PS3/Xbox 360/PC Gamertags Thread - AC09 Online Play

I get my copy Friday add me.

Cerebral316 PS3
Wouldn't mind a game tomorrow with someone who has the PS3 version already, so I can chuck it in my review.

PSN is GTP_Sureshot (it's a racing tag if you're interested)
Please dont put your gamertags if you are quitters. I hate people how quit when the are loosing.:mad: Anyway my gamer tag:

alioz (xbox 360)
Shouldn't we all just make our usernames the same as our member names?
ps3 LeftArmFast

will be getting it in a few days (holding thumbs)
Updated, though clearly a lot of you are ignoring the bit about only posting if you have the game already. If your name is on the list and you end up not getting the game in the next fortnight, let me know and I'll remove it. Likewise if you have both consoles and only get the game for the one.
my psn id zub2008

Ordered the game and dispatched today.

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