PS3/Xbox 360/PC Gamertags Thread - AC09 Online Play

why i cant see my name on the list i have received the copy is it because i am a new user here?
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is anyone else unable to join the majority of games? with the message "unable to join game"
Im on PC. Padidaddy. please no quitters. ill be online after5pm each day.
just had my first online game. im finding very few people online?. was having a great game with "cricketking10", he collapsed then quit. anyone that want a proper game send a friend request.
im on pc
username padidaddy
TAG XBox--Furball Man

1st game I had (T20), me bowling, I had him 36-6, very much a slogger.Was trying to avoid bowling on the toes to make a game of it but anyway he quit, bit disappointing
Hi guys am on ps3: themarooned09

played two games yesterday, lost the first and won the second... took sometime to adjust to the shot timing.. but was really cool.. :D
Now have it for PS3 so my PSN tag is Boycott102 please add me if you want a proper game of cricket not a slog fest
Australian and New Zealand PC Users Online ID Thread

What it says on the can basically, I would like a nice easy thread to read where people can simply scroll through and add as many Aussies/Kiwis to their friends list. This means that when they logon they may have a chance of finding a game without having one prearranged.

Let's keep the chit-chat out of this. Just a simple Name, Username and Location would be nice :)

Name: David
Username: AussieDave27
Location: Melbourne, Australia

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