Players You Dislike XI + Players You Like XI

even tho I said I dont hate on that many cricketers KP gets a huge nod for his comments about Shiv. KPx11 on the hate list.
Dislike XI

Virender Sehwag
Dislike with a passion. Being an offie myself, I hate to see spinners being treated so dismissively. As we saw today, Viru will get his comeuppance. If he's on your side, you don't complain. If he's on your opponent's side, he's terror personified. But as a neutral, I just don't get much joy from watching him bat. No matter how many runs he scores, the whole see-ball-hit-ball thing just doesn't satisfy at all. He reduces cricket from an art-form to a game of percentages. As Stuart MacGill said, 'It's not that he can't pick my bowling, it's just he doesn't care'.

Gautam Gambhir
Sehwag's opening partner makes the XI too, but for completely different reasons. While Viru is actually a nice guy in person, Gambhir is a bit of a knob. Rumour has it that if the fielders don't sledge him, he talks to himself and psychs himself up until he spontaneously combusts into a sticky blue-coloured goo.

Ricky Ponting (c)
The 'ah look, mate', the cheesy grin, the self-umpiring, the general Tassie-ness about the man.....I think we have our captain. Is there anything likeable about Ricky Ponting?

Kevin Pietersen
Right, let's get a few home truths sorted out about KP. Firstly, the switch-hit is not the greatest invention since sliced bread. In fact, it isn't even accredited to Pietersen. Secondly, Pietersen is not a sublimely talented genius, in fact his technique is quite gangly, fidgety and awkward-looking. Thirdly, the ECB didn't sack Pietersen because they were scared of his 'strong personality'. That's giving the man too much credit. He threw his toys out of the pram and is still sulking. If he was a radical mastermind like Mike Brearley + Che Guevara combined, then I would understand. But KP isn't a radical....he wanted Vaughan back in the side for crying out loud. And let's face it, the man has the IQ of a rodent.

Yuvraj Singh
The face, the face. Just look at the face. It's all in the smirk. Having scoured Cricinfo for names that annoy me, there is one name that stands out from the rest. Ponting, KP and Yuvraj? That's one repulsively talented middle order.

Ian Botham
Now I notice that all the lists made so far involve only modern players. In this case, however, I am prepared to make a major, major exception. Legend? Yes. Knight? Yes? All-rounder? All-round twat, yes. I bought a copy of his autobiography for ?1 at some boot sale somewhere. Wasted a quid, I'd say. He comes across as utterly obsessed with the press headlines written about him when he was a player. He is also the most reactionary and miserable pundit I have ever seen. Favourite words include 'pathetic' and 'shambles'. Nice man.

Mahendra Singh Dhoni (wk)
Rohit is right! Karthik has more class, but MSD is a hard-working player who somehow managed to force his way past. How? Perhaps through the magic of Zorro? Sound temperament, but makes the XI on the basis of that hideous, bottom-handed technique. In a parallel universe far far away, KKDK has 50 Test caps by now, and Dhoni is still playing club cricket.

Shane Watson/Dwayne Bravo
I just couldn't decide between these two. Both hyped up as the 'golden boy' of their respective sides, they threaten to show potential with bat and ball without being particularly world-class with either. Also a touch of arrogance about them with no performances of note to back it up.

Stuart Broad
Hot air, hot air. Why are we going ga-ga over this kid like he's some sort of McGrath-Wasim-Garner composite? He's good, but he's not that good.

Harbhajan Singh
It pains me to put any spinner in here, but if I was to start a spinners' union, there would be a big sign outside the door: 'No Bhajjis'. A year ago, after a winter net session at uni, a colleague said to me, 'There's a bit of Harbhajan Singh in your action'. Well, it's a work in progress, I'm still working on the teri maki chants and how to dance to Bhangra whilst looking like a dick.

Andre Nel
Because all the screaming and shouting in the world can't make up for the fact that Dale Steyn is 15ks quicker than you are. In fact Steyn can strike more fear by just looking at a batsman than Nel can with the whole 'Gunther' routine.

Twelfth man
Alastair Cook
Future England captain? You are having a laugh! Watch any interview of Ali Cook, and you'll see what I mean. The boy has all the charisma of an empty suitcase. And StinkyBoHoon is right, he does have a horrible smile.

Next, I'll make my own Like XI......when I feel like it.
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And even more laughable was the way Zaheer destroyed England after that:rolleyes: England paid badly twice for the actions of two of their cricketers (they paid when Pietersen jelly beaned Zaheer, they paid when Flintoff irritated Yuvraj before that 'sixes mayhem')

So Zaheer shouldnt sledge Mr Bully (Hayden) because he is not a better batsman than the Bully? Thats laughable of the highest order!

After reading your posts, Anyone in the world > Hayden
You've obviously forgotten how all of the Indians thought that Zaheer had the wood over Hayden after a few poor umpiring decisions and then Hayden came out and belted Zaheer out of the bowling attack. Dispatching his mediocre bowling for more then 10 an over and when Hayden gets out to a different bowler, Zaheer gives Hayden a send-off after Hayden has just murdered Zaheer's bowling.
You've obviously forgotten how all of the Indians thought that Zaheer had the wood over Hayden after a few poor umpiring decisions and then Hayden came out and belted Zaheer out of the bowling attack. Dispatching his mediocre bowling for more then 10 an over and when Hayden gets out to a different bowler, Zaheer gives Hayden a send-off after Hayden has just murdered Zaheer's bowling.

Yeah, as if Hayden is a saint and was really hurt when Zaheer did that to him. Wonder how many times he has done such things to other players? Indians are learning the art of sledging without making it clear to the cameras. Dont worry! We'll learn fast enough
Hayden sledged players but atleast he doesn't give em sendoffs. It's not as if Hayden used to go up and scream in Zaheer's face to piss off everytime he hit him for a boundary (which was quite often).
Yeah, as if Hayden is a saint and was really hurt when Zaheer did that to him. Wonder how many times he has done such things to other players? Indians are learning the art of sledging without making it clear to the cameras. Dont worry! We'll learn fast enough

You already have merit students :)

1.Harbhajan Singh
3.Zaheer khan
4.Yuvraj Singh
5.Gautam Gambhir
6.Ishant Sharma
7.Praveen Kumar
8.Yousuf Pathan
You already have merit students :)

1.Harbhajan Singh
3.Zaheer khan
4.Yuvraj Singh
5.Gautam Gambhir
6.Ishant Sharma
7.Praveen Kumar
8.Yousuf Pathan

The country whose player I was talking about, have had Ph.D professors... One of those actual saints from that country conveniently coined a term for it calling it "mental disintegration"

saisrini80 added 1 Minutes and 10 Seconds later...

Hayden sledged players but atleast he doesn't give em sendoffs. It's not as if Hayden used to go up and scream in Zaheer's face to piss off everytime he hit him for a boundary (which was quite often).

As I said, we're learning. We will send you off in better ways than what Zaheer did. Unfortunately, Hayden wont receive such treatment for he has conveniently retired myself:p
Like XI

Andrew Strauss - Like his batting way
Chris Gayle - He is briilliant batting and he is monster sixes !
Kallis - Believe he is best batman in world
Kevin Pietersen - (My big fan) I just love watch he is batting and he can take away game from any team. But i just dislike what his say to other player. He is just arrogant.
Michael Clarke - He is good record batting, good techinque batting
Andrew Flintoff - very good bowling and get the crowd up. He can be very fired up when he is batting
Kumar Sangakkara - a world Class Wicketkeeper and batman
Brett Lee - He is fast bowler i seen him
Dale Steyn- he is fired when he bowl unbelieved
Sturt Broad - Future he will became world class bowler
Monty Pansar - He is good bowler and future he will devlopment a very good bowler i believe

Dislike XI

Matthew Hayden - He just arrogant and angry all time
V.Sewag - I hate it when he is very fired up and not good techinque batting
Ricky Pointing - He is world class batman but i not like him because he is arrgoant and annoy to me
Ian Bell- He is perfect techique but he had a lot chance and fail
Y.Singh - He is good batman but he had lot chance in test and failed now
K Amkal - He is worst wicketkeeper
A.Symonds - He had a lot of problem personal and he just rude and arrogant
Daren Powell - He is worst bowler and alway bowl wide all time
Steve Harmison - He just get in and out team all time . it is really annoy
Paul Harris - he is bored bowler i seen
Chris Martin - he is worst batman in test and not good bowler
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Mahendra Singh Dhoni (wk)
Rohit is right! Karthik has more class, but MSD is a hard-working player who somehow managed to force his way past. How? Perhaps through the magic of Zorro? Sound temperament, but makes the XI on the basis of that hideous, bottom-handed technique. In a parallel universe far far away, KKDK has 50 Test caps by now, and Dhoni is still playing club cricket.

Dude, I absolutely LOVE you!
One more thing. I have finally figured out what I really dislike about Shane Watson and Dwayne Bravo. It's the way they seem to be really pleased with themselves for no apparent reason.

Right, here's the Like XI, a bit duller though.

Like XI

Sanath Jayasuriya
If you bowled three balls to him on the same spot, he could dispatch them to three different parts of the ground. Unlike Sehwag, he murdered bowlers with good-looking shots, like the flick over square leg. I love the way he looks so meek after the match, almost apologising for ruining the bowlers' day.

Tamim Iqbal
I watched him in the World Cup playing a sublime backfoot drive through the covers. Soon after, he drove again through he covers, this time on the front foot. I was instantly smitten. Imagine what all that raw talent will be like in 4 years' time.

Rahul Dravid
A true gent. Also, he doesn't get enough credit for being a naturally gifted strokemaker. Unlike many of the so-called entertainers, Dravid has all the shots in the book. His defence, though, is perfect, and 81 & 68 on a Sabina Park minefield remain as two of the greatest innings since the turn of the century.

Michael Vaughan (c)
Drives off the backfoot, drives through cover, elegant pulls and delicate a batsman, Vaughan couldn't be inelegant even if he tried. Also, one of the most brilliantly astute leaders of this decade.

Brian Lara
Never mind the mountain of runs, Lara is one of those sportsmen I instantly warmed to because he seemed so human. He always wore his heart on his sleeve. He could never be a single-minded sportsman and there were times when he questioned his own motivation. I've always believed that more sportspeople at the top level should be sensitive and self-aware enough to do the same. Lightening footwork, lightening bat speed, mesmerising strokeplay.

Jacques Kallis
Is it illegal to rate Kallis up there with all the batting greats? Then why do some people act like it is? So many runs, so many wickets, such little love.

Prasanna Jayawardene/Jack Russell/Ian Healy (wk)
Here's a novel idea....choose a particular skill, stick to it and end up bloody good at it. Matt Prior, can you hear me?

Daniel Vettori
I was a volunteer at Lord's during the 5th ODI against New Zealand last summer. Vettori came onto bowl and I was standing just outside the media centre, right behind the bowler's arm. It was a treat to watch him bowl; out of all the spinners in the world, he was the one I most wanted to see live because of all his subtle variations. Oh, and Vettori finished that match with figures of 3 for 32 from ten overs.

Chaminda Vaas
When Vaas takes the new ball, everything in the world is as it should be. It's the most reassuring thing on a cricket field. You just know that everything is going to be alright.

Shane Bond
He used to be a police officer which helped him to put cricket into perspective. A really nice guy with a perfect bowling action. Fitness and the BCCI have robbed him of being the best fast bowler in the world today.

Muttiah Muralitharan
Great bowler. Hilarious batsman. Love the way he bats, you can tell that batting is one big joke to him. And how can you resist that cheeky smile?

Twelfth man
James Anderson
There's something about Jimmy. He's one of those players you always want to see doing well, because when he succeeds, he does it in spectacular style. Has all the tools that a quickie could possibly want.....outswinger, inswinger, reverse swing and a dangerous bouncer.

Like Second XI

Michael Atherton
Kids like me grew up listening in awe to bedtime stories about how Athers defied South Africa, a pterodactyl and the Cruciatus curse for ten hours with 185* in Johannesburg.

Andrew Strauss
Calm, demure, eloquent and graceful. Almost Athers-like in that sense. A great servant to England and Middlesex over the years.

Stephen Fleming (c)
As shrewd as they come, his captaincy was not overrated. If a good captain can reduce 20 runs off the opponents' total, Fleming could take away 50. His batting was always underrated.

Mark Waugh
What a surprise. The 90's boy has a bias towards 90's players. Especially the ones with gorgeous techniques. I once watched Mark Waugh flicking sixes through midwicket with no great swing of the bat or follow-through. Effortlessly brilliant, sublimely elegant.

Graeme Hick
Again, it's a nineties thing. It's unfair to call him a flat-track bully in my opinion. I know that Hick was better than that. He was such a nice guy that everyone wanted him to succeed with England. His retirement quote sums it all up, 'It's not the runs or the achievements, it's the friends you've made and all the fun and anecdotes that will stay with you after you retire'.

Shoaib Malik
It's a shame that the captaincy didn't work out for Malik. I genuinely believed that he would be the young dynamic captain that Pakistan needed. As a player I would describe myself as closest to Shoaib Malik in terms of offspinner and a capable batsman. I've always liked his bowling action and I wish he would bowl a lot more.

Romesh Kaluwitharana (wk)
First things first, Kalu was an excellent gloveman. Any runs he got were a bonus. When he got promoted to open as a pinch-hitter, that's when things got exciting. He may have been a mediocre batsman, but when he got going, boy was it fun to watch. Always chatty and grinning away, another one of those players you always wanted to see do well.

Saqlain Mushtaq
Every young offspinner should model his action on Saqqy. It's poetry in motion. Cunning and guileful, he didn't need a doosra, but he invented it anyway.

Waqar Younis
Not the toes, not the toes. Oh please, anywhere but the toes. If your side played Pakistan in the 90's, you would be counting down the number of overs Waqar had left with anticipation and dread. 416 ODI wickets @ 23.84 don't lie.

Curtly Ambrose
Bowlers of today may be as quick, but never as intimidating. You can't buy the sort of presence that Curtly had. Still one of the most copied bowling actions in world cricket.

Ajantha Mendis
He came along at a time when we needed something to restore our faith in how great cricket can be. I don't remember being this excited about a player before he had even bowled a ball and he duly delivered. All together now..... Meeennnndddddiiiiiiisss!!!!!

Other likeable players (errmm, 3rd XI, I guess)

Ed Smith
Cambridge graduate, Middlesex legend.

Nathan Astle
Exciting batsman and useful medium-pacer. If only he had more support.

David Gower (c)
The most elegant left-hander on the planet.

Aravinda De Silva
Perfect technique. He had every shot in the book. Before winning a World Cup final, he tore up the English county circuit. Quite an impressive CV.

Subramaniam Badrinath
Because I believe the hype.

Dinesh Karthik (wk)
Some players just suffer for being versatile. Great opener in hostile English conditions, keeper, outfielder and an excellent middle-order batsman, what more could you possibly want?

Shaun Pollock/Wasim Akram
The ginger ninja. 'Nuff said. Nice bloke too. As for Wasim, he could do practically anything with a cricket ball. Except maybe a 180 degree boomerang.

Richard Hadlee
Anyone who can rattle the Aussies simply by bowling a cricket ball deserves to be in here.

Morne Morkel
With that bowling action, he's got to get 200 test wickets.

Lasith Malinga
With that bowling action, how does it not go to third slip? Seriously though, the closest thing to Waqar these days.

Erapalli Prasanna
He played cricket way before my time, but every young spinner should learn from the way he used to outthink the batsman like a game of chess.

fisch added 3 Minutes and 53 Seconds later...

I think I'll stop spamming with really long posts now. :D

Dude, I absolutely LOVE you!

Haha, thanks. Just pleased to be part of the KKD justice squadron.:cool:
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Dislike XI

Matthew Hayden - He just arrogant and angry all time

He might be arrogant (actually I think it's more his batting style that's arrogant - thinks he can hit anything), but Matthew Hayden is certainly not an angry man. The only time he's angry is when people throw cricket balls at him, or give him sendoffs/sledges. Otherwise he is a total zen guy. Seeing him visualising in the middle of the pitch for hours before an innings, I can just imagine him every night in a room full of candles doing yoga. At first slip most of the time you saw him on camera he was laughing with Gilly and Ponting. Listen to his interviews, he is a laid back dude. He likes cooking and fishing, how many angry guys like doing that?? Angry guys are into boxing or burning ants with a magnifying glass...

Sorry, I'll start to sound like a certain Hayden fan boy if I'm not careful :p
Prasanna Jayawardene/Jack Russell/Ian Healy (wk)
Here's a novel idea....choose a particular skill, stick to it and end up bloody good at it. Matt Prior, can you hear me?

That would never pass in England. They wouldn't take WK who cant score allot of runs otherwise Prior wouldn't have been there because from what I hear from the guys on this forum thee are far better keepers in England.

I am on the same side as you, give me a keeper that can catch the ball. Prasana is amazing.
Subramaniam Badrinath
Because I believe the hype.

Dinesh Karthik (wk)
Some players just suffer for being versatile. Great opener in hostile English conditions, keeper, outfielder and an excellent middle-order batsman, what more could you possibly want?

Erapalli Prasanna
He played cricket way before my time, but every young spinner should learn from the way he used to outthink the batsman like a game of chess.
YES!!!! :D:cool: I think we're cricket soulmates.

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