Reformed Smokers

Well I just bought some Nicorette Gum and used that when I felt like smoking a few minutes ago. Might get some patches as well. Going the full distance. I'm determined to quit!
Tom smokes? What the fudge.

Anyway, try the patches. Can't hurt surely.

I was thinking the same thing.

I never expected someone like you to smoke. Naughty boy trying to be all cool.
I smoke. And i don't really plan to give up.... but id personally find the patches useless.
:o, the thought of you smoking never even crossed my mind... But i hope you get through it and follow everyones advice in the thread. Well....i cant really add anything, lol
Tom, how could you!

Best thing for you is to be locked in a cell until the urge subsides and you can be allowed into social life once again.
60 % of my class smokes, 30% of my school smokes.
I think everyone who smokes is aware of the fact that it's not good for them, and if they don't they're stupid, and I don't think Stevo is.

Either he is hooked to it very bad styles, or he does it for "fun".
I know its bad for me. But i just find it relaxing.... It also helps just before i do a gig, calms me down and gives me a big of a high.
I blame my ex for introducing them to me. Now I do it more out of habit which is why I'm quitting. Only had 1 today which is good. See how tomorrow is......
Its sad to see that so many people in Usy's school smoke :(. Good that you have decided to quit Tom. I just don't understand how people get into it and like it. The smell of the smoke produced is really disgusting.
I don't know, they say Swedish youth smokes alot.

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