Pokemon Games

Anybody plays (or played) shoddy battle?
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What's Shoddy Battle?


I looked it up and downloaded but I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Got servers and Team Builder but I'm confused.
It's an online simulator where you can compete with other people using fully EV trained pokemon. Pokemon are classified based on their base stats.

I don't play it anymore, just felt it worth asking.
I love them all, except that Normal/Flying bird I think. The legendaries and the Mewtwo form look badass.


Anyone's on Smogon or Pokemon Online here? Or involved in competitive battling?
ahhh, pokemon. Did decide to finally try White 2 a few weeks ago when I had a heap of free time and finished the game. Built myself a solid team of Espeon, Serperior, Arcanine, Lucario, Swanna and Zoroark but the game wasn't really a challenge at all and didn't take me long to do everything, so yeah.
Black 2/White 2 were easy due to early availability of a variety of useful pokemon such as Marill, Lucario, Magnemite, Drilbur etc. I had Emboar, Azumarill, Lucario, Magnezone, Excadrill and Zoroark and the Elite Four was piece of cake. Challenge mode is great though, and I love the PWT 'coz nostalgia.
Well I started with Snivy to make things slightly harder. Which sort of was stupid cause I ended up getting an Electabuzz, which I swapped for Espeon later :p But yeah, it was pretty easy. I kept my pokemon at a pretty low level though, to have a challenge, but it got annoying cause my pokemon were lower levels than the wild pokemon for most of the game so I couldn't use my repels -_- But that changed after the Elite Four since Zoroark pretty much beat the Elite 4 by himself, although then again, I used a lot of rare candies on him so he could learn Night Daze :p

But I had fun with Espeon taking on the Elite Four. Taught him Substitute, Calm Mind, Psychic and Shadow Ball. Psychic guy, his opening pokemon or whatever didn't know anything decent, so I'd just set up Espeon with substitute and maxing out his Sp Atk + Sp Def, and his only moves I think were Reflect, Yawn, Nightmare (or Dream Eater, can't remember so these two were useless as I just woke Espeon up) and his last move was a pretty basic Special move so Espeon's leftovers pretty much negated all the damage from that, then beat the whole team in one shot Shadow Balls xD Same strategy against the Champion since the first pokemon didn't know anything decent (didn't know a dark type atk move though even though it was dark...), since I finally found a way to beat his Haxorus, lol, because it wanted to use Outrage on me after Dragon Dance, making it faster than even Zoroark, so Espeon's one shot psychic was enough. And yeah, the fighting leader was easy for Espeon. Only the dark elite four I didn't use him, and the ghost elite four, he took out about 3 of them by himself before finally being killed. But yeah, long story short, Espeon is just awesome :p
Fortunately Iris decided to use a second Dragon Dance on my Excadrill, who already had a +2 Swords Dance from previous turn's DD. Earthquake broke his sash, then when she healed it was an OHKO. Easy. I don't remember how I beat the others, though. Elite Four was mostly Zoroark solo, what with Illusion kicking ass.


Only the dark elite four I didn't use him, and the ghost elite four, he took out about 3 of them by himself before finally being killed.

the worse thing about the game was the 3 member gym leader teams and 4 member elite four teams. :/

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