PS3/360 Versions Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

On a clean connection the game is good, near 100%. We will strive to make it better but that can only be done by limiting the number and size of the transmissions.

Comparing to Ashes of old isn't reasonable, they just had to send one button press across the net every now and again.

Wireless latency can be longer than the time the ball takes to traverse the pitch - by definition that is not fixable in real time, we would have to add delays at the bowlers end and subsequently at the batsman's end, we tried that, was awful to play.
It's not the speed of the connection that matters, it's the latency of it. Heavily congested internet is the worst, I found when @Biggs used to know how to turn on his computer, that once it hit around 5pm - the matches would just suddenly get terrible and buggy. Later in the night or during the day they'd be back to being pretty much faultless.

It's probably something that should be indicated in the lobby next to a user, like a lot of other online games do, just to give an indication of the likely quality of the experience.

I can second the issue of the game being laggy between 5pm-ish to 11pm-ish. After that time the game runs like a dream without any of the major issues except the sound of ball hitting the bat dropping.
Thanks for the honest feedback Ross .

We can only hope that Patch 3 will lessen/eradicate most of the online shenanigans, to further add to the enjoyment of this great game.

I`ve checked my international Latency , and its anything from 190 - 220 ms . What would you guys see as a "good" latency ?

My games against Asian based players tend to be laggy , but to American/European locations its normally quite good.

PS. I`m from South Africa

Oh and I really hope the Online Custom Game Room gets a decent look at . Some additions is really needed there. I like Mattw suggestion to add a latency indicator from you to the active custom game hoster. Thats will give some indication to us if we are in for a hair tear or not. We also need to know if the "Normalise Skill" button is ticked etc. etc. Currently its a lottery to see what you end up with. Joining a T20 , only for you to end up with a five/five.
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ok let me put it like this... for a johnson bouncer its 500 ms to reach the any wireless latency will only add more complication in the limited interval present.

also this game cant be compared to ashes this is not a QTE game, but one that plays out on physics sim that has to be in sync at both ends in close to real time.
Most modern games just aren't suitable for online play: there's too much information needing to be passed and not enough time.

For them to work properly, games either have to use much simpler mechanics, or use huge amounts of smoke and mirrors in order to cover up the shortfalls (and when they do this, it removes a lot of enjoyment every time to realise it's doing it).

I've had nothing but horrible online experiences with pretty much every game I've tried to play in the past year. Can't think of a single enjoyable one.
Here goes result of my Ping Test & Speed Test. I think Latency (Ping Test) should be below 100 ms, where as I am getting latency of 153 ms. No wonder Online is so frustrating experience for me (Sometime not all the time).
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@kushari , is that to international servers ?

Because if I do mine to a local server its something like 27ms.

And obviously even with international servers selected , i get different results based on what destination I choose.
@kushari, I would be more concerned about the packet/data loss than latency. Seems like you have an issue with your net connection. Also, I advise you to hide your IP address in the future and suggest you remove the images and provide test results in text format.
@kushari, I would be more concerned about the packet/data loss than latency. Seems like you have an issue with your net connection. Also, I advise you to hide your IP address in the future and suggest you remove the images and provide test results in text format.

Hi, playing on xbox 360, I have recently had this error when logging in to start the game "This game requires a profile to be playable". It locks me out of the game and I can't get past the splash screen.

I have searched the net for this phrase and came up with a big donut.

Things I have tried with no success:
I have tried different existing profiles
I have tried creating new profiles.
I have deleted the game and reloaded it.
I have updated the game.
I have deleted all saved data from the xbox hard drive.

Any ideas?
Hi, playing on xbox 360, I have recently had this error when logging in to start the game "This game requires a profile to be playable". It locks me out of the game and I can't get past the splash screen.

I have searched the net for this phrase and came up with a big donut.

Things I have tried with no success:
I have tried different existing profiles
I have tried creating new profiles.
I have deleted the game and reloaded it.
I have updated the game.
I have deleted all saved data from the xbox hard drive.

Any ideas?

Ping @fiction or @HBK619.

By the way is your console modded?
A bug in a game whenever a batsman is caught behind and given out then next ball comes batsman doesn't go. so he is considered as not out. any solution?
I'm not sure if his the right thread.


Just started playing DBC14 again after about 3 months of not playing. Had so many bugs that it was driving me crazy.

Anyway, started the 2015 ashes tour and 1st day, 1st test at Lncashire stadium (Old Trafford I assume). I ave teh Aussies 195-5. I'm on amateur (I can't bat very well!). XBox360 with patch 3.


I have just taken the wicket of Watson, who is on 25. Scott Borthwick, his 5th of the innings. It was a thick edge and caught by the keeper. Umpires finger went up, cue celebrations. But then, it just went to the next bowl and the Aussies were still 195-5. Very odd.

Other issues

My mate came over yesterday and we played DBC14, and I really enjoyed the game again. I have started this tour and I'm loving it. But in 71 overs, I have not had a single edge from the quick bowlers. The ball is swinging and its cloudy conditions.

I've also had countless LBW appeals, but I just can't seem to get the ball straight enough, or low enough to get someone LBW. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


p.s its annoyed me so much I've turned the game off!
Mode: Competition
Match Type: T20 8 Team League
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occurred): last bowl of 10th
Teams:Essex (me) Queensland (AI)

Not the first time - in fact about the 10th time

Bowling against AI - AI batsman edges - caught behind - clear wicket

Game moves on to next over - wicket hasn't registered!

Always seems to be a catch from an edge that doesn't register as wicket

It looks like the same bug saksham_cute is talking about 2 posts above

Postscript - WOW! - just happened again - twice in the one match - this time it was the second ball of the 15th over - different bowler from last time - but again a catch from an edge
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A bug in a game whenever a batsman is caught behind and given out then next ball comes batsman doesn't go. so he is considered as not out. any solution?

Mode: Competition
Match Type: T20 8 Team League
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occurred): last bowl of 10th
Teams:Essex (me) Queensland (AI)

Not the first time - in fact about the 10th time

Bowling against AI - AI batsman edges - caught behind - clear wicket

Game moves on to next over - wicket hasn't registered!

Always seems to be a catch from an edge that doesn't register as wicket

It looks like the same bug saksham_cute is talking about 2 posts above

Postscript - WOW! - just happened again - twice in the one match - this time it was the second ball of the 15th over - different bowler from last time - but again a catch from an edge

It's a known bug and IIRC you have to wait for an additional second or two before appealing to get the wkt. If you appeal ASAP after the edge, you tend to get this error. But I would defer to @fiction regarding the clarification.

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