Real Cricket Real Cricket '14: Live: iOS & Android!

How do you guys rate Real Cricket? 14 Vs the Rest?

  • The Best

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • Better than Some

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • At Par

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • The Others are Better

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters
Left Hand batsman left fast bowler around the wicket,first 3 balls were fluid the third ball it crashed fps was 59.9/59.6
Its a first on a cricket game. Well done guys!

Are you still on track for Mid-march release as earlier planned? Looking forward to playing the full game with different modes :)
Thanks everyone and thank you Pat. I am glad you are happy that we included your request / suggestion.
You will find when you play the full release that we have tried to accomodate a lot of Planet Cricket members' suggestions.
With regard to the release date, as developers working on an incredibly short timeline we are apprehensive about committing to disclose the exact date unless majority of the implementation falls in place.
I will however announce the exact release date soon. Keep checking here for more regarding the release date.
Have just played nets beta and can already safely say....this already is the best batting experience on a mobile cricket game. Great job. I just hope now that all other aspects (ai, sound, bowling etc) are upto the same level as batting
Thanks angad, I hope others feel the same way about their experience.
And yes we are working really hard to make sure the other aspects are great.
Release News Coming up this Monday ( Not official word though Check out the attached image for more details )

Game looks really promising i am excited
Yes we are going to announce on Monday that the release date will be announced on "xyz" date ... :lol
Trust me, PC members will be the first to know.

I guess I would need to speak to our PR guy and put a leash on his fingers.:D
The latest update seems to have ironed out the flaws which were present in the previous build.

  • The shots look to be in control now (not shooting off the bat).
  • The crash on changing bowler type is definitely gone. I guess the loading screen fixed that.
  • The ball doesn't hit the stumps if it isn't in line of the stumps.
  • Moving the batsman to the left or right is much easier now.
  • Helicopter shot is a big USP at least w.r.t Indian market.

  • Don't know if it's just me, but I get a crash when I try to play lofted shot in the 5 o' clock direction and it happens only with the fast bowler. But if I switch to spinner and then back to fast bowler, it starts to work fine.
  • The second thing is a very tiny visual glitch which can be ignored. But since you've nailed 95% of the issues and I got nothing else to report, I thought of mentioning this. Refer to the attached screenshot. The loading bar's end point already seems to be filled up. Probably the sprite needs to be adjusted a bit.


All in one, a big :thumbs for the way the game feels at the moment.
Don't know if it's just me, but I get a crash when I try to play lofted shot in the 5 o' clock direction and it happens only with the fast bowler. But if I switch to spinner and then back to fast bowler, it starts to work fine.

Yeh...same here.
@asprin and @angad - thanks for pointing out the exact steps for the crash.
We will fix that for sure. And yes the loading screen glitch has already been fixed.

And guys thank you for your kind words ... makes all the fatigue of working 60 days on the trot disappear. :)
Release Date Announcement

Hi Guys,

We would like to announce the release dates for Real Cricket 2014.

Android - Google Play - 31st March - Freemium
iOS - iTunes App Store - 20th April - Freemium

Good luck and I hope this turns out to be a success for you guys.
Good luck and I hope this turns out to be a success for you guys.
Well I hope you guys like the game when it's out. If that happens it = success :yes


Why no love for Windows Phone :spy
Windows Phone will be looked at after the iOS release. It depends on the response we get on the first 2 platforms and also how many more days we can hack without a break ;)
All the best for the game :thumbs you guys have put a lot of effort for a mobile game, wish you guys success on release.
Is it permission/approval process the main reason for iOS push date towards end of April? Sounds promising but guess would have to wait, as I am an apple user. :)

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