Pranav's Graphics Thread

What am I best at?

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S. Dhawan
This is one of your best IMO, The Background goes brilliantly with the render and I like how the text comes out the textures you have used. KUTGW :thumbs
You can have the honour (:p) of making me a sig for my "Three Lions on the Shirt?" story (if you so choose ;)) Just make it nice and flashy with animations, be creative :p
hey did u do the background 4 ur recent sig :)
I'll give you the answer if you ask that question in ENGLISH.

You can have the honour (:p) of making me a sig for my "Three Lions on the Shirt?" story (if you so choose ;)) Just make it nice and flashy with animations, be creative :p
Oh its a great honour :p I am speechless ! :p. Will be doing it soon though :)

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