over there. Cricsim looked alright but everything else was poo

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