Pranav's Graphics Thread

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Followed a tutorial for this one :

Amazing work so far PP ! you will surely get the name and fame in this too as you get in modding ;)
Great work buddy...
Love your recent sigs...
Simply brilliant...
Just a tip... In Murali's sig, you have that curl behind his finger... Modify it a bit and make it curl around his finger and maybe give a little glow to it and it'll look a lot better :)
Wow I loved the Murli & Zaheer one That;s just too Good

can i use the Zaheer Sig Please? :upray
Good work! liking the new sig, the light strips match the render and it has good effects.... the red lines killl the flow a bt though :crying
Man PranavBhai, Once you learn to use lighting effects with soft brushes, you will be da bomb man! :thumbs
Great work buddy...
Love your recent sigs...
Simply brilliant...
Just a tip... In Murali's sig, you have that curl behind his finger... Modify it a bit and make it curl around his finger and maybe give a little glow to it and it'll look a lot better :)

Good work! liking the new sig, the light strips match the render and it has good effects.... the red lines killl the flow a bt though :crying

Man PranavBhai, Once you learn to use lighting effects with soft brushes, you will be da bomb man! :thumbs

Thanks guys for the appreciation & yeah thanks for the good advices as well. :)

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