Pokemon Games

Haha, you could but you wouldn't.

Well if I get competition from you, then I will up my prices. But the bloody forums. I've got to spam the forums for 50 posts before I bloody start my own trade thread.

And btw, do you know how people train so quickly, even faster than macroing for 24 hours. Like one guy trained 100 million in 36 hours.

That adds up to like 15 battles a minute, and considering it is impossible to do more than 6 battles a minute (it won't allow you to do more than 1 battle in 10 seconds), how can they do that?
Multiple computers? Multiple Browsers?
Multiple computers, maybe. Multiple browsers, no. I've already tried and it just ****s up when I try it since you can't win more than 2 battles at a time anyway on the same account (regardless of whether it is in different browsers) and you can't be logged onto 2 accounts at once otherwise the first just automatically changes to the most recently logged in one.
Ok, cool. Just passed 1000 points as well and my Mystic Suicune is now past 1,000,000 exp.

So who wants to be first? :p May as well make most of the weekend bonus where I can probably train double-triple of what I would on weekdays ;)
If you're playing FireRed/LeafGreen, get a Caterpie... They're amazing for helping you catch stuff after their evolution to Butterfree - they learn Sleep Powder, Stun Spore etc. plus they have psychic attacks. Very easy to train as well being a bug type, especially with it's early evolutions and nice moveset.

To catch an Abra, simply set Butterfree as your first Pokemon, use Sleep Powder followed by Confusion (not very effective) to weaken it, then use a Pokeball. Job done :).

Yeah, I should have gone with Butterfree instead of Beedrill. I do prefer Beedrill though as a Pokemon in general, and the game is just for fun, so it doesn't really matter.

I'm going to get bored way before catching all of the Pokemon though, so I just ditched Abra after wasting a few Pokeballs when he was on full health as that failed.
lol, unbelievable. After searching for about 15 minutes for a unique (I literally couldn't find anything I didn't have), I decide to change maps for a second time and go to one of the water ones. Guess what, first one that turns up, like just as I click on the map, not even have to click an arrow, a Manaphy appears :p
Ok, well for anyone who does want me to train up a pokemon, I've put two pokemon up for trade, Staryu and Farfetch'd. They're just the first pokemon I found now so they are the pokemon that will really just go to waste.

So if you want me to train up a pokemon, offer for one of them what pokemon you want me to train (and to what exp - also would be good if the pokemon is on lvl 100 to start with) and what pokemon you were going to give me. Rates were on the other page, and I will be flexible to start off with so just offer and I'll see in the morning. For the moment, I'll just take two at a time, which is why I have 2 pokemon up for trade. My IGN is hedger_14 btw.
Bloody hell. Pokemon Vortex's tweaking slow speeds mean I can't bloody train properly for long periods of time since it just goes so slow, the server error comes and it stops battling and I've got to start it again and then it does that all the time. I think I'll put training on pause until they get a better server.
Bloody hell. Pokemon Vortex's fried chickening slow speeds mean I can't bloody train properly for long periods of time since it just goes so slow, the server error comes and it stops battling and I've got to start it again and then it does that all the time. I think I'll put training on pause until they get a better server.

What server are you on? If you're on Omega, try logging in and out until you get put onto the Sigma server 'cause Omega has lag issues while Sigma runs smooth.
Do you two have nothing better to do than play Pokemon...

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