PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

Oooooh, let's all hail your remarkable ability.
You will be hailing it after we win the series 7-0. :hpraise

Yeah, we may talk bullshit off the field, but we certainly let our remarkable ability (as you agree with me) talk on the field for us.

We all know you've got completely no confidence in yourselves, deleting every swear word (being a bunch of tightasses, whats a word really going to do?) and going all defensive with your 'got no life' comments.

Tornadoes to absolutely smash the living crap (oooh I swore!) out of PC.
So we've had a lot of Tornados players here having a go and they've been asked to get a life by PC'ers. We get some schoolkids or uni students or workers spending spare time on internet forums, most recently this one. Then they get criticised by other forum users for participating in an internet forum. Huh? Someone run that by me again.

Now back to the real world.
Speaking of your beer, Therbs, there are definitely bad sigs in the world.
Why are these pommies so up themselves? Don't they realise we're going to kill them when we play?

He's Indian you absolute idiot. You should really go to school and get an education, instead of posting like someone who a squirrel could beat in an IQ test
They probably wouldn't want to do that, you know these upper class Englishmen might think playing in our forum is a step down from their poshness.
Bah... life would be far poorer if I was an upper class Englishman. I think I'd stop as soon as I had to deal with the weather.
He's Indian you absolute idiot. You should really go to school and get an education, instead of posting like someone who a squirrel could beat in an IQ test
And how exactly should i know he's indian? I'm sorry i have a life and don't know the exact nationalites of useless posters on the worst forum i have ever seen.

Besides everybody knows TFFSL talk bull **** pre-game. We prefer to let the serious stuff come out on the pitch.

Inset: Members of PlanetCricket
Dang, dawg. If them three played for PlanetCricket, you'd be better off leaving the game altogether.

Why are these pommies so up themselves? Don't they realise we're going to kill them when we play?
Who're you talking to/about?
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You will be hailing it after we win the series 7-0. :hpraise
Really. It seems that once we take out the swearing all you have left is, "Oh, but we're going to win!" Sounds like my 5-year-old cousin quarreling with my 7-year old cousin.

We all know you've got completely no confidence in yourselves, deleting every swear word (being a bunch of tightasses, whats a word really going to do?) and going all defensive with your 'got no life' comments.
What's a word going to do? Ask Harbhajan.

Tornadoes to absolutely smash the living crap (oooh I swore!) out of PC.
Crap's allowed. In fact, that's what TFFSL members have been dealing in. It's just a problem when your sledge is based around swearing, rather than swearing being used as a tool to communicate your message.
Haha Sohummisra.. mate, now you're just trying to be a smart ass. You know, even if somebody is speaking in text speak, you must be pretty stupid if you can't understand them. As long as you can read exactly what they are saying what does it matter?

Why does everything have to be 100% perfect? Do you want us to start talking like "Presenting your ideas coherently came in the way of communication".

"Oh, good chap, you just used three big words in a sentence."

If you can't read somebody's post that has maybe one or two errors in it you should honestly be ashamed of yourself.

And all of you putting on the gay act, whether you are or not, that's really not suitable for members of all ages.

Sorry, I was just quoting what Aus said a while ago. Swearing isn't allowed because we have members of all ages. Got a problem with that? Anyone with half a brain would realise that doing something like that is worse than swearing by a fair way.

And you are nowhere near funny when you try and do it too. You lack a sense of humour badly, and think you are so funny when you say something completely stupid.
Dang, dawg. If them three played for PlanetCricket, you'd be better off leaving the game altogether.

Who're you talking to/about?
They'd probably have a sook that the sim is rigged.

"Those Tornadoes can't hit a six off every ball! That's not fair."

And then we they face our bowlers

"You can't go out of first ball you idiot! Now someone fetch me a new middle stump!"

Dang, dawg. If them three played for PlanetCricket, you'd be better off leaving the game altogether.

Who're you talking to/about?
All the poms on your site.
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And how exactly should i know he's indian? I'm sorry i have a life and don't know the exact nationalites of useless posters on the worst forum i have ever seen.
It's not that hard. Mumbai/Houston are two of the largest cities in the world, and they're hardly in England. Not a surprise, though, since you can't see them from the confines of your ass.
Hahahahahaa hilarious mate. You should apply for stand up comedy you had me in stitches.

He couldn't see from the confines of his ass.... ahahahahahahahaha.

100% goooold.
It's not that hard. Mumbai/Houston are two of the largest cities in the world, and they're hardly in England. Not a surprise, though, since you can't see them from the confines of your ass.
If you take yourself seriously on this site then i feel very sorry for you.
Haha Sohummisra.. mate, now you're just trying to be a smart ass. You know, even if somebody is speaking in text speak, you must be pretty stupid if you can't understand them. As long as you can read exactly what they are saying what does it matter?

Why does everything have to be 100% perfect? Do you want us to start talking like "Presenting your ideas coherently came in the way of communication".

"Oh, good chap, you just used three big words in a sentence."

If you can't read somebody's post that has maybe one or two errors in it you should honestly be ashamed of yourself.
See. This post wasn't that bad. Come to think of it, it came out rather naturally, didn't it? You're doing good work! I never said that I can't read anyone's post, I was just responding to your comment demeaning the forum because we presented our thoughts well! That's similar to me insulting our opening batsman for scoring a double century on the first day for running me out.

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