Playing Cricket vs. Watching Cricket

Cricket games should replicate more of...

  • the experience of playing cricket, being on the field with ball or bat in hand

    Votes: 35 72.9%
  • the experience of watching cricket, being entertained by the action as a spectator

    Votes: 13 27.1%

  • Total voters
yes, by asking you to explain/expand the improvements you want to help deliver a solution beyond blindly copying a 10 year old game, i've really tried to prevent anybody getting any enjoyment.
It’s just so silly. Why can’t flake just explain the specifics of the issue… so yeah, ok the camera drifts and moves or whatever as he said. What problem does it cause specifically? What systems does it affect – batting, bowling, both? How? Does it affect timing, placement, vision, no-balls, or simply “feel”?

saying “copy cricket 07” is ridiculous. It’s a 10 year old game, with completely different systems for batting and bowling. You’ve got a game that has taken a massive leap forward and revolutionised everything. Some things may need revisiting, fair enough. But saying “copy the 10 years old thing” ain’t gonna get you a hearing. Explain the problem, and let the game designers think of a solution – that’s how software design works. You start with the requirements and acceptance criteria, and design a solution from that.

But because to do so opens the possibility of the answers…

For batting the TV view does not work
You can bat from the broadcast camera... however...

Neo: Why do my eyes hurt?
Morpheus: You've never used them before.
But that is where a broadcast camera would end up after the run-up, unless you mean the static broadcast camera which unless you have a HUGE tv will be hard to time/judge because of the player scale.

So he’d rather “wah wah wah, blockerdave, wah wah wah attention, wah wah wah no skin off your nose wah wah". what a joke.

and what was a great thread with reasonable discussion has been hijacked by this crap. (yes i know i share the blame...)
Im not against broadcast camera though i personally dont like it much but how is EA 07 broadcast camera better than dbc one


Even gave batting a go with broadcast other than feeling out of place with the not being the player feel, couldn't find much wrong with the way the cameras moved! Even liked the way me getting caught sweeping looked!

especially when you have cool looking replays, i would personally like more improvements in replays!


I would think if you are going to suggest improvement for a feature being more specific will help than say i want it improved or like an old game!

For Ex: I the start of the broadcast is in a angle cutting the batsman, a good solution would be to zoom out a bit more!

Not that i care about this as i dont really use this cam, but if its something you care about, you should try to be more specific in feedback, rather than just calling something bad needs to improve etc etc


Personally replays is were BA should be spending their time for me,
1.Like cutting the bowler run ups.
2. tweaking the amount of replays, were and when they appear.
3.Experiment with camera angles for replays more, Make use of variable speed cameras like slow down just near the bat or when fielder is diving and speed up etc !
4.Make use of hotspot camera for LBW and Edge decisions!
5.Maybe throw in a quick highlights reel especially in career at the end of an innings!
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Experiment with camera angles for replays more, Make use of variable speed cameras like slow down just near the bat or when fielder is diving and speed up etc !
Just like Ashes Cricket 09
TBH can't see why there's so much push-back regarding the change to Broadcast camera angle. All nutshot and flake have said is that the broadcast camera should be a bit straighter and slightly closer (without zooming in). That's it. No change in the hud or pitch markers or change to the design of the game. I say if that's not a big change and is more of a cosmetic tweak Big Ant should do it. The camera is optional - just like it is now - and if it can make more users happy, go for it.

IMO this request is on the similar lines as the option to have a field radar in the game for folks who don't want to spend a few secs every other delivery scanning the field. It's an option for folks to use and wouldn't change anything for folks who don't want to use it.
Well said mate. Dave, you're a child pal. Read the above post. Go camping, go to the beach, take your girl out. Picking a fight on your computer seems a bit too regular an occurance for you and it isnt exactly healthy.
Well said mate. Dave, you're a child pal. Read the above post. Go camping, go to the beach, take your girl out. Picking a fight on your computer seems a bit too regular an occurance for you and it isnt exactly healthy.

you don't even have the minerals to just explain what problems the current broadcast camera gives you, so calling me a child is fairly hilarious. i'm not picking a fight, i'm making the following points:

1) what you've requested was discussed (ad nauseaum) 3 years ago, the developer explained the reasons for the decision, which I have quoted repeatedly.
2) if you simply explain "when i (x) in broadcast camera i experience problems (y) and (z)", there might actually be a different solution - more in keeping with the game mechanics - to solve your problem because news flash - copying a camera exactly from a 10 year-old game with vastly different mechanisms may not be the silver bullet you think it is. just saying "copy cricket 07" is not remotely helpful.

and that @cricket_online is why they are getting pushback: because they're ignoring the developers' explanation of the existing situation, and fixating on a specific solution rather than explaining the problem. if you read my last 7 posts in this thread (not including this one) 4 of them are asking "explain the current problem" (and FWIW, saying the camera moves isn't explaining the problem; describing the impact of the camera moving is explaining the problem), whereas flake's last 3 posts have been insulting me.

also, you know what -i'm typing this sat in front of the cricket: the effing camera moves and zooms in! so even the argument "i want it to look like the TV" is wrong.
We are asking for the improvement merely because the current one looks awkward.

It looks exactly like a "broadcast camera" ...which moves as the bowler moves into delivery because as a television viewer you're watching the bastman, the bowler, the pitch all at the same time. The television experience is literally designed to give you a summation of everything happening at the same time. In older games, the broadcast view was designed to show you the pitch and pitch markers so you were staring at that, not anything else. It was a crutch that we all got used to. As a player of the NEW game, you're supposed to be watching the ball. What you're actually asking for is a static behind-the-bowler camera like...

Cricket 07 broadcast camera worked so just copy that.

...which is a TEN YEAR OLD GAME ...and has been mentioned, is now made irrelevant by improvements by BigAnt to batting from the batsman camera and ProCam solutions.

A lot of people would like a slightly modified broadcast camera.

Citation required again. There are only 2 in this thread.

All nutshot and flake have said is that the broadcast camera should be a bit straighter and slightly closer (without zooming in).

That's the most egregiously vague summation I've ever read. It doesn't matter what change is made the game has evolved past the need for the broadcast camera ...they ...and you ...are literally missing the entire point of this discussion.

Well said mate. Dave, you're a child pal. Read the above post. Go camping, go to the beach, take your girl out. Picking a fight on your computer seems a bit too regular an occurance for you and it isnt exactly healthy.

...and this is where you lost the argument. Right here. Mark the time and date. Here's the problem with people like you in this forum and this goes for half a dozen others. When your argument is falling apart, when you're being proven time and time again as being wrong you resort to an internet cliche like this to introduce some irrational, irrelevant reply to suggest that an opposing discussion point [and in this case the correct one] is "picking a fight" and that said person that disagrees with you with facts, logic, quotations and sound reasoning has irrelevant nonsense about their personal life [or suggested lack thereof] thrown against them to divert the discussion away from the actually robust, interesting debate that's happening around you. Smarter people are winning, it's okay to lose the debate and be in the wrong.

  • The developer has said broadcast camera is not the optimal experience
  • The majority of players based on anecdotal evidence in this forum prefer the other camera options presented
  • The "Broadcast Camera" as we know it is becoming a relic of cricket games past
  • There is no need to "improve" something which very few people use, adds no additional benefit to the game, looks exactly like a broadcast camera should
  • There are multiple replay options in the existing game to give you a "broadcast experience" as there will no-doubt be in any future game

This thread, upon creation, was designed to find out what people enjoyed most about cricket gaming. Overwhelmingly the response, 71.4% as of posting, wants a true-to-life experience not a broadcast experience, which is what I had surmised in my initial findings and feelings as I've been tracking cricket gaming. Most people want a nice balance of the two and almost everyone that has played Don Bradman Cricket since it's release bats from the recommended camera and has no issues with it as it gives that aforementioned balance. Introducing your brand of personal crazy and attempting to divert the discussion away from any of the above is an admission of defeat and a pretty poor one at that.

Broadcast Camera is irrelevant. It'll be in the game, because at this point, much like getting a chainsaw or revolver in a FPS is a staple of the game, but wiser people will explore the other, varied and evolutionary experiences presented. That's the way it should be.

That's how you get the experience of playing cricket with ball or bat in hand.

*drops mic*
i love the gifs @grkrama posted because if you look at those two, and look at the cricket on TV, the DBC14 camera is the one that nails it. the tv camera isn't static. it moves and zooms. that whole "i want it to feel like tv" argument is dead in the water.

it doesn't look like tv, it isn't optimal for batting - the only purpose of a "static" cam like that (which actually just looks like the bowler cam in DBC) is to mimic old shit games pitch markers.

but seriously, flake's attitude is such as i don't think he deserves any particular courtesy from me but i'm gonna give him some anyway:

@flake - this site is run by an employee of the developer, the CEO frequents here as do other members of staff. from big stuff like online saves to frivolous stuff like jardine's harlequin cap, this site has a record of making requests/suggestions that get in the game. DBC17 will be no exception. you will never find a better platform on which o get the developer to listen.

explain the nature of your problem properly in a format that explains what you're doing in the camera, what issues you have with the camera and what impacts that causes. you may not get a "static" broadcast cam, but the developer might at least consider the problem and look at other solutions. telling them to "improve" it by copying a 10-year old game is not the way to do that.


now, can we go back to useful discussion. @Biggs what think you of my local multiplayer (vs) suggestion for a split - left hand 80% for the batter, right hand 20% for the bowler?
what think you of my local multiplayer (vs) suggestion for a split - left hand 80% for the batter, right hand 20% for the bowler?

I would go straight 50/50 [Widescreen TV's n'all that] but make it a vertical split, rather than horizontal like this [very rough approximation]...


  • You'd reduce the visual clutter to a minimum to start with.
  • Scoreboard/Information/Stats/Etc moves to the right under the bowler so the batsman has a clear line of sight. Fades out as the bowler delivers
  • Bowling Speed/Delivery/Accuracy meter floats next to the bowlers shoulder and can be toggled off/on.
  • Bottom left hand corner has the "accuracy" feedback for the batsman. Blinks Red for too early, Yellow for Good and Green for perfect timing. Very small, can be toggled on/off.
  • I would also push the camera slighty further back for the batsman than in this approximation so it hovered a fraction higher and more inbetween where the keeper is situated so you can see your position by the stumps.
  • Bowling camera is about perfect, would need to move slightly back to accomodate a full view of the slips cordon
Ok well after causing a complete scene because people mentioned a slightly tweaked broadcast camera, you two just look the fool. We have explained a few reasons why we would like it improved and for the fifth time, its NOT because of gameplay mechanics ! Its because some people like to play a game where they feel as if they are watching tv ! Why do you think Fifa etc have so many cut scenes ? Because they want the consumer to feel as if hes watching, yet controlling a soccer game.(Im pretty sure more than "a staggering 71%" play it in broadcast camera too.
So what if Cricket 07 is 10 years old?? The broadcast camera felt like it just worked. I was trying to give an example as to slightly bettering it. If it doesn't get improved well thats fine but all we are saying is it would be a nice addition to the game.

Ive not seen many threads where you two aren't horribly sarcastic or rude to members. Easy to be that way on the internet, not so much in real life. Show respect to others on here. Most of them mean well and are not wrong simply because the have differring opinions. Peace.

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