Playthrough - England in the 1990s... and beyond

Much appreciated. Guessing there is no way to get full Championship averages other than paying for Cricket Archive either.
So it has been quite a long while now since I really dug into this playthrough. With me starting teacher training in a bit under five weeks, I really should take a careful look at the things I've done well and poorly in constructing this playthrough, as well as how I can change things up just a little bit to make it more sustainable to run while most of my energy goes into teaching. After all, this playthrough has spanned several editions of the game and several years of my life: I am a different person to the one that started this. (Obviously the game is still exactly the same.

First XI: Things I'm glad about

1: Phil Tufnell and his 511-wicket career

This one goes without saying I think: I am delighted to see Tufnell and a few others get the sort of sustained opportunities that they almost certainly should have had during their real-life careers.

2: Steve Rhodes never played a Test match
It's for the greater good.

3: My England save has had a continued commitment to a proper keeper and five proper bowlers
At times this hasn't been the easiest thing to achieve: at times it led to madness at number six and seven (think Chris Lewis and Jack Russell, or Chris Read and Ian Salisbury), but for the most part I think it has led to more engaging games of cricket over the course of the save.

4: I've been able to stick with some good players, even if they didn't do very well in real life
What's the point in a playthrough like this if there aren't new heroes who didn't amount to very much for the real-life England team? The most obvious example of this is Nick Knight, whose Test batting averages continues to hover around the 50 mark. Ryan Sidebottom, who has made an explosive start to his Test career, looks like being the next big thing.

5: I've maintained a commitment to proper wicket-keepers.
While it would have been easy to pick Alec Stewart as a keeper the whole time and strengthen the batting around him, I'm glad that I've remained committed to playing a proper keeper. This has meant that Jack Russell played 94 Tests instead of 54, and that Chris Read is getting a longer rope than he did in real life even as he struggles with the bat. I intend for this to continue for as long as the playthrough does.

6: I've given opportunities to new players in circumstances where they are most likely to succeed
Wherever possible, I've tried to give people their debuts in series where the opposition perhaps isn't all that - so lots of debuts against Zimbabwe, lots coming up against Bangladesh, and where I can, debuts are given against the early-summer tourists. Exceptions to this will usually be for exceptional players, such as young Jimmy being called up to have a crack at India.

7: I've tried to manage the workload of my seam bowlers.
So Cricket Captain genuinely doesn't give a shit whether I rotate my bowlers or not, but I've tried to manage their workloads wherever possible. This is somewhat as an extra challenge to myself, but it also feels like the best way to do right by those bowlers. Looking between now and 2005, I am likely to have a pace battery of Sidebottom, Jones, Anderson, Hoggard, Harmison and the all-rounders. Kabir Ali and Chris Tremlett are also likely to be on the fringes. I have no intention to be playing the same seam attack through a full five-Test series.

8: The match reports
I have generally felt as if the match reports have balanced having enough detail with not being a particularly excessive amount of work. I would not be looking to change their style as I continue the playthrough, as they're one of the things I think really work.

9: Having a complete set of stats
I'm a stats nerd. It makes me happy to know that I've recorded every one of Graham Thorpe's 5,691 (and counting) Test runs. Keeping track of opposition players' changed stats would have been very interesting too, but I can't go back and do that now - and it would likely have tripped the "too much work" switch.

10: Ben Hollioake lives
It didn't take too much of a stretch to prevent Ben Hollioake's untimely death in my timeline. Where possible, I am also going out of my way for other players who suffered death or serious misfortune, so Umer Rashid, Simon Jones, Matt Hobden and Craig Kieswetter should all be okay as and when I get to their incidents in the timeline.

11: England has been a consistently good team
Although this is partly because of my having thousands of hours experience with Cricket Captain, it has certainly been fun finding out that England did have the talent available to actually do quite well throughout this period - even if we have been able to overachieve thanks to the vagaries of the game I've been playing on.

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Second XI: Things I'm mad about

1: Nasser Hussain's dismal Test career

It might be odd for someone who's been lucky enough to watch the likes of Thorpe, Pietersen, Strauss, Cook, Root, Jennings and Brook go out to bat in England shirts, but Nasser Hussain was always my favourite player growing up. 20 Tests, 949 runs @ 27.11 and no appearances as captain do absolutely no justice to him. If I could go back and do this playthrough again, I'd want to find a way to get the best out of Nasser, and to give him more consistent opportunities. Now, it seems that his hundred in the 2002 NatWest series was the only way he could regain a place in the side - and I just missed out on giving him that recall.

2: I didn't do enough research
It was only in the most recent dozen series or so that I really think I put enough research into my team selections. Certainly throughout the early 1990s, I don't think I had enough knowledge about the circumstances and goals of the team at the time, nor about the players who were in the conversation when it came to selection. As a result, I missed out on some players who should definitely have got more of a go (players like Hugh Morris, Ali Brown, Keith Piper, Richard Illingworth and Neil Mallender immediately spring to mind) while also giving premature call-ups and debuts to others (Mark Alleyne seems like the obvious example of this). I was also quite hubristic when I was called out on this.

3: I missed some vital storylines
This was partly covered in the previous section about me not doing enough research, but I definitely missed some key storylines that the playthrough would have been better with. A good example of this is my decision to erase the inconvenient Rebel Tour from my timeline: this was stupid, and I regret it. Another example is my failure to select the tearaway young Duncan Spencer for the New Zealand series in 1994: of course it would have been too soon, but it would have opened the door to me making selections on the basis that pace is pace, yaar, and that could have made for a more interesting team.

4: Inconsistency with injuries
Early in the playthrough especially, I was quite inconsistent when it came to player injuries. For example, Angus Fraser played 59 Test matches - a lot of them during the period where he was out of Test cricket for two and a half years through a long-term injury. While it was probably fine for me to overlook minor niggles and injuries picked up during real life Test matches (which of course no longer happen as I'm now playing as England), but something like a stress fracture or similar long-term injury should absolutely be considered.

5: I didn't always prioritise significant real-life players in my playthrough
Obviously Phil Tufnell has just spent a decade as England's incumbent left-arm spinner, but this has meant that it's 2002 and Ashley Giles hasn't donned an England Test shirt yet. That's obviously going to change soon, but I probably should have been looking to include him ahead of trying to make Ian Salisbury happen, or giving Swann his shot at Test cricket as a young man.

6: The captaincy
I slightly regret how I've approached the captaincy in this playthrough. At first, Hick had to stand in for Gooch because Atherton wasn't a fixture in the team at that point. He would then be replaced by Alec Stewart, who was the ODI captain at that time. This was a good way of steering myself back towards reality, and one that I failed to take when I named Knight as the captain for the 2000 Zimbabwe series rather than Hussain. I would really like to go back and change that, but of course it is too late.

7: Cricket Captain's AI can't manage bowlers for shit
The biggest one here was the India-England series, where India would pick three or four spinners and then only two of them would ever get a bowl. We all know Cricket Captain is a very flawed game, but that was a particular low point. It has definitely inflated my team's results above and beyond what they might otherwise have achieved. There isn't anything to be done here, but it is frustrating.

8: All players are rated as the best version of themselves
Because I'm having to run this playthrough using All Time Greats mode, all the players I use come into the side as a fully realised version of themselves. This is quite contrary to reality and has resulted in some strange outcomes: for example, Andrew Flintoff really started his international career as a bit of a no-rounder, but when I'm picking him in this he probably has a rating more in line with the 2004-05 version of himself. It means I sometimes have to intentionally underuse players who I know would do well for my team for the sake of realism.

9: It took me a decade of cricket before I realised that I could do Test series of any length
Just unbelievably stupid from me: when this playthrough started, I used to edit the schedule a little bit to fit into the one-, three- and five-Test series available in All Time Greats mode. I regret the fact that it took me a long time to realise that if I had a two- or four-game series, that wasn't a problem. I also regret that I shortened the six- and seven-Test (in the case of the 1998 West Indies tour with the 61-ball Test) rather than working out how to make them happen.

10: My Paul Nixon obsession
Look, I absolutely love the bloke and he was definitely at least on the selectors' radar (he clocked up nine first-class matches for various real life England representative XIs between 1995 and 2001). But I also think that I was at times over-keen to get him in and around my England side: I'm a little disappointed that Nixon has ended up playing 34 Tests while Rob Turner, Keith Brown, Warren Hegg, Peter Moores, Steve Marsh and especially Keith Piper all ended up uncapped. I think I could have done better here. Love Paul Nixon though.

11: I didn't pay enough attention to England 'A' games
I made a lot of my selections using County Championship stats, as well as sometimes players who were doing well in ODIs. I should also have taken more care to look at England 'A' matches for inspiration. Players who might have benefited from this include Mark Nicholas, Graham Thorpe, Nasser Hussain, John Stephenson, Richard Illingworth, Richard Stemp and others.

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Third XI: Things that might have to change

1: The World Rankings

Simply put, I don't think they add anything to this series except extra work. When I next pick this series up, I'll be discontinuing them; the Bannerman Shield will continue because I like that and it doesn't add much extra work, but the World Rankings will be first against the wall.

2: Listening to suggestions
I don't know everything, and if those of you who take a moment out to follow this series take the time to tell me I've missed a selection, or to ask why I've not included a certain player then I should certainly take the time in return to consider whether there is in fact room for them. It's noticeable that when I look back to the early days of the playthrough, I didn't do this.

3: The Barrington Medal
As much as I like having something that recognises the season's outstanding performer, I'm not sure if it really adds anything to the series. I genuinely don't know whether to continue awarding it or not, and would appreciate people's feedback about whether they care for it or not.

4: Try to bring the team back towards reality
While there will always be some differences, I would like to bring my England Test XI into a more realistic place over the next couple of years or so. I'm expecting retirements from three or four senior players, and I would prefer to try to replace them with similar players to those who were playing for England at the time. It'll never be a series that sticks exactly to the same selections as real life (a decision I made because Blockerdave was already running that exact concept), but I do want the same players to at least find themselves in contention where possible.

5: Stick strictly to real life schedules
I previously mentioned how it took me a time to figure out that two-, four- and even six-Test series were possible. I have also experimented with a series where the schedule can and will change from what happened in real life. That created a fair chunk of extra work, and I'll be staying away from that and other RNG based elements for this playthrough. It's just a workload thing really. The only thing that might change is the ICC Super Series: if my England team is self-evidently the best in the world by that time, then I might play an England vs ICC World XI Test match.

6: Try not to bring players in too soon with the benefit of hindsight
I think I'm particularly guilty of this with players like Graeme Swann; I've picked him young, in line with when he got his initial England 'A' and ODI call-ups and he's done well for me. While that certainly hasn't done my team any harm, I don't know if I like where it puts me narratively. If and when his Test form dips, it may not hurt to have him fall out of the side for a little while.

7: Be more willing to reflect rogue real-life selections and near-selections
Of course, the 2000s aren't the era of wacky selections to the same extent as the 1990, but I think I missed out a little by not including some of the funkier picks in that decade. Without going fully "cricket on drugs", I think there is more room for experimentation than I previously allowed myself. James Hildreth must not go uncapped.

8: To Baz or not to Baz?
It's a long way off, but at some point I will have to decide whether or not to commit to Bazball (TM) as a style of play. Arguably, my style of play throughout the playthrough has been a bit Bazball; I go for run chases wherever possible, and I usually pick five bowlers with a view to taking 20 wickets in every game. But it is such a significant era of English cricket that I may have to genuinely look at whether I want to reflect it in the playthrough.

9: Oh Jimmy Jimmy
No fast bowler can possibly play 188 Tests for England. It's just silly talk. I don't know exactly how I will handle the great man's career, but it may well not last for as long as the real life Jimmy's did. Broad is similar. I don't yet have much of an idea how they will go out, but there may possibly be a theme of them going out on a high: past a certain point, something like a triumphant away Ashes series might trigger it.

10: Using a batter as my fifth bowler
As a result of my five-bowler strategy, several worthy batters have had reduced or non-existent Test careers (see: Hussain, N.). I may have to end up using certain batters with reasonable bowling ability as my fifth bowling option - such as a Paul Collingwood - rather than missing out on some very plot-significant batting options as I have done so far.

11: Do I commit to a regular schedule?
With the way my teacher training year is likely to be, it might be worth me trying to commit to a regular schedule. Not something hugely restrictive, but something like "on Sunday afternoons, I will do at least one Test match" and then I build it into my routine. Any more could then be a pleasant bonus, but the regular schedule should keep this thing moving once I get it going again.

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As ever, I'd really appreciate some feedback on this - especially if there are people out there who are still invested in this series and its future. Thank you all
:eng: England (2) vs (0) India :ind: - Third Test at Headingley

English XI
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight :c:
:eng: :bat: Marcus Trescothick
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart
:eng: :bat: Nasser Hussain
:eng: :bat: Mark Ramprakash
:eng: :ar: Andrew Flintoff
:eng: :wk: Chris Read
:eng: :ar: Graeme Swann
:eng: :bwl: Ryan Sidebottom
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones
:eng: :bwl: Jimmy Anderson (debut)

Indian XI
:ind: :ar: Sanjay Bangar
:ind: :bat: Virender Sehwag
:ind: :bat: Rahul Dravid
:ind: :bat: Sachin Tendulkar
:ind: :bat: Sourav Ganguly :c:
:ind: :bat: VVS Laxman
:ind: :bwl: Ajit Agarkar
:ind: :wk: Parthiv Patel
:ind: :bwl: Anil Kumble
:ind: :bwl: Harbhajan Singh
:ind: :bwl: Zaheer Khan

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India won the toss and chose to bat

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Both sides made changes ahead of the third Test at Headingley: England refreshed their bowling attack by bringing in Ryan Sidebottom and tearaway debutant Jimmy Anderson in place of Alex Tudor and Alan Mullally, while India brought in Sanjay Bangar to open alongside Sehwag, and Anil Kumble to strengthen the spin attack. With two full-time spinners in their ranks, it was not a surprise for Sourav Ganguly to choose to bat first after winning the toss.

The Bangar experiment did not start well, as the new opener lost his wicket to Simon Jones for only four runs, but the rest of India's batting stocks looked to be in fine condition. First Sehwag, then Dravid posted half-centuries but neither was able to kick on: first Flintoff dismissed Sehwag with an in-swinger, then Jimmy Anderson returned to the bowling crease for his second spell. In consecutive overs, he was able to claim the prized wickets of Sachin Tendulkar (24) and Rahul Dravid (64) to announce himself on the world stage. Late on the first day, he would add Ganguly to that list, though by that time the Indian captain had made a pugnacious 86. There was hope amongst Indian fans that Parthiv Patel could bat with the tail on the second morning to add vital runs, but yet again it was the young Anderson who got in the way: Harbhajan, then Kumble became his fourth and fifth wickets in the innings. His stellar debut spell of 5 for 51 was a big part of how England managed to restrict India to just 329.

The English reply was measured: with plenty of time left in the game, there was no need to try anything rash. Instead, Knight and Trescothick accumulated their runs steadily while batting through all that was left of the second day. By the time they were parted on the third morning, Knight had scored his 17th Test century and Trescothick his 11th in a partnership of 237 runs. None of the other English batters had nearly so easy a time of it: the next highest score was a punchy 41 from Ryan Sidebottom at number nine, and Ramprakash was desperately disappointed to post a golden duck. In the end, England would not have been happy with 399 all out after having started so very brightly.

They need not have worried though: over the last few years, Duncan Fletcher has moulded a young, fast and skilful pace bowling quartet, and all four of them delivered as the tourists crumbled to just 159 all out. Jones took the wickets of Bangar and Patel; Anderson got Sehwag and Dravid; Sidebottom got Ganguly, Laxman and Harbhajan, and Flintoff dismissed Tendulkar and last man Zaheer Khan. That left only one wicket for Graham Swann, but it was that of top-scorer Ajit Agarkar who had an excellent Test match despite his team's frailties.

England did stumble a little in their chase of 90, which was completed in just 15 overs for the loss of four wickets. Knight had set the tone by hitting the first five balls of the innings for 4, 4, 6, 4 and 4, and for a while it seemed the English batters were intent on following his lead. Thankfully, Ramprakash and Flintoff kept their heads at the end to see England home to an impregnable 3-0 lead with one to play.


Graham Thorpe withdraws from Test squad
England's leading Test batter Graham Thorpe has today withdrawn from the England Test squad citing "personal reasons" despite scoring a career-best 269 earlier in the series at Trent Bridge. This comes on the heels of his retirement from ODI cricket to focus fully on the Test format, with Thorpe explaining that he was "feeling very worn down and burnt out by events off the field which have become a major distraction for me and prevented me from focusing fully on my cricket. Now that the Test series is won, I need to take some time away from cricket."

Thorpe's place in the squad has been taken by ODI captain Nasser Hussain, who recently returned to form with a century against India at Lord's.

I've also included a Player of the Season award in the style of the Allan Border Medal - the Barrington Medal.

Drawn or lost match
Best player - 3 points
2nd best player - 2 points
3rd best player - 1 point

Won match
Best player - 5 points
2nd best player - 3 points
3rd best player - 2 points
4th best player - 1 point

1. Simon Jones - 10 points (+1)
=. Graham Thorpe - 10 points
=. Marcus Trescothick - 10 points (+2)
4. Phil Tufnell - 9 points
5. Nick Knight - 6 points (+3)
=. Mark Ramprakash - 6 points
7. Jimmy Anderson - 5 points (+5)
8. Andrew Flintoff - 4 points
9. Alan Mullally - 3 points
10. Ryan Sidebottom - 2 points
11. Alec Stewart - 1 point
:eng: England (3) vs (0) India :ind: - Fourth Test at The Oval

English XI
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight :c:
:eng: :bat: Marcus Trescothick
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart
:eng: :bat: Nasser Hussain
:eng: :bat: Mark Ramprakash
:eng: :bat: Ali Brown
:eng: :ar: Graeme Swann
:eng: :wk: James Foster (debut)
:eng: :bwl: Chris Silverwood
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones
:eng: :bwl: Jimmy Anderson

Indian XI
:ind: :ar: Sanjay Bangar
:ind: :bat: Virender Sehwag
:ind: :bat: Rahul Dravid
:ind: :bat: Sachin Tendulkar
:ind: :bat: Sourav Ganguly :c:
:ind: :bat: VVS Laxman
:ind: :bwl: Ajit Agarkar
:ind: :wk: Ajay Ratra
:ind: :bwl: Anil Kumble
:ind: :bwl: Harbhajan Singh
:ind: :bwl: Zaheer Khan

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India won the toss and chose to field

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With the final Test match being a dead rubber, England made several changes to their team: one was already set in stone of course, with Graham Thorpe having withdrawn himself from selection. However it was a surprise to many to see the recalled Nasser Hussain come straight into the side ahead of several reserve batters who were already with the team. Clearly the selectors want to see him in action. Ali Brown also comes into the side at number six, meaning that England are without a pace bowling all-rounder for this Test match. Young gloveman James Foster has also been given a Test match debut, with England keen to see how he does in the side. India too changed their keeper, with Ajay Ratra's call-up over Patel being their only change.

Under leaden skies, Ganguly asked the English to bat first, but just as they were on their way out to the middle those skies immediately dropped an hour and a half of rain. The resulting pre-lunch mini session was extremely testing, but Knight and Trescothick managed to hold onto their wickets. More rain delayed the afternoon session, and then yet more rain came in the evening. The cricket that was played was also very much for the purists: England ground out 104 runs for the loss of one wicket before the close on the first day, those runs coming at roughly two an over. On the second day, things quickened up a bit: a sustained period with no runs allowed Nick Knight to play his way to yet another Test century, while Nasser Hussain also showed some of his best form with a solid 81. By the time Knight's wicket finally fell for an excellent 156, the cloud was heavy once again and the pitch was darting around all over the place. Their total of 371 looked like a stern target.

Sure enough, Bangar lasted only three balls before becoming the first Indian wicket. That really set the tone for things to come: the new ball pair of Jones and Anderson took three wickets each while Silverwood and Swann each claimed two; the only two Indians in the top eight to score more than 12 runs were Sehwag (caught Trescothick, bowled Silverwood for 39) and Ganguly (caught Stewart, bowled Swann for 50). Only a late rearguard from Anil Kumble saw the Indians get as far as 164, but it still wasn't enough to avoid the follow-on in genuinely horrible batting conditions.

Knight enforced the follow-on, and this time Bangar lasted a bit longer: five balls, to complete a pair. No sooner had he reached the Indian dressing room before Rahul Dravid too was on his way back: the second batter dismissed by young Jimmy Anderson in consecutive deliveries. That over was done, but the carnage wasn't: Virender Sehwag clean bowled by Jones for a duck of his own; India 0 for 3 from 1.3 overs. Saurav Ganguly at number five clipped the first run of the innings, and retained the strike to face Anderson's hat-trick ball. With fielders all around the bat he pushed away from his body, but the ball landed comfortably short of the wider of two gullies. Could India rebuild? For a while it seemed possible, only for Simon Jones to strike again, finding Sachin's edge with the Little Master on 21, and Foster made no mistake. Silverwood then sent Ganguly packing for 11, giving England first sight of what was arguably the Indian tail.

The lower order batters did put up spirited resistance, helped somewhat by Knight not wanting to unnecessarily tire the English bowlers. It is that impulse which explains why Mark Ramprakash, bowling very very slow off-breaks to Zaheer Khan, took the wicket that sealed the Test match win by an innings and 12 runs, and the 4-0 series whitewash. England had successfully won all seven Test matches in their home summer, and nine in a row dating back to New Zealand. Next stop, Brisbane.


I've also included a Player of the Season award in the style of the Allan Border Medal - the Barrington Medal.

Drawn or lost match
Best player - 3 points
2nd best player - 2 points
3rd best player - 1 point

Won match
Best player - 5 points
2nd best player - 3 points
3rd best player - 2 points
4th best player - 1 point

1. Simon Jones - 12 points (+2)
2. Nick Knight - 11 points (+5)
3. Graham Thorpe - 10 points
=. Marcus Trescothick - 10 points
5. Phil Tufnell - 9 points
6. Jimmy Anderson - 7 points (+2)
7. Mark Ramprakash - 6 points
8. Andrew Flintoff - 4 points
9. Alan Mullally - 3 points
10. Ryan Sidebottom - 2 points
=. Chris Silverwood - 2 points (+2)
12. Alec Stewart - 1 point
Simon Jones narrowly edged out a victory to take his first Barrington Medal. His 39 wickets @ 16.51 across six of the seven matches just narrowly pipped Nick Knight's 740 runs @ 61.67 to take home the honour. What a season the young Welshman has had.
Career Statistics
Includes all players who debuted before 1990 and played from that date onwards either in real life or in this universe.

These stats are being reproduced from a Google Sheet here.

Cap Numbers
Player#DebutLast Test
:eng: :bat: Graham Gooch461:eng: v :aus: (1), 1975:eng: v :wi: (5), 1995
:eng: :ar: Ian Botham474:eng: v :aus: (3), 1977:eng: v :ind: (3), 1990
:eng: :bat: Mike Gatting477:pak: v :eng: (3), 1977-78:ind: v :eng: (2), 1992-93
:eng: :bat: David Gower479:eng: v :pak: (1), 1978:eng: v :wi: (2), 1991
:eng: :ar: John Emburey480:eng: v :nzf: (3), 1978:eng: v :aus: (4), 1989
:eng: :bat: Wayne Larkins484:aus: v :eng: (3), 1979-80:eng: v :ind: (1), 1990
:eng: :bat: Allan Lamb494:eng: v :ind: (1), 1982:wi: v :eng: (4), 1989-90
:eng: :ar: Derek Pringle495:eng: v :ind: (1), 1982:eng: v :aus: (6), 1989
:eng: :bwl: Eddie Hemmings497:eng: v :pak: (1), 1982:wi: v :eng: (5), 1989-90
:eng: :bwl: Neil Foster502:eng: v :nzf: (3), 1983:eng: v :pak: (1), 1992
:eng: :bat: Tim Robinson511:ind: v :eng: (1), 1984:eng: v :wi: (5), 1991
:eng: :bwl: Gladstone Small521:eng: v :nzf: (2), 1986:eng: v :sri:, 1991
:eng: :ar: Phillip DeFreitas522:aus: v :eng: (1), 1986-87:saf: v :eng: (1), 1995-96
:eng: :bat: Neil Fairbrother525:eng: v :pak: (1), 1987:nzf: v :eng: (3), 1987-88
:eng: :ar: David Capel526:eng: v :pak: (3), 1987:eng: v :aus: (6), 1989
:eng: :bwl: Paul Jarvis527:nzf: v :eng: (1), 1987-88:eng: v :pak: (5), 1992
:eng: :bat: Robin Smith530:eng: v :wi: (4), 1988:eng: v :aus: (5), 1997
:eng: :bat: Rob Bailey531:eng: v :wi: (5), 1988:eng: v :wi: (4), 1991
:eng: :bat: Matt Maynard532:eng: v :wi: (5), 1988only Test
:eng: :bwl: Syd Lawrence534:eng: v :sri:, 1988:eng: v :sri:, 1991
:eng: :bwl: Phil Newport535:eng: v :sri:, 1988:eng: v :aus: (1), 1989
:eng: :wk: Jack Russell536:eng: v :sri:, 1988:eng: v :saf: (5), 1998
:eng: :bwl: Angus Fraser537:eng: v :aus: (3), 1989:eng: v :sri:,1998
:eng: :bat: Michael Atherton538:eng: v :aus: (5), 1989:eng: v :aus: (5), 2001
:eng: :bwl: Devon Malcolm539:eng: v :aus: (5), 1989:eng: v :pak: (3), 1996
:eng: :bwl: Alan Igglesden540:eng: v :aus: (6), 1989only Test
- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart542:wi: v :eng: (1), 1989-90:eng: v :ind: (4), 2002
:eng: :bwl: Phil Tufnell543:wi: v :eng: (1), 1989-90:eng: v :ind: (1), 2002
:eng: :ar: Chris Lewis544:wi: v :eng: (4), 1989-90:eng: v :pak: (3), 1996
:eng: :bat: Graeme Hick545:wi: v :eng: (5), 1989-90:nzf: v :eng: (3), 2001-02
:eng: :bwl: Martin Bicknell546:eng: v :ind: (3), 1990:sri: v :eng: (2), 2000-01
:eng: :bwl: Steve Watkin547:eng: v :wi: (1), 1991:eng: v :wi: (2), 1991
:eng: :bwl: Peter Such548:eng: v :wi: (3), 1991:zim: v :eng: (3), 1996-97
:eng: :bwl: Ian Salisbury549:ind: v :eng: (1), 1992-93:nzf: v :eng: (3), 2001-02
:eng: :bat: Mark Ramprakash550:ind: v :eng: (2), 1992-93:eng: v :ind: (4), 2002
:eng: :ar: Dermot Reeve551:ind: v :eng: (3), 1992-93only Test
:eng: :bwl: Andy Caddick552:eng: v :aus: (2), 1993:nzf: v :eng: (3), 2001-02
:eng: :bat: Nasser Hussain553:eng: v :aus: (3), 1993:eng: v :ind: (4), 2002
:eng: :bwl: Mark Ilott554:wi: v :eng: (4), 1993-94only Test
:eng: :bat: Graham Thorpe555:wi: v :eng: (4), 1993-94:eng: v :ind: (3), 2002
:eng: :bwl: Darren Gough556:eng: v :nzf: (1), 1994:eng: v :aus: (3), 2001
:eng: :ar: Dominic Cork557:eng: v :nzf: (2), 1994:saf: v :eng: (3), 1999-00
:eng: :wk: Richard Blakey558:eng: v :nzf: (3), 1994:zim: v :eng: (3), 1996-97
:eng: :ar: Glen Chapple559:aus: v :eng: (4), 1994-95:eng: v :zim: (2), 2000
:eng: :bwl: Richard Johnson560:eng: v :wi: (2), 1995only Test
:eng: :ar: Mark Alleyne561:eng: v :wi: (5), 1995:zim: v :eng: (3), 1996-97
:eng: :ar: Robert Croft562:saf: v :eng: (5), 1995-96:eng: v :saf: (4), 1998
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight563:saf: v :eng: (5), 1995-96:eng: v :ind: (4), 2002
:eng: :bat: Mark Butcher564:zim: v :eng: (1), 1996-97:eng: v :zim: (2), 2000
:eng: :bwl: Alan Mullally565:zim: v :eng: (1), 1996-97:eng: v :ind: (2), 2002
:eng: :bat: John Crawley566:zim: v :eng: (2), 1996-97:eng: v :zim: (2), 2000
:eng: :bwl: Dean Headley567:zim: v :eng: (2), 1996-97:eng: v :nzf: (3), 1999
:eng: :ar: Craig White568:zim: v :eng: (2), 1996-97:eng: v :sri: (2), 2002
:eng: :ar: Ben Hollioake569:eng: v :aus: (3), 1997:nzf: v :eng: (2), 2001-02
:eng: :wk: Paul Nixon570:wi: v :eng: (5), 1997-98:eng: v :aus: (4), 2001
:eng: :ar: Andrew Flintoff571:eng: v :sri:,1998:eng: v :ind: (3), 2002
:eng: :bat: Mal Loye572:eng: v :sri:,1998:eng: v :nzf: (3), 1999
:eng: :ar: Graeme Swann573:aus: v :eng: (5),1998-99:eng: v :ind: (4), 2002
:eng: :bwl: Alex Tudor574:eng: v :nzf: (3), 1999:eng: v :ind: (2), 2002
:eng: :bwl: Dr Julian Thompson575:saf: v :eng: (3), 1999-00:saf: v :eng: (4), 1999-00
:eng: :bwl: Kevin Dean576:eng: v :zim: (1), 2000:eng: v :zim: (2), 2000
:eng: :wk: Chris Read577:eng: v :zim: (1), 2000:eng: v :ind: (3), 2002
:eng: :bat: Marcus Trescothick578:eng: v :zim: (1), 2000:eng: v :ind: (4), 2002
:eng: :ar: Ronnie Irani579:eng: v :zim: (2), 2000only Test
:eng: :bat: Michael Vaughan580:eng: v :zim: (2), 2000only Test
:eng: :bat: Vikram Solanki581:pak: v :eng: (3), 2000-01:eng: v :aus: (4), 2001
:eng: :bat: David Fulton582:eng: v :pak: (1), 2001only Test
:eng: :bwl: Matthew Hoggard583:eng: v :pak: (2), 2001:eng: v :sri: (2), 2002
:eng: :bwl: Ryan Sidebottom584:nzf: v :eng: (2), 2001-02:eng: v :ind: (3), 2002
:eng: :bwl: Chris Silverwood585:nzf: v :eng: (3), 2001-02:eng: v :ind: (4), 2002
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones586:eng: v :sri: (1), 2002:eng: v :ind: (4), 2002
:eng: :bat: Ali Brown587:eng: v :sri: (3), 2002:eng: v :ind: (4), 2002
:eng: :bwl: Jimmy Anderson588:eng: v :ind: (3), 2002:eng: v :ind: (4), 2002
:eng: :wk: James Foster589:eng: v :ind: (4), 2002only Test

:eng: :bat: Graham Gooch552211616:eng: v :wi: (5), 1988:aus: v :eng: (5), 1994-95
:eng: :bat: Graeme Hick432101210:ind: v :eng: (2), 1992-93:aus: v :eng: (5),1998-99
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight3421058:eng: v :sri:,1998:eng: v :ind: (4), 2002
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart93024:eng: v :nzf: (1), 1999:saf: v :eng: (5), 1999-00

Batting & Fielding
:eng: :ar: Mark Alleyne4729519.00-156*4-
:eng: :bwl: Jimmy Anderson2228---7*4-
:eng: :bat: Michael Atherton (RET) :slvo:9117416656841.57133324257-
:eng: :bat: Rob Bailey (RET)1528181530.191219615-
:eng: :bwl: Martin Bicknell1011011210.18--485-
:eng: :wk: Richard Blakey48216627.67-150*11-
:eng: :ar: Ian Botham (RET)1081767565633.471425208135-
:eng: :bat: Ali Brown2205929.50-150--
:eng: :bat: Mark Butcher612030025.00111185-
:eng: :bwl: Andy Caddick3953964314.61--40*5-
:eng: :ar: David Capel (RET)1118029316.27-2984-
:eng: :ar: Glen Chapple4729819.50--301-
:eng: :ar: Dominic Cork1926649624.80-2728-
:eng: :bat: John Crawley814038527.50-2703-
:eng: :ar: Robert Croft67019928.43-1541-
:eng: :bwl: Kevin Dean2336---4*--
:eng: :ar: Phillip DeFreitas :slvo::slvo: (RET)3656678615.72-1827-
:eng: :ar: John Emburey (RET)608918154021.49-87533-
:eng: :bat: Neil Fairbrother (RET)44051.25--33-
:eng: :ar: Andrew Flintoff1117160637.881318515-
:eng: :wk: James Foster11077.00--72-
:eng: :bwl: Neil Foster (RET)39601260012.50--42*13-
:eng: :bwl: Angus Fraser (RET)5980116779.81--3410-
:eng: :bat: David Fulton1204924.50--40--
:eng: :bat: Mike Gatting (RET)7012114403737.7391920753-
:eng: :bat: Graham Gooch :slvo::slvo::slvo: (RET)131244101124248.042860294147-
:eng: :bwl: Darren Gough30431342914.30--35*6-
:eng: :bat: David Gower (RET)12421517850642.96154721575-
:eng: :bwl: Dean Headley (RET) :slvo::slvo:233792508.93--245-
:eng: :bwl: Eddie Hemmings (RET)1319333220.75-1954-
:eng: :bat: Graeme Hick :slvo:9417312629639.111632172*142-
:eng: :bwl: Matthew Hoggard571233.83--122-
:eng: :ar: Ben Hollioake1727352321.79-37516-
:eng: :bat: Nasser Hussain21382103028.6126103*33-
:eng: :bwl: Alan Igglesden (RET)1112---2*1-
:eng: :ar: Ronnie Irani1207939.50-178--
:eng: :bwl: Mark Ilott12226---25*--
:eng: :bwl: Paul Jarvis (RET)1015418917.18--35*1-
:eng: :bwl: Richard Johnson11011.00--1--
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones :slvo:640153.75--101-
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight :slvo:591114548451.25182324778-
:eng: :bat: Allan Lamb (RET)601059322433.58912137*53-
:eng: :bat: Wayne Larkins (RET)1019034818.31--435-
:eng: :bwl: Syd Lawrence (RET)22063.00--4--
:eng: :ar: Chris Lewis (RET)569012197325.2917114*61-
:eng: :bat: Mal Loye24010125.25-1921-
:eng: :bwl: Devon Malcolm (RET)3750132336.30--21*11-
:eng: :bat: Matt Maynard120136.50--10--
:eng: :bwl: Alan Mullally5366193717.89--406-
:eng: :bwl: Phil Newport (RET)2307023.33--361-
:eng: :wk: Paul Nixon34558120022.64-6841068
:eng: :ar: Derek Pringle (RET)2136351215.51-2667-
:eng: :bat: Mark Ramprakash26475152536.31310127*5-
:eng: :wk: Chris Read1418444341.64-394*392
:eng: :ar: Dermot Reeve (RET)120126.00--6--
:eng: :bat: Tim Robinson (RET) :slvo:41716236236.3341217514-
:eng: :wk: Jack Russell (RET)9415635395432.68121128*24327
:eng: :bwl: Ian Salisbury78422957.25-279*--
:eng: :bwl: Ryan Sidebottom7728917.80--412-
:eng: :bwl: Chris Silverwood220147.00--14--
:eng: :bwl: Gladstone Small (RET)2026738220.10-2592-
:eng: :bat: Robin Smith :slvo::slvo: (RET)8215217666249.32193420420-
:eng: :bat: Vikram Solanki59028531.67-263--
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart :slvo::slvo::slvo:11221610934545.36243928433-
:eng: :bwl: Peter Such (RET)12157475.88--14*5-
:eng: :ar: Graeme Swann1620035217.60-16412-
:eng: :bwl: Dr Julian Thompson (RET)2305919.67-150--
:eng: :bat: Graham Thorpe :slvo::slvo:7914522613449.87152926933-
:eng: :bat: Marcus Trescothick :slvo:32595276951.281110250*89-
:eng: :bwl: Alex Tudor1317330822.00-254*4-
:eng: :bwl: Phil Tufnell :slvo::slvo:113142326525.93--3632-
:eng: :bat: Michael Vaughan1205427.00-151--
:eng: :bwl: Steve Watkin2405513.75--27--
:eng: :ar: Craig White :slvo::slvo::slvo:539518253832.96116104*5-

:eng: :ar: Mark Alleyne41093071030.702.8--2/27
:eng: :bwl: Jimmy Anderson2731371310.541.881-5/51
:eng: :bat: Michael Atherton (RET) :slvo:911445001338.463.9--3/32
:eng: :bat: Rob Bailey (RET)1543175287.504.1--1/0
:eng: :bwl: Martin Bicknell1047812853833.822.71-6/58
:eng: :wk: Richard Blakey4--------
:eng: :ar: Ian Botham (RET)10837791122340028.133.02748/34
:eng: :bat: Ali Brown2--------
:eng: :bat: Mark Butcher61978178.004.1--1/0
:eng: :bwl: Andy Caddick391508423113431.572.8417/26
:eng: :ar: David Capel (RET)112096281252.333.0--2/13
:eng: :ar: Glen Chapple41855631151.183.1--3/82
:eng: :ar: Dominic Cork1969620385437.742.91-5/59
:eng: :bat: John Crawley8--------
:eng: :ar: Robert Croft62106641544.273.21-5/117
:eng: :bwl: Kevin Dean279182726.002.3--3/29
:eng: :ar: Phillip DeFreitas :slvo::slvo: (RET)361324353010433.942.7415/19
:eng: :ar: John Emburey (RET)602371510513836.992.16-7/78
:eng: :bat: Neil Fairbrother (RET)4290-4.5---
:eng: :ar: Andrew Flintoff113018892338.652.9--3/39
:eng: :wk: James Foster1--------
:eng: :bwl: Neil Foster (RET)391451390211533.932.7518/107
:eng: :bwl: Angus Fraser (RET)592400592917733.492.55-6/68
:eng: :bat: David Fulton1--------
:eng: :bat: Mike Gatting (RET)70125317479.252.5--1/14
:eng: :bat: Graham Gooch :slvo::slvo::slvo: (RET)1313067401743.532.4--2/12
:eng: :bwl: Darren Gough30117832568438.782.82-5/50
:eng: :bat: David Gower (RET)124620120.003.3--1/1
:eng: :bwl: Dean Headley (RET) :slvo::slvo:231054283410526.992.7817/47
:eng: :bwl: Eddie Hemmings (RET)1351314543146.902.8--4/90
:eng: :bat: Graeme Hick :slvo:9428510171953.533.6--3/38
:eng: :bwl: Matthew Hoggard51685131339.463.11-5/54
:eng: :ar: Ben Hollioake1752616744338.933.22-5/53
:eng: :bat: Nasser Hussain21--------
:eng: :bwl: Alan Igglesden (RET)137146348.673.9--2/91
:eng: :ar: Ronnie Irani154123430.752.3--4/69
:eng: :bwl: Mark Ilott1381271127.003.3--1/106
:eng: :bwl: Paul Jarvis (RET)1035910692641.123.0--4/50
:eng: :bwl: Richard Johnson1441550-3.5---
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones62236443916.512.9317/68
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight :slvo:59--------
:eng: :bat: Allan Lamb (RET)60523123.004.6--1/6
:eng: :bat: Wayne Larkins (RET)10--------
:eng: :bwl: Syd Lawrence (RET)268223455.753.3--2/74
:eng: :ar: Chris Lewis (RET)561580426612334.682.71-6/70
:eng: :bat: Mal Loye2--------
:eng: :bwl: Devon Malcolm (RET)371292419513730.623.26-7/86
:eng: :bat: Matt Maynard1--------
:eng: :bwl: Alan Mullally511945503518427.362.61016/70
:eng: :bwl: Phil Newport (RET)292339937.663.7--4/87
:eng: :wk: Paul Nixon34--------
:eng: :ar: Derek Pringle (RET)2162518074837.642.92-5/95
:eng: :bat: Mark Ramprakash26924124.002.7--1/13
:eng: :wk: Chris Read14--------
:eng: :ar: Dermot Reeve (RET)114390-2.8---
:eng: :bat: Tim Robinson (RET) :slvo:41100-0.0---
:eng: :wk: Jack Russell (RET)94--------
:eng: :bwl: Ian Salisbury72648932535.723.41-5/69
:eng: :bwl: Ryan Sidebottom72566713220.972.62-6/59
:eng: :bwl: Chris Silverwood277217827.132.8--3/58
:eng: :bwl: Gladstone Small (RET)2078419806033.002.53-5/48
:eng: :bat: Robin Smith :slvo::slvo: (RET)82--------
:eng: :bat: Vikram Solanki5221041104.004.7--1/22
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart :slvo::slvo::slvo:112--------
:eng: :bwl: Peter Such (RET)1257216695033.382.92-8/47
:eng: :ar: Graeme Swann1665018515931.372.83-6/91
:eng: :bwl: Dr Julian Thompson (RET)246196449.004.2--3/91
:eng: :bat: Graham Thorpe :slvo::slvo:791236136.003.0--1/0
:eng: :bat: Marcus Trescothick :slvo:32103338937.563.3--4/29
:eng: :bwl: Alex Tudor1342514234134.713.3--4/63
:eng: :bwl: Phil Tufnell :slvo::slvo:11356551523451129.812.73158/114
:eng: :bat: Michael Vaughan111320-2.9---
:eng: :bwl: Steve Watkin264223544.603.51-5/56
:eng: :ar: Craig White :slvo::slvo::slvo:531513441913832.022.93-7/63


Highest Innings Score
for :eng:
691 for 8 dec vs India, Trent Bridge 2002
vs :eng: 571 all out, Australia, Adelaide Oval 1991

Lowest Innings Score
for :eng:
72 all out vs Australia, Trent Bridge 2001
vs :eng: 62 all out, India, Trent Bridge 1996

Highest Innings
for :eng:
294, Graham Gooch vs West Indies, The Oval 1991
vs :eng: 239*, Brian Lara, West Indies, Kensington Oval 1994

Best Innings Bowling
for :eng:
8 for 47, Peter Such vs India, Calcutta 1993
vs :eng: 8 for 79, Javagal Srinath, India, Lord's 1996

Best Match Bowling
for :eng:
12 for 173, Phil Tufnell vs Sri Lanka, Colombo, 1993
vs :eng: 12 for 152, Javagal Srinath, India, Lord's 1996

First Test Bowler to 500 Wickets
:eng: :bwl: Phil Tufnell - 500th wicket vs Sri Lanka :sri:, 15th June 2002

All-Time Record for Most Runs in a Series
1016 - Graham Gooch vs West Indies, 1991

Opening Batsman Not Out in Both Innings of a Test
120* and 52* - Marcus Trescothick vs West Indies, 2000

Tied Test Match
:aus: Australia vs England :eng:, The WACA 1995

1. 323 - Mike Atherton & Alec Stewart vs India :ind: 1996
2. 418 - Nick Knight & Alec Stewart vs New Zealand :nzf: 2002
3. 325 - Graham Gooch & Robin Smith vs West Indies :wi: 1991
4. 252 - Alec Stewart & Graham Thorpe vs Sri Lanka :sri: 2001
5. 313 - Graham Thorpe & Andrew Flintoff vs India :ind: 2002
6. 155 - Nasser Hussain & Ronnie Irani vs Zimbabwe :zim: 2000
7. 174 - Chris Lewis & Phillip DeFreitas vs Australia :aus: 1993
8. 110 - Jack Russell & Dominic Cork vs South Africa :saf: 1995
9. 95 - Robin Smith & Dominic Cork vs Australia :aus: 1995
10. 68 - Ian Salisbury & Phil Tufnell vs India :ind: 2001

Most Test Runs for England
1. :eng: :bat: Graham Gooch - 11,242 runs @ 48.04 (28 centuries, best 294)
2. :eng: :bat: Alec Stewart - 9,345 runs @ 45.36 (24 centuries, best 284)
3. :eng: :bat: David Gower - 8,506 runs @ 42.96 (15 centuries, best 215)

Most Test Wickets for England
1. :eng: :bwl: Phil Tufnell - 511 wickets @ 29.81 (31 5WI, best 8/114)
2. :eng: :ar: Ian Botham - 400 wickets @ 28.13 (27 5WI, best 8/34)
3. :eng: :bwl: Bob Willis - 325 wickets @ 25.20 (16 5WI, best 8/43)

Honours Board
:wi: vs :eng:, 1989-90
Graham Gooch - 112
Robin Smith - 101
Robin Smith - 112
Graham Gooch - 100

:eng: vs :nzf:, 1990
Graham Gooch - 127
Rob Bailey - 196

:eng: vs :ind:, 1990

:aus: vs :eng:, 1990-91
Robin Smith - 110
Graham Gooch - 170

:eng: vs :wi:, 1991
Robin Smith - 127
Graham Gooch - 175*
Graeme Hick - 108*
Graham Gooch - 165
Graham Gooch - 294
Robin Smith - 145

:eng: vs :sri:, 1991
Alec Stewart - 166
Graeme Hick - 100

:nzf: vs :eng:, 1991-92
Alec Stewart - 126*
Graham Gooch - 124
Graeme Hick - 107

:eng: vs :pak:, 1992
Graham Gooch - 103
Robin Smith - 132
Graeme Hick - 147
Graham Gooch - 150*

:ind: vs :eng:, 1992-93
Graham Gooch - 132
Alec Stewart - 151*
Mike Atherton - 147
Robin Smith - 137

:sri: vs :eng:, 1992-93
Alec Stewart - 137
Robin Smith - 102*

:eng: vs :aus:, 1993
Alec Stewart - 132
Alec Stewart - 111
Graham Gooch - 139
Chris Lewis - 114*

:wi: vs :eng:, 1993-94
Graham Gooch - 143
Alec Stewart - 156
Graham Gooch - 167
Mike Atherton - 127
Graham Thorpe - 111

:eng: vs :nzf:, 1994
Mike Atherton - 117
Alec Stewart - 132
Mike Atherton - 105
Robin Smith - 191

:eng: vs :saf:, 1994
Graham Gooch - 241
Graham Gooch - 175
Mike Atherton - 242
Graeme Hick - 101
Graeme Hick - 131

:aus: vs :eng:, 1994-95
Robin Smith - 106
Alec Stewart - 159
Robin Smith - 134
Alec Stewart - 115
Mike Atherton - 157*
Robin Smith - 100
Graham Gooch - 205
Robin Smith - 204

:eng: vs :wi:, 1995
Alec Stewart - 162
Graham Gooch - 117
Graham Gooch - 135
Robin Smith - 129*
Alec Stewart - 115
Graham Gooch - 159
Mark Ramprakash - 100*

:saf: vs :eng:, 1995-96
Robin Smith - 118*
Michael Atherton - 109
Graeme Hick - 106
Graham Thorpe - 107*
Michael Atherton - 108
Graeme Hick - 113
Graham Thorpe - 114*

:eng: vs :ind:, 1996
Alec Stewart - 200
Mike Atherton - 129
Robin Smith - 117*

:eng: vs :pak:, 1996
Alec Stewart - 149
Alec Stewart - 153
Robin Smith - 104*

:zim: vs :eng:, 1996-97
Nick Knight - 247
Graham Thorpe - 106

:nzf: vs :eng:, 1996-97
Graeme Hick - 110
Craig White - 104*

:eng: vs :aus:, 1997
Graham Thorpe - 116
Graeme Hick - 126*
Graeme Hick - 172*

:wi: vs :eng:, 1997-98
Graeme Hick - 115
Graham Thorpe - 100
Alec Stewart - 159*
Michael Atherton - 107
Graeme Hick - 135
Graeme Hick - 100*

:eng: vs :saf:, 1998
Graeme Hick - 132
Nick Knight - 119
Nick Knight - 115
Graeme Thorpe - 111

:eng: vs :sri:, 1998
Graeme Hick - 133

:aus: vs :eng:, 1998-99
Alec Stewart - 131
Graham Thorpe - 104
Alec Stewart - 202*

:eng: vs :nzf:, 1999
Michael Atherton - 119

:saf: vs :eng:, 1999-00
Nick Knight - 109*

:eng: vs :zim:, 2000
Nick Knight - 129
Nasser Hussain - 100
Marcus Trescothick - 106
Nick Knight - 106*
Mark Butcher - 118
Nasser Hussain - 103*

:eng: vs :wi:, 2000
Alec Stewart - 104
Alec Stewart - 171
Marcus Trescothick - 127
Michael Atherton - 119*
Nick Knight - 135
Marcus Trescothick - 120*

:pak: vs :eng:, 2000-01
Nick Knight - 202*
Michael Atherton - 202
Nick Knight - 152

:sri: vs :eng:, 2000-01
Nick Knight - 202
Marcus Trescothick - 100
Alec Stewart - 164
Graham Thorpe - 137
Nick Knight - 160

:eng: vs :pak:, 2001

:eng: vs :aus:, 2001
Nick Knight - 134
Graham Thorpe - 129*
Marcus Trescothick - 154*

:ind: vs :eng:, 2001-02
Graham Thorpe - 180
Nick Knight - 131
Alec Stewart - 188
Graham Thorpe - 100*
Marcus Trescothick - 108*

:nzf: vs :eng:, 2001-02
Nick Knight - 205
Alec Stewart - 284
Graham Thorpe - 111

:eng: vs :sri:, 2002
Marcus Trescothick - 125
Graham Thorpe - 199*
Mark Ramprakash - 127*
Marcus Trescothick - 250*
Marcus Trescothick - 109
Nick Knight - 106*

:eng: vs :ind:, 2002
Nick Knight - 149
Mark Ramprakash - 125*
Marcus Trescothick - 123
Graham Thorpe - 269
Andrew Flintoff - 185
Nick Knight - 119
Marcus Trescothick - 111
Nick Knight - 156

:wi: vs :eng:, 1989-90
Angus Fraser - 5 for 47
Gladstone Small - 5 for 72
Chris Lewis - 6 for 70

:eng: vs :nzf:, 1990

:eng: vs :ind:, 1990
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 116
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 72

:aus: vs :eng:, 1990-91
Angus Fraser - 5 for 116
Devon Malcolm - 6 for 75

:eng: vs :wi:, 1991
Steve Watkin - 5 for 56
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 138
Devon Malcolm - 5 for 47
Angus Fraser - 5 for 86

:eng: vs :sri:, 1991

:nzf: vs :eng:, 1991-92
Angus Fraser - 5 for 51
Phil Tufnell - 7 for 57

:eng: vs :pak:, 1992
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 100
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 31
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 45

:ind: vs :eng:, 1992-93
Phil Tufnell - 8 for 114
Peter Such - 8 for 47
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 72
Phil Tufnell - 6 for 167
Phil Tufnell - 7 for 171

:sri: vs :eng:, 1992-93
Phil Tufnell - 6 for 102
Phil Tufnell - 6 for 71

:eng: vs :aus:, 1993
Phil Tufnell - 7 for 105
Phillip DeFreitas - 5 for 19
Phillip DeFreitas - 5 for 62

:wi: vs :eng:, 1993-94
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 141
Peter Such - 6 for 119
Angus Fraser - 5 for 21
Phillip DeFreitas - 5 for 98

:eng: vs :nzf:, 1994
Darren Gough - 5 for 50
Phillip DeFreitas - Hat-trick
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 71

:eng: vs :saf:, 1994
Phil Tufnell - 7 for 124
Phil Tufnell - 6 for 117

:aus: vs :eng:, 1994-95
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 79
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 122
Phil Tufnell - 6 for 96

:eng: vs :wi:, 1995
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 97
Devon Malcolm - 7 for 86
Devon Malcolm - 5 for 68
Devon Malcolm - 5 for 46

:saf: vs :eng:, 1995-96
Devon Malcolm - 6 for 76
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 79
Angus Fraser - 6 for 68

:eng: vs :ind:, 1996

:eng: vs :pak:, 1996
Andy Caddick - 5 for 69
Darren Gough - 5 for 117

:zim: vs :eng:, 1996-97
Alan Mullally - 6 for 94
Andy Caddick - 7 for 53
Craig White - 7 for 63

:nzf: vs :eng:, 1996-97
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 83

:eng: vs :aus:, 1997
Dean Headley - 5 for 75
Dean Headley - 5 for 49
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 92

:wi: vs :eng:, 1997-98
Ben Hollioake - 5 for 53
Ben Hollioake - 5 for 74
Robert Croft - 5 for 117
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 38
Dominic Cork - 5 for 59

:eng: vs :saf:, 1998
Dean Headley - 5 for 112
Dean Headley - 5 for 106
Dean Headley - 5 for 119

:eng: vs :sri:, 1998
Alan Mullally - 6 for 70

:aus: vs :eng:, 1998-99
Alan Mullally - 6 for 84
Dean Headley - 7 for 55
Alan Mullally - 5 for 76
Dean Headley - 7 for 47

:eng: vs :nzf:, 1999
Dean Headley - 5 for 62
Andy Caddick - 7 for 26

:saf: vs :eng:, 1999-00
Alan Mullally - Hat-trick
Alan Mullally - 6 for 88
Alan Mullally - 6 for 90
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 114

:eng: vs :zim:, 2000
Craig White - 6 for 19

:eng: vs :wi:, 2000
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 98
Craig White - 5 for 48
Alan Mullally - 5 for 72
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 112
Martin Bicknell - 6 for 58

:pak: vs :eng:, 2000-01
Graeme Swann - 6 for 91
Alan Mullally - 5 for 73
Alan Mullally - 5 for 46

:sri: vs :eng:, 2000-01
Graeme Swann - 5 for 41

:eng: vs :pak:, 2001
Matthew Hoggard - 5 for 54

:eng: vs :aus:, 2001
Andy Caddick - 6 for 95

:ind: vs :eng:, 2001-02
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 82
Ian Salisbury - 5 for 69
Graeme Swann - 5 for 62

:nzf: vs :eng:, 2001-02
Alan Mullally - 5 for 45
Ryan Sidebottom - 6 for 59

:eng: vs :sri:, 2002
Ryan Sidebottom - 5 for 70
Simon Jones - 5 for 39
Simon Jones - 6 for 63

:eng: vs :ind:, 2002
Alan Mullally - 5 for 29
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 27
Simon Jones - 7 for 68
Jimmy Anderson - 5 for 51
For the first time in a very long time, stats and records are updated.

Genuinely unbelievable start to Jimmy's Test career there
England Tour of Australia, 2002-03


07 Nov 2002 - :aus: Australia vs England :eng: - First Test at The Gabba - Australia won by 286 runs
21 Nov 2002 - :aus: Australia vs England :eng: - Second Test at Adelaide Oval - Match drawn
29 Nov 2002 - :aus: Australia vs England :eng: - Third Test at The WACA - Australia won by 8 wickets
26 Dec 2002 - :aus: Australia vs England :eng: - Fourth Test at The MCG - Australia won by 155 runs
02 Jan 2003 - :aus: Australia vs England :eng: - Fifth Test at The SCG - Australia won by an innings and 124 runs

England Squad

:eng: :bat: Nick Knight :c:

:eng: :bat: Graeme Hick
:eng: :bat: Nasser Hussain
:eng: :bat: Mark Ramprakash
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart
:eng: :bat: Graham Thorpe
:eng: :bat: Marcus Trescothick

:eng: :wk: James Foster
:eng: :wk: Chris Read

:eng: :ar: Andrew Flintoff
:eng: :ar: Graeme Swann

:eng: :bwl: Jimmy Anderson
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones
:eng: :bwl: Alan Mullally
:eng: :bwl: Ryan Sidebottom
:eng: :bwl: Chris Silverwood
:eng: :bwl: Alex Tudor

:eng: :bwl: Ashley Giles :redo:

This Ashes series will be the final frontier for a few of the older players in England's squad, but what a strong squad it is: full to bursting with world class talent like Knight, Trescothick, Stewart, Thorpe, Flintoff, Mullally, Jones, Sidebottom and Anderson. There is only one new face in the squad: with Phil Tufnell's retirement, Warwickshire stalwart Ashley Giles has become the leading left-arm spinner in England, and what a first assignment this will be. Several quite experienced players will be gutted to miss out on selection here, but with how well this group of players performed throughout the home summer, one cannot blame the selectors for sticking with them. Perhaps the only question mark will be on Graham Thorpe: he withdrew from selection mid-way through the India series, but returned to cricket with some late-season Championship games in which he scored 143 and 44 in two good performances. Will he be ready for Australia?
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:aus: Australia vs England :eng: - First Test at The Gabba

Australian XI
:aus: :bat: Justin Langer
:aus: :bat: Matthew Hayden
:aus: :bat: Ricky Ponting
:aus: :bat: Damien Martyn
:aus: :bat: Steve Waugh :c:
:aus: :bat: Darren Lehmann
:aus: :wk: Adam Gilchrist
:aus: :bwl: Shane Warne
:aus: :bwl: Andy Bichel
:aus: :bwl: Jason Gillespie
:aus: :bwl: Glenn McGrath

English XI
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight :c:
:eng: :bat: Marcus Trescothick
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart
:eng: :bat: Graham Thorpe
:eng: :bat: Mark Ramprakash
:eng: :ar: Andrew Flintoff
:eng: :wk: Chris Read
:eng: :ar: Graeme Swann
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones
:eng: :bwl: Alan Mullally
:eng: :bwl: Jimmy Anderson

- - -

Australia won the toss and chose to bat

- - -

The first day of the 2002-03 Ashes dawned sunny and hot. England had decided that their full-strength bowling attack included Jones, Anderson and Mullally, and all would have to be at their very best because the Australian side they were facing had been defeating all before them for years prior. A terrifying top seven batters, backed up by four world-class bowlers: England were facing their toughest challenge in the last dozen years or more. All the more so when Steve Waugh won the toss and took first use of the Gabba pitch.

England started well enough, with Simon Jones finding the edge of Justin Langer's bat. But that only brought Ricky Ponting to the crease: the Tasmanian immediately went on the counter-attack, meting out punishment to all the English bowlers but onto Jones in particular. With world class support from Hayden, Martyn and Waugh, Ponting was able to record his best ever Ashes score with 156. That laid the platform for Gilchrist to attack the bowling, and his aggressive 63 took Australia past the 400 mark. The pick of the English bowlers was Alan Mullally, even though he was rewarded with only one wicket.

The English batting unit has been very good for a long time, but rarely have they had to face up to quite such a relentless bowling attack as this Australian quartet. Knight and Trescothick both fell to the pace of Jason Gillespie. Alec Stewart and his returning Surrey teammate Graham Thorpe mounted a recovery with a century partnership, but just as it looked like England might be able to reach parity, Glenn McGrath's relentless accuracy trapped Thorpe LBW. Ramprakash (36) and Flintoff (22) both also got starts, but weren't able to fully cash in. When Stewart lost his off stump to a perfect Warne leg-break that pitched 12 inches outside his leg stump (it looked a lot like this), the English tail crumbled and Australia claimed an unlikely 183-run first innings lead and appeared to be fully in control of the game.

The Australian second innings was much like the first: a dominant Ponting century was the foundation that everything else was built on top of, and Alan Mullally was again the pick of the English bowlers. It could have been even worse for England if not for Nick Knight throwing the ball to Marcus Trescothick in desperation, with the Somerset man's medium pace getting through a booming drive from Ponting and knocking back his middle stump. England ended up being set a notional target of 530 runs to win, but even this England team couldn't have thought that was a realistic task.

England reached the close of the fourth day for the loss of only two wickets (Knight and Stewart), which left them with eight in hand as they attempted to grind out the draw. Marcus Trescothick was batting excellently, with his uncharacteristically dour innings providing the backbone of England's resistance. However, he and England were up against the relentless pace and accuracy of Jason Gillespie, and on this occasion they simply came up second-best. A huge win for Australia put an end to England's historic winning streak, and left them firmly in second place at this early stage of the Ashes series.


I've also included a Player of the Season award in the style of the Allan Border Medal - the Barrington Medal.

Drawn or lost match
Best player - 3 points
2nd best player - 2 points
3rd best player - 1 point

Won match
Best player - 5 points
2nd best player - 3 points
3rd best player - 2 points
4th best player - 1 point

1. Marcus Trescothick - 3 points (+3)
2. Alan Mullally - 2 points (+2)
3. Alec Stewart - 1 point (+1)
:aus: Australia (1) vs (0) England :eng: - Second Test at Adelaide Oval

Australian XI
:aus: :bat: Justin Langer
:aus: :bat: Matthew Hayden
:aus: :bat: Ricky Ponting
:aus: :bat: Damien Martyn
:aus: :bat: Steve Waugh :c:
:aus: :bat: Darren Lehmann
:aus: :wk: Adam Gilchrist
:aus: :bwl: Shane Warne
:aus: :bwl: Andy Bichel
:aus: :bwl: Jason Gillespie
:aus: :bwl: Glenn McGrath

English XI
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight :c:
:eng: :bat: Marcus Trescothick
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart
:eng: :bat: Graham Thorpe
:eng: :bat: Mark Ramprakash
:eng: :bat: Nasser Hussain
:eng: :ar: Andrew Flintoff
:eng: :wk: Chris Read
:eng: :bwl: Ryan Sidebottom
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones
:eng: :bwl: Alan Mullally

- - -

England won the toss and chose to bat

- - -

After a humbling experience at The Gabba, England arrived at the Adelaide Oval with a changed team balance: Nasser Hussain came back into the side to provide extra batting, while Graeme Swann was left out after an ineffective Test match at the Gabba. Once again, that means that England's four-man seam attack has no support from a full-time fifth bowler, but the tourists are hoping that this will be a worthwhile sacrifice. For Australia's part, they changed nothing because why would they.

Nick Knight won the toss and didn't hesitate in claiming first use of a good batting wicket. Not only that, but the England captain absolutely cashed in: despite losing his opening partner in just the sixth over, he looked comfortable at the crease right from the get-go. He was at the non-striker's end as Stewart (53), Thorpe (28) and Ramprakash (20) all came and went, but Knight still looked entirely assured. In the end, it took a freakish diving catch from Matthew Hayden at slip to end a true captain's innings, Knight's 19th Test century, at 180. Then, rather than collapsing, Nasser Hussain (72) and Chris Read (53) kept England's momentum going to push the visitors' total up to 471.

Of course, that total was well within reach of the Australian batting roster, and most especially Ricky Ponting. The Tasmanian made his fourth century in consecutive Test innings dating back to the third Test against Pakistan in Sharjah, this time reaching 125 before edging a Simon Jones away swinger to Nasser Hussain in the slips. Notable contributions also came from Matthew Hayden (77), Steve Waugh (85) and Adam Gilchrist (93). Curiously, both Waugh and Gilchrist ultimately lost their wickets to the part-time off-spin of Mark Ramprakash, as did Shane Warne and Glenn McGrath. Ramprakash's first-class career best figures of four for 35 suggest that perhaps leaving out a full-time spinner might have been a mistake.

The pitch was still good though, and in their second innings the English batters were able to score quickly despite the high-quality Australian attack. At the forefront of England's efforts was Graham Thorpe: the left-hander showing that he is back to something approaching his best form by dashing to 120 not out from only 161 balls faced. From number seven, Andrew Flintoff was similarly proactive: he biffed 61 off just 82 balls. At the fall of Flintoff's wicket, England declared, leaving themselves 35 overs to try to force a result: on commentary, an unimpressed Tony Greig described this as "negative captaincy", firmly believing that they should have left themselves more time to try to win the game.

For a while though, it looked like it might be enough. A searing new ball spell from Jones and Mullally reduced Australia to a shocking 16 for four, before Sidebottom clean bowled Lehmann for three to make it 25 for five. If England could just break the Waugh-Gilchrist partnership, they might have had a chance, but the pair of them were able to see off the impending disaster, and retain Australia's 1-0 lead.


I've also included a Player of the Season award in the style of the Allan Border Medal - the Barrington Medal.

Drawn or lost match
Best player - 3 points
2nd best player - 2 points
3rd best player - 1 point

Won match
Best player - 5 points
2nd best player - 3 points
3rd best player - 2 points
4th best player - 1 point

1. Nick Knight - 3 points (+3)
=. Alan Mullally - 3 points (+1)
=. Marcus Trescothick - 3 points
4. Graham Thorpe - 2 points (+2)
5. Alec Stewart - 1 point
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:aus: Australia (1) vs (0) England :eng: - Third Test at The WACA

Australian XI
:aus: :bat: Justin Langer
:aus: :bat: Matthew Hayden
:aus: :bat: Ricky Ponting
:aus: :bat: Damien Martyn
:aus: :bat: Steve Waugh :c:
:aus: :bat: Darren Lehmann
:aus: :wk: Adam Gilchrist
:aus: :bwl: Shane Warne
:aus: :bwl: Brett Lee
:aus: :bwl: Jason Gillespie
:aus: :bwl: Glenn McGrath

English XI
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight :c:
:eng: :bat: Marcus Trescothick
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart
:eng: :bat: Graham Thorpe
:eng: :bat: Mark Ramprakash
:eng: :bat: Nasser Hussain
:eng: :ar: Andrew Flintoff
:eng: :wk: Chris Read
:eng: :bwl: Alex Tudor
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones
:eng: :bwl: Alan Mullally

- - -

England won the toss and chose to bat

- - -

Still trailing 1-0 in the series, Nick Knight's England arrived at The WACA once again with an all-pace attack. This time, Alex Tudor had come into the side to offer his extra pace; in the other dressing room, Brett Lee replaced Andy Bichel for the same reason. With six specialist batters on each side, it seems clear that the game plan involves putting runs on the board.

England got the first chance to do so after Knight won the toss and batted. Trescothick was first to fall after nearly an hour of probing new ball bowling from the home side: he was dismissed by the extra pace of Lee. Alec Stewart, as England's number three, took responsibility for putting a proper score on the board. Despite only getting limited support from Knight (42) and Hussain (35), Stewart was able to produce a disciplined innings that built and built until he reached his 25th Test century. An admirable milestone. A late flurry of hitting from Alex Tudor (42*) was enough to get England past the 300 mark, but after picking the extra batter, winning the toss and batting first, Nick Knight would surely have expected more from his team.

Yet again, Jones and Mullally sent down a superb new ball spell: first Langer, then Ponting were dismissed for single figures. Then Hayden fell too, and Australia were tottering at 40 for three. Alex Tudor started off very erratically against Damien Martyn, but the best ball of his spell got the reward England wanted: Steve Waugh became the third Australian batter in a row to be caught behind. But that lack of control bled through the England team, and Australia capitalised with two big partnerships: first, Martyn and Lehmann put over 100, then Martyn and Gilchrist added another 150 between them to truly turn the game on its head. Only a world class spell from Simon Jones was able to keep the Australian lead under 100.

If England could score at least another 300 then they could keep themselves in the game, but that ultimately wasn't how it worked out for them. Regular wickets from the Australian fast bowlers, in particular Brett Lee, stalled any momentum that could be built by Marcus Trescothick's excellent batting. When Trescothick finally fell to the bowling of Warne for 94, there wasn't much left. Chris Read's whirling 31 not out got England a lead of 142, but surely that wouldn't be enough.

It was not. Australia breezed to a 2-0 advantage.


I've also included a Player of the Season award in the style of the Allan Border Medal - the Barrington Medal.

Drawn or lost match
Best player - 3 points
2nd best player - 2 points
3rd best player - 1 point

Won match
Best player - 5 points
2nd best player - 3 points
3rd best player - 2 points
4th best player - 1 point

1. Marcus Trescothick - 4 points (+1)
2. Nick Knight - 3 points
=. Alan Mullally - 3 points
=. Alec Stewart - 3 points (+3)
5. Simon Jones - 2 points (+2)
=. Graham Thorpe - 2 points
7. Alec Stewart - 1 point
:aus: Australia (2) vs (0) England :eng: - Fourth Test at The MCG

Australian XI
:aus: :bat: Justin Langer
:aus: :bat: Matthew Hayden
:aus: :bat: Ricky Ponting
:aus: :bat: Damien Martyn
:aus: :bat: Steve Waugh :c:
:aus: :bat: Martin Love
:aus: :wk: Adam Gilchrist
:aus: :bwl: Brett Lee
:aus: :bwl: Jason Gillespie
:aus: :bwl: Stuart MacGill
:aus: :bwl: Glenn McGrath

English XI
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight :c:
:eng: :bat: Marcus Trescothick
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart
:eng: :bat: Graham Thorpe
:eng: :bat: Nasser Hussain
:eng: :ar: Andrew Flintoff
:eng: :wk: Chris Read
:eng: :ar: Graeme Swann
:eng: :bwl: Ryan Sidebottom
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones
:eng: :bwl: Jimmy Anderson

- - -

Australia won the toss and chose to bat

- - -

At 2-0 down in the series with two to play, England no longer had any hope of regaining the Ashes or Bannerman Shield, but the series itself wasn't quite lost yet. With that in mind, there were a couple of changes: Jimmy Anderson and Ryan Sidebottom came back into the bowling attack, as did a specialist spinner in the form of Graeme Swann. Mark Ramprakash was the batter to miss out. Australia also made a couple of changes: Martin Love came in to make his Test debut batting at number six, while cocaine enthusiast Stuart MacGill would play as Australia's front line spinner in place of Shane Warne.

The MCG looked very flat. It looked flatter and flatter as Matthew Hayden raced to a brutal first-innings century: out of a first-wicket partnership of 207, he made 136 of them. It continued to look flat after he was dismissed, as Justin Langer breezed to a much more sedate century of his own. It continued to look flat even after Langer was dismissed, the debutant Martin Love getting straight to work at Test level with an unbeaten 88. Frankly, it even looked flat as England dismissed the tailenders before Love could complete his century. The only England bowler to provide a real wicket-taking threat was Graeme Swann: the young off-spinner took seven for 124 on his return to the side, and made his exclusion in Adelaide and Perth look very daft indeed.

The wicket did not look flat while England were batting. Nick Knight was dismissed by McGrath's very first delivery, and Stewart lost his off stump not much later as the game looked very different to what had gone before. Trescothick (51) and Thorpe (55) both made good efforts at rebuilding the innings, but it never looked like they were "in". Only one English batter looked entirely comfortable: the big Lancastrian, Andrew Flintoff. He was unbothered by the difficulties faced by his teammates and loosed a flurry of fours and sixes on the Australian bowlers. His 125 off 144 was a wonderful counter-attacking innings and should do no harm to Flintoff's aspirations of being a genuine top six batter in this England team. Despite his efforts, 335 was not a big enough total to avoid the follow on: that Australia batted again was entirely the choice of Steve Waugh.

In Australia's second innings, Jimmy Anderson and Graeme Swann did the bulk of England's bowling at the end of the third day and the start of the fourth. This was because they were excellent: thanks mostly to their efforts, only three Australian batters were able to reach double figures. Disappointingly, one of those batters was Justin Langer, who carried his bat for an unbeaten 135 out of Australia's total of 220 all out. He never offered a catch in a demoralising innings.

This left England needing a notional 456 to win. They didn't get close (nobody expected them to), but they did give it a good go. After Knight's early dismissal, it was Andrew Flintoff who strode out at number three, wielding his bat like a club. He found the boundary six times before falling victim to Brett Lee's raw pace. Not even Alec Stewart could get the run-chase on track, although his innings of 90 was very much in character for arguably the best fourth innings batter of his generation. Ultimately, England were all out again for 300, putting Australia 3-0 up ahead of the Sydney Test.


I've also included a Player of the Season award in the style of the Allan Border Medal - the Barrington Medal.

Drawn or lost match
Best player - 3 points
2nd best player - 2 points
3rd best player - 1 point

Won match
Best player - 5 points
2nd best player - 3 points
3rd best player - 2 points
4th best player - 1 point

1. Alec Stewart - 4 points
=. Marcus Trescothick - 4 points
3. Nick Knight - 3 points
=. Alan Mullally - 3 points
=. Graeme Swann - 3 points (+3)
6. Andrew Flintoff - 2 points (+2)
=. Simon Jones - 2 points
=. Graham Thorpe - 2 points
9. Jimmy Anderson - 1 point (+1)
:aus: Australia (3) vs (0) England :eng: - Fifth Test at The SCG

Australian XI
:aus: :bat: Justin Langer
:aus: :bat: Matthew Hayden
:aus: :bat: Ricky Ponting
:aus: :bat: Damien Martyn
:aus: :bat: Steve Waugh :c:
:aus: :bat: Martin Love
:aus: :wk: Adam Gilchrist
:aus: :bwl: Andy Bichel
:aus: :bwl: Brett Lee
:aus: :bwl: Jason Gillespie
:aus: :bwl: Stuart MacGill

English XI
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight :c:
:eng: :bat: Marcus Trescothick
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart
:eng: :bat: Graham Thorpe
:eng: :bat: Graeme Hick
:eng: :wk: Chris Read
:eng: :ar: Graeme Swann
:eng: :ar: Ashley Giles (debut)
:eng: :bwl: Chris Silverwood
:eng: :bwl: Alan Mullally
:eng: :bwl: Jimmy Anderson

- - -

Australia won the toss and chose to bat

- - -

The Ashes are over, and the SCG Test is just an encore for the Test series. Both sides made changes: for Australia, Glenn McGrath got a rest, and for England, there were changes up and down the team. Graeme Hick came in for Nasser Hussain, while Alan Mullally and a debutant Ashley Giles came into the side in place of Simon Jones and Andrew Flintoff (both rested). At the toss, Nick Knight confirmed that this Test match would be a farewell, both for his own captaincy tenure, and for the playing careers of Stewart, Hick and Mullally. He expressed his hope that all four of them could go out with a win.

They didn't.

This Australia team is bonkers.


I've also included a Player of the Season award in the style of the Allan Border Medal - the Barrington Medal.

Drawn or lost match
Best player - 3 points
2nd best player - 2 points
3rd best player - 1 point

Won match
Best player - 5 points
2nd best player - 3 points
3rd best player - 2 points
4th best player - 1 point

1. Alec Stewart - 5 points (+1)
2. Graham Thorpe - 4 points (+2)
=. Marcus Trescothick - 4 points
3. Ashley Giles - 3 points (+3)
=. Nick Knight - 3 points
=. Alan Mullally - 3 points
=. Graeme Swann - 3 points
6. Andrew Flintoff - 2 points
=. Simon Jones - 2 points
9. Jimmy Anderson - 1 point


Alec Stewart's 501 @ 50.10 were enough for him to finish his Test career with one more Barrington medal. It will be of no consolation given how the series went, but it does reflect how vital he has been to this England team for his entire career.

He finishes his Test career with 9,846 runs @ 45.58 with 25 Test centuries from 117 matches.


Graeme Hick and Alan Mullally also waved goodbye to their Test careers.

Hick finished with 6,297 runs @ 38.63 with 16 centuries from 95 matches.
Mullally finished with 201 wickets @ 28.35 with 11 five-wicket hauls from 57 matches.


Nick Knight also bids farewell to the England captaincy. He finishes with a record of 21 wins, 6 draws and 12 losses from 39 matches.

It remains to be seen who will succeed him as England Test captain.

Highest Innings Score
for :eng:
691 for 8 dec vs India, Trent Bridge 2002
vs :eng: 571 all out, Australia, Adelaide Oval 1991

Lowest Innings Score
for :eng:
72 all out vs Australia, Trent Bridge 2001
vs :eng: 62 all out, India, Trent Bridge 1996

Highest Innings
for :eng:
294, Graham Gooch vs West Indies, The Oval 1991
vs :eng: 239*, Brian Lara, West Indies, Kensington Oval 1994

Best Innings Bowling
for :eng:
8 for 47, Peter Such vs India, Calcutta 1993
vs :eng: 8 for 79, Javagal Srinath, India, Lord's 1996

Best Match Bowling
for :eng:
12 for 173, Phil Tufnell vs Sri Lanka, Colombo, 1993
vs :eng: 12 for 152, Javagal Srinath, India, Lord's 1996

Most Test Match Runs (Progressive Record)
:eng: :bat: Graham Gooch - 11,242 runs, reached vs West Indies, 13th August 1995
expected to hold record until either 2006 (Brian Lara) or 2008 (Sachin Tendulkar)

First Test Bowler to 500 Wickets
:eng: :bwl: Phil Tufnell - 500th wicket vs Sri Lanka :sri:, 15th June 2002

All-Time Record for Most Runs in a Series
1016 - Graham Gooch vs West Indies, 1991

Opening Batsman Not Out in Both Innings of a Test
120* and 52* - Marcus Trescothick vs West Indies, 2000

Tied Test Match
:aus: Australia vs England :eng:, The WACA 1995

1. 323 - Mike Atherton & Alec Stewart vs India :ind: 1996
2. 418 - Nick Knight & Alec Stewart vs New Zealand :nzf: 2002
3. 325 - Graham Gooch & Robin Smith vs West Indies :wi: 1991
4. 252 - Alec Stewart & Graham Thorpe vs Sri Lanka :sri: 2001
5. 313 - Graham Thorpe & Andrew Flintoff vs India :ind: 2002
6. 155 - Nasser Hussain & Ronnie Irani vs Zimbabwe :zim: 2000
7. 174 - Chris Lewis & Phillip DeFreitas vs Australia :aus: 1993
8. 110 - Jack Russell & Dominic Cork vs South Africa :saf: 1995
9. 95 - Robin Smith & Dominic Cork vs Australia :aus: 1995
10. 68 - Ian Salisbury & Phil Tufnell vs India :ind: 2001

Most Test Runs for England
1. :eng: :bat: Graham Gooch - 11,242 runs @ 48.04 (28 centuries, best 294)
2. :eng: :bat: Alec Stewart - 9,846 runs @ 45.58 (25 centuries, best 284)
3. :eng: :bat: David Gower - 8,506 runs @ 42.96 (15 centuries, best 215)

Most Test Wickets for England
1. :eng: :bwl: Phil Tufnell - 511 wickets @ 29.81 (31 5WI, best 8/114)
2. :eng: :ar: Ian Botham - 400 wickets @ 28.13 (27 5WI, best 8/34)
3. :eng: :bwl: Bob Willis - 325 wickets @ 25.20 (16 5WI, best 8/43)

Honours Board
:wi: vs :eng:, 1989-90
Graham Gooch - 112
Robin Smith - 101
Robin Smith - 112
Graham Gooch - 100

:eng: vs :nzf:, 1990
Graham Gooch - 127
Rob Bailey - 196

:eng: vs :ind:, 1990

:aus: vs :eng:, 1990-91
Robin Smith - 110
Graham Gooch - 170

:eng: vs :wi:, 1991
Robin Smith - 127
Graham Gooch - 175*
Graeme Hick - 108*
Graham Gooch - 165
Graham Gooch - 294
Robin Smith - 145

:eng: vs :sri:, 1991
Alec Stewart - 166
Graeme Hick - 100

:nzf: vs :eng:, 1991-92
Alec Stewart - 126*
Graham Gooch - 124
Graeme Hick - 107

:eng: vs :pak:, 1992
Graham Gooch - 103
Robin Smith - 132
Graeme Hick - 147
Graham Gooch - 150*

:ind: vs :eng:, 1992-93
Graham Gooch - 132
Alec Stewart - 151*
Mike Atherton - 147
Robin Smith - 137

:sri: vs :eng:, 1992-93
Alec Stewart - 137
Robin Smith - 102*

:eng: vs :aus:, 1993
Alec Stewart - 132
Alec Stewart - 111
Graham Gooch - 139
Chris Lewis - 114*

:wi: vs :eng:, 1993-94
Graham Gooch - 143
Alec Stewart - 156
Graham Gooch - 167
Mike Atherton - 127
Graham Thorpe - 111

:eng: vs :nzf:, 1994
Mike Atherton - 117
Alec Stewart - 132
Mike Atherton - 105
Robin Smith - 191

:eng: vs :saf:, 1994
Graham Gooch - 241
Graham Gooch - 175
Mike Atherton - 242
Graeme Hick - 101
Graeme Hick - 131

:aus: vs :eng:, 1994-95
Robin Smith - 106
Alec Stewart - 159
Robin Smith - 134
Alec Stewart - 115
Mike Atherton - 157*
Robin Smith - 100
Graham Gooch - 205
Robin Smith - 204

:eng: vs :wi:, 1995
Alec Stewart - 162
Graham Gooch - 117
Graham Gooch - 135
Robin Smith - 129*
Alec Stewart - 115
Graham Gooch - 159
Mark Ramprakash - 100*

:saf: vs :eng:, 1995-96
Robin Smith - 118*
Michael Atherton - 109
Graeme Hick - 106
Graham Thorpe - 107*
Michael Atherton - 108
Graeme Hick - 113
Graham Thorpe - 114*

:eng: vs :ind:, 1996
Alec Stewart - 200
Mike Atherton - 129
Robin Smith - 117*

:eng: vs :pak:, 1996
Alec Stewart - 149
Alec Stewart - 153
Robin Smith - 104*

:zim: vs :eng:, 1996-97
Nick Knight - 247
Graham Thorpe - 106

:nzf: vs :eng:, 1996-97
Graeme Hick - 110
Craig White - 104*

:eng: vs :aus:, 1997
Graham Thorpe - 116
Graeme Hick - 126*
Graeme Hick - 172*

:wi: vs :eng:, 1997-98
Graeme Hick - 115
Graham Thorpe - 100
Alec Stewart - 159*
Michael Atherton - 107
Graeme Hick - 135
Graeme Hick - 100*

:eng: vs :saf:, 1998
Graeme Hick - 132
Nick Knight - 119
Nick Knight - 115
Graeme Thorpe - 111

:eng: vs :sri:, 1998
Graeme Hick - 133

:aus: vs :eng:, 1998-99
Alec Stewart - 131
Graham Thorpe - 104
Alec Stewart - 202*

:eng: vs :nzf:, 1999
Michael Atherton - 119

:saf: vs :eng:, 1999-00
Nick Knight - 109*

:eng: vs :zim:, 2000
Nick Knight - 129
Nasser Hussain - 100
Marcus Trescothick - 106
Nick Knight - 106*
Mark Butcher - 118
Nasser Hussain - 103*

:eng: vs :wi:, 2000
Alec Stewart - 104
Alec Stewart - 171
Marcus Trescothick - 127
Michael Atherton - 119*
Nick Knight - 135
Marcus Trescothick - 120*

:pak: vs :eng:, 2000-01
Nick Knight - 202*
Michael Atherton - 202
Nick Knight - 152

:sri: vs :eng:, 2000-01
Nick Knight - 202
Marcus Trescothick - 100
Alec Stewart - 164
Graham Thorpe - 137
Nick Knight - 160

:eng: vs :pak:, 2001

:eng: vs :aus:, 2001
Nick Knight - 134
Graham Thorpe - 129*
Marcus Trescothick - 154*

:ind: vs :eng:, 2001-02
Graham Thorpe - 180
Nick Knight - 131
Alec Stewart - 188
Graham Thorpe - 100*
Marcus Trescothick - 108*

:nzf: vs :eng:, 2001-02
Nick Knight - 205
Alec Stewart - 284
Graham Thorpe - 111

:eng: vs :sri:, 2002
Marcus Trescothick - 125
Graham Thorpe - 199*
Mark Ramprakash - 127*
Marcus Trescothick - 250*
Marcus Trescothick - 109
Nick Knight - 106*

:eng: vs :ind:, 2002
Nick Knight - 149
Mark Ramprakash - 125*
Marcus Trescothick - 123
Graham Thorpe - 269
Andrew Flintoff - 185
Nick Knight - 119
Marcus Trescothick - 111
Nick Knight - 156

:aus: vs :eng:, 2002-03
Nick Knight - 180
Graham Thorpe - 120*
Alec Stewart - 113
Andrew Flintoff - 125

:wi: vs :eng:, 1989-90
Angus Fraser - 5 for 47
Gladstone Small - 5 for 72
Chris Lewis - 6 for 70

:eng: vs :nzf:, 1990

:eng: vs :ind:, 1990
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 116
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 72

:aus: vs :eng:, 1990-91
Angus Fraser - 5 for 116
Devon Malcolm - 6 for 75

:eng: vs :wi:, 1991
Steve Watkin - 5 for 56
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 138
Devon Malcolm - 5 for 47
Angus Fraser - 5 for 86

:eng: vs :sri:, 1991

:nzf: vs :eng:, 1991-92
Angus Fraser - 5 for 51
Phil Tufnell - 7 for 57

:eng: vs :pak:, 1992
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 100
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 31
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 45

:ind: vs :eng:, 1992-93
Phil Tufnell - 8 for 114
Peter Such - 8 for 47
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 72
Phil Tufnell - 6 for 167
Phil Tufnell - 7 for 171

:sri: vs :eng:, 1992-93
Phil Tufnell - 6 for 102
Phil Tufnell - 6 for 71

:eng: vs :aus:, 1993
Phil Tufnell - 7 for 105
Phillip DeFreitas - 5 for 19
Phillip DeFreitas - 5 for 62

:wi: vs :eng:, 1993-94
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 141
Peter Such - 6 for 119
Angus Fraser - 5 for 21
Phillip DeFreitas - 5 for 98

:eng: vs :nzf:, 1994
Darren Gough - 5 for 50
Phillip DeFreitas - Hat-trick
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 71

:eng: vs :saf:, 1994
Phil Tufnell - 7 for 124
Phil Tufnell - 6 for 117

:aus: vs :eng:, 1994-95
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 79
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 122
Phil Tufnell - 6 for 96

:eng: vs :wi:, 1995
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 97
Devon Malcolm - 7 for 86
Devon Malcolm - 5 for 68
Devon Malcolm - 5 for 46

:saf: vs :eng:, 1995-96
Devon Malcolm - 6 for 76
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 79
Angus Fraser - 6 for 68

:eng: vs :ind:, 1996

:eng: vs :pak:, 1996
Andy Caddick - 5 for 69
Darren Gough - 5 for 117

:zim: vs :eng:, 1996-97
Alan Mullally - 6 for 94
Andy Caddick - 7 for 53
Craig White - 7 for 63

:nzf: vs :eng:, 1996-97
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 83

:eng: vs :aus:, 1997
Dean Headley - 5 for 75
Dean Headley - 5 for 49
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 92

:wi: vs :eng:, 1997-98
Ben Hollioake - 5 for 53
Ben Hollioake - 5 for 74
Robert Croft - 5 for 117
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 38
Dominic Cork - 5 for 59

:eng: vs :saf:, 1998
Dean Headley - 5 for 112
Dean Headley - 5 for 106
Dean Headley - 5 for 119

:eng: vs :sri:, 1998
Alan Mullally - 6 for 70

:aus: vs :eng:, 1998-99
Alan Mullally - 6 for 84
Dean Headley - 7 for 55
Alan Mullally - 5 for 76
Dean Headley - 7 for 47

:eng: vs :nzf:, 1999
Dean Headley - 5 for 62
Andy Caddick - 7 for 26

:saf: vs :eng:, 1999-00
Alan Mullally - Hat-trick
Alan Mullally - 6 for 88
Alan Mullally - 6 for 90
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 114

:eng: vs :zim:, 2000
Craig White - 6 for 19

:eng: vs :wi:, 2000
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 98
Craig White - 5 for 48
Alan Mullally - 5 for 72
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 112
Martin Bicknell - 6 for 58

:pak: vs :eng:, 2000-01
Graeme Swann - 6 for 91
Alan Mullally - 5 for 73
Alan Mullally - 5 for 46

:sri: vs :eng:, 2000-01
Graeme Swann - 5 for 41

:eng: vs :pak:, 2001
Matthew Hoggard - 5 for 54

:eng: vs :aus:, 2001
Andy Caddick - 6 for 95

:ind: vs :eng:, 2001-02
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 82
Ian Salisbury - 5 for 69
Graeme Swann - 5 for 62

:nzf: vs :eng:, 2001-02
Alan Mullally - 5 for 45
Ryan Sidebottom - 6 for 59

:eng: vs :sri:, 2002
Ryan Sidebottom - 5 for 70
Simon Jones - 5 for 39
Simon Jones - 6 for 63

:eng: vs :ind:, 2002
Alan Mullally - 5 for 29
Phil Tufnell - 5 for 27
Simon Jones - 7 for 68
Jimmy Anderson - 5 for 51

:aus: vs :eng:, 2002-03
Simon Jones - 6 for 108
Graeme Swann - 7 for 124
Ashley Giles - 5 for 135
Career Statistics
Includes all players who debuted before 1990 and played from that date onwards either in real life or in this universe.

These stats are being reproduced from a Google Sheet here.

Cap Numbers
Player#DebutLast Test
:eng: :bat: Graham Gooch461:eng: v :aus: (1), 1975:eng: v :wi: (5), 1995
:eng: :ar: Ian Botham474:eng: v :aus: (3), 1977:eng: v :ind: (3), 1990
:eng: :bat: Mike Gatting477:pak: v :eng: (3), 1977-78:ind: v :eng: (2), 1992-93
:eng: :bat: David Gower479:eng: v :pak: (1), 1978:eng: v :wi: (2), 1991
:eng: :ar: John Emburey480:eng: v :nzf: (3), 1978:eng: v :aus: (4), 1989
:eng: :bat: Wayne Larkins484:aus: v :eng: (3), 1979-80:eng: v :ind: (1), 1990
:eng: :bat: Allan Lamb494:eng: v :ind: (1), 1982:wi: v :eng: (4), 1989-90
:eng: :ar: Derek Pringle495:eng: v :ind: (1), 1982:eng: v :aus: (6), 1989
:eng: :bwl: Eddie Hemmings497:eng: v :pak: (1), 1982:wi: v :eng: (5), 1989-90
:eng: :bwl: Neil Foster502:eng: v :nzf: (3), 1983:eng: v :pak: (1), 1992
:eng: :bat: Tim Robinson511:ind: v :eng: (1), 1984:eng: v :wi: (5), 1991
:eng: :bwl: Gladstone Small521:eng: v :nzf: (2), 1986:eng: v :sri:, 1991
:eng: :ar: Phillip DeFreitas522:aus: v :eng: (1), 1986-87:saf: v :eng: (1), 1995-96
:eng: :bat: Neil Fairbrother525:eng: v :pak: (1), 1987:nzf: v :eng: (3), 1987-88
:eng: :ar: David Capel526:eng: v :pak: (3), 1987:eng: v :aus: (6), 1989
:eng: :bwl: Paul Jarvis527:nzf: v :eng: (1), 1987-88:eng: v :pak: (5), 1992
:eng: :bat: Robin Smith530:eng: v :wi: (4), 1988:eng: v :aus: (5), 1997
:eng: :bat: Rob Bailey531:eng: v :wi: (5), 1988:eng: v :wi: (4), 1991
:eng: :bat: Matt Maynard532:eng: v :wi: (5), 1988only Test
:eng: :bwl: Syd Lawrence534:eng: v :sri:, 1988:eng: v :sri:, 1991
:eng: :bwl: Phil Newport535:eng: v :sri:, 1988:eng: v :aus: (1), 1989
:eng: :wk: Jack Russell536:eng: v :sri:, 1988:eng: v :saf: (5), 1998
:eng: :bwl: Angus Fraser537:eng: v :aus: (3), 1989:eng: v :sri:,1998
:eng: :bat: Michael Atherton538:eng: v :aus: (5), 1989:eng: v :aus: (5), 2001
:eng: :bwl: Devon Malcolm539:eng: v :aus: (5), 1989:eng: v :pak: (3), 1996
:eng: :bwl: Alan Igglesden540:eng: v :aus: (6), 1989only Test
- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart542:wi: v :eng: (1), 1989-90:aus: v :eng: (5), 2002-03
:eng: :bwl: Phil Tufnell543:wi: v :eng: (1), 1989-90:eng: v :ind: (1), 2002
:eng: :ar: Chris Lewis544:wi: v :eng: (4), 1989-90:eng: v :pak: (3), 1996
:eng: :bat: Graeme Hick545:wi: v :eng: (5), 1989-90:aus: v :eng: (5), 2002-03
:eng: :bwl: Martin Bicknell546:eng: v :ind: (3), 1990:sri: v :eng: (2), 2000-01
:eng: :bwl: Steve Watkin547:eng: v :wi: (1), 1991:eng: v :wi: (2), 1991
:eng: :bwl: Peter Such548:eng: v :wi: (3), 1991:zim: v :eng: (3), 1996-97
:eng: :bwl: Ian Salisbury549:ind: v :eng: (1), 1992-93:nzf: v :eng: (3), 2001-02
:eng: :bat: Mark Ramprakash550:ind: v :eng: (2), 1992-93:aus: v :eng: (3), 2002-03
:eng: :ar: Dermot Reeve551:ind: v :eng: (3), 1992-93only Test
:eng: :bwl: Andy Caddick552:eng: v :aus: (2), 1993:nzf: v :eng: (3), 2001-02
:eng: :bat: Nasser Hussain553:eng: v :aus: (3), 1993:aus: v :eng: (4), 2002-03
:eng: :bwl: Mark Ilott554:wi: v :eng: (4), 1993-94only Test
:eng: :bat: Graham Thorpe555:wi: v :eng: (4), 1993-94:aus: v :eng: (5), 2002-03
:eng: :bwl: Darren Gough556:eng: v :nzf: (1), 1994:eng: v :aus: (3), 2001
:eng: :ar: Dominic Cork557:eng: v :nzf: (2), 1994:saf: v :eng: (3), 1999-00
:eng: :wk: Richard Blakey558:eng: v :nzf: (3), 1994:zim: v :eng: (3), 1996-97
:eng: :ar: Glen Chapple559:aus: v :eng: (4), 1994-95:eng: v :zim: (2), 2000
:eng: :bwl: Richard Johnson560:eng: v :wi: (2), 1995only Test
:eng: :ar: Mark Alleyne561:eng: v :wi: (5), 1995:zim: v :eng: (3), 1996-97
:eng: :ar: Robert Croft562:saf: v :eng: (5), 1995-96:eng: v :saf: (4), 1998
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight563:saf: v :eng: (5), 1995-96:aus: v :eng: (5), 2002-03
:eng: :bat: Mark Butcher564:zim: v :eng: (1), 1996-97:eng: v :zim: (2), 2000
:eng: :bwl: Alan Mullally565:zim: v :eng: (1), 1996-97:aus: v :eng: (5), 2002-03
:eng: :bat: John Crawley566:zim: v :eng: (2), 1996-97:eng: v :zim: (2), 2000
:eng: :bwl: Dean Headley567:zim: v :eng: (2), 1996-97:eng: v :nzf: (3), 1999
:eng: :ar: Craig White568:zim: v :eng: (2), 1996-97:eng: v :sri: (2), 2002
:eng: :ar: Ben Hollioake569:eng: v :aus: (3), 1997:nzf: v :eng: (2), 2001-02
:eng: :wk: Paul Nixon570:wi: v :eng: (5), 1997-98:eng: v :aus: (4), 2001
:eng: :ar: Andrew Flintoff571:eng: v :sri:,1998:aus: v :eng: (4), 2002-03
:eng: :bat: Mal Loye572:eng: v :sri:,1998:eng: v :nzf: (3), 1999
:eng: :ar: Graeme Swann573:aus: v :eng: (5),1998-99:aus: v :eng: (5), 2002-03
:eng: :bwl: Alex Tudor574:eng: v :nzf: (3), 1999:aus: v :eng: (3), 2002-03
:eng: :bwl: Dr Julian Thompson575:saf: v :eng: (3), 1999-00:saf: v :eng: (4), 1999-00
:eng: :bwl: Kevin Dean576:eng: v :zim: (1), 2000:eng: v :zim: (2), 2000
:eng: :wk: Chris Read577:eng: v :zim: (1), 2000:aus: v :eng: (5), 2002-03
:eng: :bat: Marcus Trescothick578:eng: v :zim: (1), 2000:aus: v :eng: (5), 2002-03
:eng: :ar: Ronnie Irani579:eng: v :zim: (2), 2000only Test
:eng: :bat: Michael Vaughan580:eng: v :zim: (2), 2000only Test
:eng: :bat: Vikram Solanki581:pak: v :eng: (3), 2000-01:eng: v :aus: (4), 2001
:eng: :bat: David Fulton582:eng: v :pak: (1), 2001only Test
:eng: :bwl: Matthew Hoggard583:eng: v :pak: (2), 2001:eng: v :sri: (2), 2002
:eng: :bwl: Ryan Sidebottom584:nzf: v :eng: (2), 2001-02:aus: v :eng: (4), 2002-03
:eng: :bwl: Chris Silverwood585:nzf: v :eng: (3), 2001-02:aus: v :eng: (5), 2002-03
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones586:eng: v :sri: (1), 2002:aus: v :eng: (4), 2002-03
:eng: :bat: Ali Brown587:eng: v :sri: (3), 2002:eng: v :ind: (4), 2002
:eng: :bwl: Jimmy Anderson588:eng: v :ind: (3), 2002:aus: v :eng: (5), 2002-03
:eng: :wk: James Foster589:eng: v :ind: (4), 2002only Test
:eng: :ar: Ashley Giles590:aus: v :eng: (5), 2002-03only Test

:eng: :bat: Graham Gooch552211616:eng: v :wi: (5), 1988:aus: v :eng: (5), 1994-95
:eng: :bat: Graeme Hick432101210:ind: v :eng: (2), 1992-93:aus: v :eng: (5),1998-99
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight39210612:eng: v :sri:,1998:aus: v :eng: (5), 2002-03
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart93024:eng: v :nzf: (1), 1999:saf: v :eng: (5), 1999-00

Batting & Fielding
:eng: :ar: Mark Alleyne4729519.00-156*4-
:eng: :bwl: Jimmy Anderson583295.80--92-
:eng: :bat: Michael Atherton (RET) :slvo:9117416656841.57133324257-
:eng: :bat: Rob Bailey (RET)1528181530.191219615-
:eng: :bwl: Martin Bicknell1011011210.18--485-
:eng: :wk: Richard Blakey (RET)48216627.67-150*11-
:eng: :ar: Ian Botham (RET)1081767565633.471425208135-
:eng: :bat: Ali Brown2205929.50-150--
:eng: :bat: Mark Butcher612030025.00111185-
:eng: :bwl: Andy Caddick3953964314.61--40*5-
:eng: :ar: David Capel (RET)1118029316.27-2984-
:eng: :ar: Glen Chapple4729819.50--301-
:eng: :ar: Dominic Cork1926649624.80-2728-
:eng: :bat: John Crawley814038527.50-2703-
:eng: :ar: Robert Croft67019928.43-1541-
:eng: :bwl: Kevin Dean2336---4*--
:eng: :ar: Phillip DeFreitas :slvo::slvo: (RET)3656678615.72-1827-
:eng: :ar: John Emburey (RET)608918154021.49-87533-
:eng: :bat: Neil Fairbrother (RET)44051.25--33-
:eng: :ar: Andrew Flintoff1525191238.002418515-
:eng: :wk: James Foster11077.00--72-
:eng: :bwl: Neil Foster (RET)39601260012.50--42*13-
:eng: :bwl: Angus Fraser (RET)5980116779.81--3410-
:eng: :bat: David Fulton1204924.50--40--
:eng: :bat: Mike Gatting (RET)7012114403737.7391920753-
:eng: :ar: Ashley Giles1202613.00--15--
:eng: :bat: Graham Gooch :slvo::slvo::slvo: (RET)131244101124248.042860294147-
:eng: :bwl: Darren Gough30431342914.30--35*6-
:eng: :bat: David Gower (RET)12421517850642.96154721575-
:eng: :bwl: Dean Headley (RET) :slvo::slvo:233792508.93--245-
:eng: :bwl: Eddie Hemmings (RET)1319333220.75-1954-
:eng: :bat: Graeme Hick :slvo: (RET)9517512629738.631632172*144-
:eng: :bwl: Matthew Hoggard571233.83--122-
:eng: :ar: Ben Hollioake1727352321.79-37516-
:eng: :bat: Nasser Hussain24442119128.3627103*40-
:eng: :bwl: Alan Igglesden (RET)1112---2*1-
:eng: :ar: Ronnie Irani1207939.50-178--
:eng: :bwl: Mark Ilott12226---25*--
:eng: :bwl: Paul Jarvis (RET)1015418917.18--35*1-
:eng: :bwl: Richard Johnson11011.00--1--
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones :slvo:10112535.89--18*3-
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight :slvo:641214582049.74192324781-
:eng: :bat: Allan Lamb (RET)601059322433.58912137*53-
:eng: :bat: Wayne Larkins (RET)1019034818.31--435-
:eng: :bwl: Syd Lawrence (RET)22063.00--4--
:eng: :ar: Chris Lewis (RET)569012197325.2917114*61-
:eng: :bat: Mal Loye24010125.25-1921-
:eng: :bwl: Devon Malcolm (RET)3750132336.30--21*11-
:eng: :bat: Matt Maynard120136.50--10--
:eng: :bwl: Alan Mullally (RET)5773204007.55--408-
:eng: :bwl: Phil Newport (RET)2307023.33--361-
:eng: :wk: Paul Nixon34558120022.64-6841068
:eng: :ar: Derek Pringle (RET)2136351215.51-2667-
:eng: :bat: Mark Ramprakash29535166934.77310127*6-
:eng: :wk: Chris Read1927662029.52-494*553
:eng: :ar: Dermot Reeve (RET)120126.00--6--
:eng: :bat: Tim Robinson (RET) :slvo:41716236236.3341217514-
:eng: :wk: Jack Russell (RET)9415635395432.68121128*24327
:eng: :bwl: Ian Salisbury78422957.25-279*--
:eng: :bwl: Ryan Sidebottom910310915.57--412-
:eng: :bwl: Chris Silverwood3416120.33--44*--
:eng: :bwl: Gladstone Small (RET)2026738220.10-2592-
:eng: :bat: Robin Smith :slvo::slvo: (RET)8215217666249.32193420420-
:eng: :bat: Vikram Solanki59028531.67-263--
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart :slvo::slvo::slvo::slvo: (RET)11722610984645.58254428435-
:eng: :bwl: Peter Such (RET)12157475.88--14*5-
:eng: :ar: Graeme Swann1926042716.42-16414-
:eng: :bwl: Dr Julian Thompson (RET)2305919.67-150--
:eng: :bat: Graham Thorpe :slvo::slvo:8415523659049.92163226934-
:eng: :bat: Marcus Trescothick :slvo:37695315449.281113250*100-
:eng: :bwl: Alex Tudor1419435123.40-254*4-
:eng: :bwl: Phil Tufnell :slvo::slvo: (RET)113142326525.93--3632-
:eng: :bat: Michael Vaughan1205427.00-151--
:eng: :bwl: Steve Watkin (RET)2405513.75--27--
:eng: :ar: Craig White :slvo::slvo::slvo:539518253832.96116104*5-

:eng: :ar: Mark Alleyne41093071030.702.8--2/27
:eng: :bwl: Jimmy Anderson51925492323.872.81-5/51
:eng: :bat: Michael Atherton (RET) :slvo:911445001338.463.9--3/32
:eng: :bat: Rob Bailey (RET)1543175287.504.1--1/0
:eng: :bwl: Martin Bicknell1047812853833.822.71-6/58
:eng: :wk: Richard Blakey (RET)4--------
:eng: :ar: Ian Botham (RET)10837791122340028.133.02748/34
:eng: :bat: Ali Brown2--------
:eng: :bat: Mark Butcher61978178.004.1--1/0
:eng: :bwl: Andy Caddick391508423113431.572.8417/26
:eng: :ar: David Capel (RET)112096281252.333.0--2/13
:eng: :ar: Glen Chapple41855631151.183.1--3/82
:eng: :ar: Dominic Cork1969620385437.742.91-5/59
:eng: :bat: John Crawley8--------
:eng: :ar: Robert Croft62106641544.273.21-5/117
:eng: :bwl: Kevin Dean279182726.002.3--3/29
:eng: :ar: Phillip DeFreitas :slvo::slvo: (RET)361324353010433.942.7415/19
:eng: :ar: John Emburey (RET)602371510513836.992.16-7/78
:eng: :bat: Neil Fairbrother (RET)4290-4.5---
:eng: :ar: Andrew Flintoff1543613583143.813.1--3/39
:eng: :wk: James Foster1--------
:eng: :bwl: Neil Foster (RET)391451390211533.932.7518/107
:eng: :bwl: Angus Fraser (RET)592400592917733.492.55-6/68
:eng: :bat: David Fulton1--------
:eng: :bat: Mike Gatting (RET)70125317479.252.5--1/14
:eng: :ar: Ashley Giles131135527.004.31-5/135
:eng: :bat: Graham Gooch :slvo::slvo::slvo: (RET)1313067401743.532.4--2/12
:eng: :bwl: Darren Gough30117832568438.782.82-5/50
:eng: :bat: David Gower (RET)124620120.003.3--1/1
:eng: :bwl: Dean Headley (RET) :slvo::slvo:231054283410526.992.7817/47
:eng: :bwl: Eddie Hemmings (RET)1351314543146.902.8--4/90
:eng: :bat: Graeme Hick :slvo: (RET)9528810321954.323.6--3/38
:eng: :bwl: Matthew Hoggard51685131339.463.11-5/54
:eng: :ar: Ben Hollioake1752616744338.933.22-5/53
:eng: :bat: Nasser Hussain24--------
:eng: :bwl: Alan Igglesden (RET)137146348.673.9--2/91
:eng: :ar: Ronnie Irani154123430.752.3--4/69
:eng: :bwl: Mark Ilott1381271127.003.3--1/106
:eng: :bwl: Paul Jarvis (RET)1035910692641.123.0--4/50
:eng: :bwl: Richard Johnson1441550-3.5---
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones :slvo:1036612195522.163.3417/68
:eng: :bat: Nick Knight :slvo:64--------
:eng: :bat: Allan Lamb (RET)60523123.004.6--1/6
:eng: :bat: Wayne Larkins (RET)10--------
:eng: :bwl: Syd Lawrence (RET)268223455.753.3--2/74
:eng: :ar: Chris Lewis (RET)561580426612334.682.71-6/70
:eng: :bat: Mal Loye2--------
:eng: :bwl: Devon Malcolm (RET)371292419513730.623.26-7/86
:eng: :bat: Matt Maynard1--------
:eng: :bwl: Alan Mullally (RET)572200569920128.352.61116/70
:eng: :bwl: Phil Newport (RET)292339937.663.7--4/87
:eng: :wk: Paul Nixon34--------
:eng: :ar: Derek Pringle (RET)2162518074837.642.92-5/95
:eng: :bat: Mark Ramprakash292694518.803.6--4/35
:eng: :wk: Chris Read19--------
:eng: :ar: Dermot Reeve (RET)114390-2.8---
:eng: :bat: Tim Robinson (RET) :slvo:41100-0.0---
:eng: :wk: Jack Russell (RET)94--------
:eng: :bwl: Ian Salisbury72648932535.723.41-5/69
:eng: :bwl: Ryan Sidebottom103378983525.662.72-6/59
:eng: :bwl: Chris Silverwood3105309934.332.9--3/58
:eng: :bwl: Gladstone Small (RET)2078419806033.002.53-5/48
:eng: :bat: Robin Smith :slvo::slvo: (RET)82--------
:eng: :bat: Vikram Solanki5221041104.004.7--1/22
:eng: :bat: Alec Stewart :slvo::slvo::slvo::slvo: (RET)117--------
:eng: :bwl: Peter Such (RET)1257216695033.382.92-8/47
:eng: :ar: Graeme Swann1978423317531.082.9417/124
:eng: :bwl: Dr Julian Thompson (RET)246196449.004.2--3/91
:eng: :bat: Graham Thorpe :slvo::slvo:841236136.003.0--1/0
:eng: :bat: Marcus Trescothick :slvo:371234681046.803.8--4/29
:eng: :bwl: Alex Tudor1444915404335.813.4--4/63
:eng: :bwl: Phil Tufnell :slvo::slvo: (RET)11356551523451129.812.73158/114
:eng: :bat: Michael Vaughan111320-2.9---
:eng: :bwl: Steve Watkin (RET)264223544.603.51-5/56
:eng: :ar: Craig White :slvo::slvo::slvo:531513441913832.022.93-7/63

Stats and records updated again.

Two really cool things that I noticed:
  1. Graham Gooch is almost certainly now the leading all-time Test run-scorer until Sachin beats his record (without Lara's 375 and 400, I don't think he makes it past Gooch's mark)
  2. Ashley Giles has Cap 590 both in real life and in this playthrough.

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