PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

In your dreams.

Oh, that banter had me shaking in my boots there, quivering uncontrollably.

Didn't that fill everyone else in the forum with fear? It sure left me panic stricken and nervous.

Even if I don't get picked for the TF team I'll still be cheering away while you'll be offering your services to all the powers that be so you get a spot.

Cheerleading all the way, Mr Silent. :happy
I'll give him some credit. You do have to watch out for his special ball.

Thats the one where it only bounces once. Most bounce twice before getting to the batter. His special ball only comes out after 5 or 6 attempts though.

So he is one of the only TTSFL players who dont roll it then
Hah we'll wait to teach ya'll some lessons when we're done u'll be the ones crying and we the ones providing u with tissues(we'll suppl u tissues so dont worry just cry us all a river)
I wasn't talking about Blake but Shizz or whatever his name is.

Try and keep up big boy.
Get a life you say? Ha!

Annihiliating all of Bushy's pathetic attempts to be anymore than a pathetic pleb in cyber space is my life.

And furthermore, A bunch of upper class english snot nosed posters, ("Oh swimmingly well done old chap") called Planet Cricket, which as Jarman said is rather barren and devoid of life need a bit of a schooling every now and then.

And we're giving you activity, we expect the same when you tour us, but then you've only got 2 posters in your site to take over to TF don't you?

And Therbs assures me you don't know your beer either, despicable.


Sorry but how does this warrant a red card infraction?

And how is NEGGIES a reason for infracting someone?
So where'd ya dump Bushys body? I'll hand it to you - he has been quiet lately.
Sorry but how does this warrant a red card infraction?

And how is NEGGIES a reason for infracting someone?
You got a red card for that? Pathetic, this forum is the pits of the world.

So where'd ya dump Bushys body? I'll hand it to you - he has been quiet lately.
Very quiet, although he did say he was going away on holiday.
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Sorry but how does this warrant a red card infraction?

And how is NEGGIES a reason for infracting someone?
We don't have an infraction system here, that is just the reputation system, the thing that controls the red and green plips at the side of each post. Anyone can do them, that is what the tick and cross button under each post is for.

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