PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

So this then is Planet Spam? We'll bet ya at cricket and outdrink you at the same time.
See ya at the pub when your mums let you out.
Therbs you couldnt drink a glass of water let alone anything with any alcoholic content


Did you want a vodka pre mixed? Only one or you will get messy
My dear Griffo.
Blather me not with talk of pre-mix. You sir, talk like a teenage strumpet getting giddy with the anticipation of her first gin and lemonade. My weapons of choice in the noble art of drinking are:
Beer (packaged) - James Boag Premium,
Beer (on tap) - Tooheys new
Bourbon - Makers Mark, Jack Daniels, Wild Turkey, Jim Beam
Scotch - Glenfiddich, Johnny Walker Black, Dimple, Johnny Walker Red
Gin - Bombay Sapphire
Rum - Bundaberg Overproof
Brandy - VSOP
Cognac - Courvoisier
As for wines, please refer to any reputable wine merchant's catalogue.

Barkeep - another pint of Drambuie please and fetch me some fresh oysters.
I should report you for google abuse...
The only abuse I'm guilty of is bottle abuse. And yes, i've tried and tested all the drinks listed (on many an occasion)and give them the Therbs tick of approval. Just don't tell the heart foundation.
On your way back from the pissoir please fetch me a schooner of new with a JD chaser. Thank you my good man.
The only abuse I'm guilty of is bottle abuse. And yes, i've tried and tested all the drinks listed (on many an occasion)and give them the Therbs tick of approval. Just don't tell the heart foundation.
On your way back from the pissoir please fetch me a schooner of new with a JD chaser. Thank you my good man.

No wonder I havent had any of those..
For your local tastes I suggest either Labbatt's Blue or Molsen. And Candian Club isn't a bad whisky. Drink up and enjoy!
Therbs, just because you know your drinks doesnt mean you know your bat and ball game. Prepare to be beaten, THEN after the shock, prepare to find an empty bar afterwards as we've drunk everything in sight ;) Even the tap water.
lol...they will all be comin out all drunk after they find out what we put through their water lines...hahahahaha...wait thats their dream come true...oh well atleast we will
You can never hide a drink from Therbs. He would filter your wee wees (I can't say ****?) and drink the filtered beer if he had to.
Should be an good tour, shame that I won't/didn't make it in the TFFSL team.
Do you seriously think that a World Clas Spammer would make it into the TFFSL squad, while other douches, no offense, do? Don't think so.

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