Haha, you could but you wouldn't.
If you're playing FireRed/LeafGreen, get a Caterpie... They're amazing for helping you catch stuff after their evolution to Butterfree - they learn Sleep Powder, Stun Spore etc. plus they have psychic attacks. Very easy to train as well being a bug type, especially with it's early evolutions and nice moveset.
To catch an Abra, simply set Butterfree as your first Pokemon, use Sleep Powder followed by Confusion (not very effective) to weaken it, then use a Pokeball. Job done.
Bloody hell. Pokemon Vortex's fried chickening slow speeds mean I can't bloody train properly for long periods of time since it just goes so slow, the server error comes and it stops battling and I've got to start it again and then it does that all the time. I think I'll put training on pause until they get a better server.