PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

Simbazz - drink the tap water? What sort of nonsense is that? If you are reduced to such desparation may I suggest you always carry an emergency hip flask.
Bilal91 - I don't have water lines in my bar. The very though of it makes me ill. If you must find water there's a 7-Eleven down the road sells bottled stuff at exorbitant prices.
What is it with you guys and water? Don't you realise that during times of water restrictions it is up to us to use less water by drinking more beer? Come on lads, drink beer and help the environment!
Lol therbs your such a loser...

This tour is already boring me like the rest of cricsim...
Griffo - thanks, I heart you too.
Cnbd - that means I'd have to drink American beer. Bleh. On the upside I'd be able to bomb the crap out of anything I didn't like. And make cricket a compulsory sport in all U.S. schools.
Karachi - that ain't sledging, its simple name calling.
Metallica - don't worry about this mob. They don't even know the difference between water and beer. This must be an AA site.
Your knowledge of alcohol no doubt stems from the fact that you need a substance to dowse your sorrows in because of your poor excuse of a cricket team.
My poor excuses of cricket teams are:
1. Australia
2. New South Wales.

Australia are currently world champs in Tests and ODI's.
NSW are crrently challenging for supremacy in the Pura Cup in what is widely known as the premier first class competition in the world.
Therefore my knowledge of alcohol stems from having to constantly devise new ways of celebrating victories in all aspects of the game.
And yourself?
My poor excuses of cricket teams are:
1. Australia
2. New South Wales.

Australia are currently world champs in Tests and ODI's.
NSW are crrently challenging for supremacy in the Pura Cup in what is widely known as the premier first class competition in the world.
Therefore my knowledge of alcohol stems from having to constantly devise new ways of celebrating victories in all aspects of the game.
And yourself?
He meant your TFFSL team.
My poor excuses of cricket teams are:
1. Australia
2. New South Wales.

Australia are currently world champs in Tests and ODI's.
NSW are crrently challenging for supremacy in the Pura Cup in what is widely known as the premier first class competition in the world.
Therefore my knowledge of alcohol stems from having to constantly devise new ways of celebrating victories in all aspects of the game.
And yourself?
I will give you a few more weeks to come up with your response while you're stalling.

Although it is interesting that you do not flout your association with the TFFSL team, though not entirely surprising given their competitive ability.
I will give you a few more weeks to come up with your response while you're stalling.

Although it is interesting that you do not flout your association with the TFFSL team, though not entirely surprising given their competitive ability.
My TFFSL team is ready and waiting to whip you Johnny Come Lately's into submission. I may or may not be selected in the TFFSL Tornadoes, a venerated squad of champion players. If not I will be ready to offer some verbal encouragement. Beers will of course be had after play in Therbs Bar. All welcome.

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